Office of the Director of

Higher Secondary Education

Housing Board Buildings,

Santhi Nagar,


No. Ad.C4/21305/06/HSEDated: 27-09-2006


Sub: HSE – Establishment – Convening of DPC (Lower) - reg

Ref: Judgments in various O.Ps filed by HSSTs (Jr)

In order to prepare a select list from the approved probationers in the category of HSST (Jr), who had entered in service before 30/09/2004 , in compliance with the judgments cited above, it is directed to forward the Confidential Report of the respective teachers for the period up to 30/09/2006 in which he /she has served as HSST (Jr). The Confidential Report in performance Appraisal Form II (A) may be prepared and forwarded to this office on or before 09/10/2006.

The Reporting Officer (The Principal) and the Reviewing Officer (The RDD concerned) may take special care in filling up the Performance Appraisal Form. The same may be prepared as per the instructions given on page ‘6’ of Performance Appraisal Form. A note on “Self Assessment” should be obtained from the reportee and filed as part of the sheets.

The facing sheet of Part I will be got filled up by the reportee. The reportee should note Order No. and date of Final Seniority list of qualified Departmental Teachers, from which he/she has been selected for appointment in this Department along with his/her Rank No. in the said list, in red ink, at the top of the facing sheet of the Confidential Report.

The Confidential Report not properly reported, reviewed or defective by any other means will not be considered .The reporting officer and the reviewing officer should clearly specify their names, official designations and date in the prescribed spaces and should affix their office seals.

The Confidential Report in respect of HSSTs (Jr) (who had entered in service before 30/09/2004) for the following periods, in separate forms, should be verified thoroughly before forwarding the same to the Director, DHSE.

Period:01/01/2003 – 31/12/2003

01/01/2004 – 31/12/2004

01/01/2005 – 31/12/2005

01/01/2006 – 30/09/2006

The Confidential Report may either send to the Director, DHSE through Special Messenger or by Registered Post, in sealed cover . Those who send the Confidential Report by Registered Post may send the same in the following address:

The Superintendent,

Ad. C Section,

Directorate of Higher Secondary Education,

Housing Board Buildings,

Santhi Nagar,

Thiruvananthapuram – 695001


DIRECTOR - In Charge


  1. All the RDDs
  2. The Principals concerned (copy of CR available in HSE Portal)
  3. The incumbents concerned