Applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidate of Mayurbhanj District for filling up of the following posts under the Administrative Control of the Executive Officer, Baripada Municipality as created and sanctioned by Govt. in Housing and Urban Development Department, Odisha vide Notification No.23321/HUD dt.16.08.2011 and letter No.36350/HUD dt.23.12.2013. The Pay Band with Grade Pay as mentioned against each post and other allowances as admissible to the employees of ULB from time to time are applicable. The category wise vacancies are indicated below :-
Name of the post / Pay Band and Grade Pay (in Rs.) / ST / ST (W) / SC / SC (W) / UR / UR (W) / SEBC / SEBC (W) / TotalSr. Draftsman / Rs.9300-34800/- G.P.- Rs.4200/- / 01 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / 01
Amin / 5200-20200/- G.P.- 1900/- / 01 / - / 01 / - / - / - / - / - / 02
Out of the total post of Amins, 50% of the said post will be filled up by way of promotion from among the Class-IV employees of the Baripada Municipality as per existing Rule of Govt. Provide that if adequate number of candidates suitable for promotion are not available, the vacancies earmarked for promotion shall be filled up by direct recruitment. Intending Class-IV employees of sub-ordinate offices may apply through their respective head of offices. They must have rendered five years of service as on 01.07.2014 and have passed High School Examination (Class-Ten) and possess required physical fitness as specified in (f) below for the post of Amin.
The candidate –
(a)Must be a citizen of India.
(b)Must be a permanent resident of Mayurbhanj District.
(c)Must be below 32 years and over 20 years of age on 01.08.2014. The upper age limit shall be relaxed by 5 years in case of S.C., S.T., SEBC. The physical Handicapped persons are entitled for relaxation of upper age limit up to 10 years. The Ex-sericeman who has put in not less then six months continuous service in Armed Forces of the Union shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from his actual age if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post.
( 2 )
(d)(I) Must have passed a Higher Secondary Examination (10 +2) conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha including I.T.I. pass certificate in Draftsman (Civil) and must possess knowledge in computer operation in case of Sr. Draftsman. He must have to submit the experience certificate for 10 years as a Draftsman.
(II) Must have passed a Higher Secondary Examination (10 +2) caducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha or equivalent thereto from a recognized Board and must possess knowledge in computer operation in case of Amin.
Certificate of work experience in Settlement or Consolidation Organization granted by Settlement Officer or Deputy Director, Consolidation and all India Trade test in Surveyor Trade conducted by N.C.V.T., if any.
(e)Must be of good character and shall furnish along with the application, a certificate of good character from the Head of the Institution in which he last studied/ Gazetted Officer, Medical practitioner/ Sarapanch.
(f)Must be of sound health, good physique and active habits and free from organic defects, physical and mental infirmity and must quality in the test of physical fitness. In order to qualify in the test of physical fitness a candidate.
(I)Must not be less than 160 Cm. (155 Cm in case of candidate belonging to SC and ST in height and 80 Cm round the chest & must be knowing cycling.
(g)Must not be more than one spouse living.
(h)Must be able to speak read and write Odiya and must have passed High School certificate examination or an equivalent examination through Odiya medium.
(i)Must have registered his name in Employment Exchange of Mayurbhan District on or before the date of submission of application and registration should be valued till last date or beyond for Amin. It is relaxable in case of in-service candidate.
The application shall be scrutinized to determine the eligibility and to make a screening of the candidates on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in High School Certificate Examination (Class Ten) and percentage of marks obtained in Higher Secondary Examination plus giving equal weightage and candidates shall ordinarily be called upon to appear the recruitment test.
(III)Candidates who qualify in the test of physical fitness shall be eligible to appear in the written test comprising of the following paper namely
(a) Arithmetic Test – 50 Marks
(b) Computer (Written test) – 50 marks
(c) Computer (Practical Test) – 30 marks
(d) Hand writing in Odiya – 20 marks
( 3 )
The complete application in the prescribed format duly filled in by the applicant in his own hand writing in bold capital letter in blue/ black Ball pen along with the required document shall be submitted in an envelope super scribed application for post of ______(write Sr. Draftsman or Amin) category ______(write SC/ST/PH/ Ex-Serviceman/SP) in the address of the Executive Officer, Baripada Municipality –769001 through Regd./speed post only. Submission of application in any other mode will be uprightly rejected. Application should reach the office on or before 15.09.2014 till 5.00 P.M. The application received beyond the date and time shall not be taken in to consideration and the authority will be in no way responsible for any postal delay.
The candidate shall furnish application with self attested copies of all relevant certificates and Mark sheets including those relating to minimum educational qualifications (1) Certificate and mark sheet of High School certificate Examination passed (2) Certificate and mark sheet of Higher secondary Examination assed (3) Certificate character from the Head of the institution in which he last studied/ Gazetted Officer, Medical Practitioner , Sarapach (4) Cast Certificate (S.C./S.T.) issued by the competent authority during the year 2014 (5) Permanent Residential Certificate issued by the competent Authority during the year 2014 (6) Declaration regarding the Home District (7) Certificate of actual work experience, if any (8) Valid employment Registration Certificate in case of Amin (9) Three recent pass port size colour photographs duly attested, Photograph should be signed by the applicant in the front side and one to be pasted in the appropriate place in the application form (10) Two self addressed envelop of 15” x 2.5” cm affixing postage stamp worth Rs.25/- thereon (11) Two character certificates in original from any two Gazetted Officers not related to the candidates (12) Declaration regarding one spouse living (13) The certificate of passing in odiya standard (for candidates who did not have odiya subject in H.S.C. Exam) (14) Attested copy of the certificate issued by the competent authority in case of Ex-serviceman/ Physically Handicapped/ Sportsman.
(a)Two separate merit lists shall be drawn up , one for the post of Sr. Draftsman and another for the post of Amin
(b)The list of successful candidates drawn up in order to merit on the basis of the performance in the written test shall be equal to the number of vacancies advertised.
(c)The candidate shall be required to produce the original Certificates, if selected in the recruitment tests, failing which he shall be liable to be disqualified.
(d)The selection will be held in accordance with the provision contained in Odisha Municipal Rule and other relevant Govt. circular/ Guidelines.
(e)No T.A./ D.A. will be allowed to attend the recruitment test.
( 4 )
(f)The incomplete application Form without any requisite documents or the application Forms without signature of the applicant or the application Forms received after the last date shall be summarily rejected without assigning any reason.
(g)Date, time and place of recruitment test will be intimated to the eligible candidates only in due course.
(h)The authority reserves the right to reject any or all application(s) without assigning any reason.
(i)The Authority reserves the right to modify/ cancels the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof.
(j)The authority also reserves the right to cancel or postpone the recruitment tests, if so warranted without assigning any reason thereof.
NOTE : (1)Candidates working in the settlement and consolidation organization shall submit their applications through proper channel.
( 2)The application Form and details may also be down loaded from District Website.
District Website No.
Executive Officer,
Baripada Municipality.
Memo No.______/Dtd.
Copy to the D.I.O., N.I.c., Mayurbhanj, Baripada for information and necessary action. He is requested to up load the same in District Website immediately for wide publication and report compliance.
Copy to Sub-Collector, Baripada/ B.D.O., Baripada/ Tahasildar, Baripada/ District Employment Officer, Baripada for information and necessary action. They are requested to affix the same in their office Notice Board for wide publication.
Executive Officer,
Baripada Municipality.
Memo No.______/Dtd.
Copy forwarded to the P.D.-cum-Joint Secretary to Govt. in Housing and Urban Development Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for favor of kind information and necessary action with reference to their letter No.23321/HUD dt.16.08.2011 and Letter No.36350 dt.23.12.2013.
Executive Officer,
Baripada Municipality.