NAE4-HA Team Plan of Work
Team: State Relations (RDs) Year: 2013-2014 Date Submitted: 12/1/13
Submitted by: Tom Davis Team Leader: Tom Davis
NAE4-HA Strategic Goal:
q Provide a means of effective communication between the NAE4HA Board and membership.
q Facilitate networking throughout the association and with 4-H partners.
q Meet the needs of youth development professionals by maximizing the use of technology.
q Provide progressive levels of professional development
q Elevate the quality of youth development work through scholarship, research and practice.
q Advocate for the 4-H youth development profession.
Objective / Action Steps / Position/Person Responsible / Target Date / Status Report / Budget AmountConduct State Visits / At least 2 state visits per Regional Director / Regional Directors / October 1, 2014 / State visits are being scheduled. RDs will work individually and together on developing presentations that will be used as professional development sessions during state visits. The workshop titled “Passport to Success: Membership has its Privileges” is being updated for use by RD’s using a “Roadmap” theme this year with a focus on all things NAE4HA.HA. We are also asking states for topics that would benefit their members. Communication RDs are encouraging state presidents to host an RD at their state conference, workshop or meeting. RD’s will be keeping a list of state visits and rotation schedules within their region and plan to pass this schedule along to future RD’s. We will be strategizing ways to reach as many states as possible, particularly those that have not had visits in a while. / $2500 per RD
Conduct State Officers Workshop at 2014 Minnesota Conference / · Submit proposal by 12/1/13 deadline
· Discuss topics and plans on Conference calls
· Promote participation throughout the year
· Develop material for a flash drive and download that information. Produce enough flash drives to provide 2 per state.
· Find sponsor for cost of flash drives. / Regional Directors, RD Chair to submit the proposal / Proposal submission in December, 2013; presentation in October, 2014 / The state relations team has begun discussing topics and will continue to “build” an agenda and responsibility list throughout the year. / $0
Promote and Conduct JCEP Leadership Workshops / · Nov.: discuss topics and begin to promote to states
· Dec.: discuss plan, timeline, topic, continue to promote to states – focus on getting website and registration information to state leadership and membership
· Jan.: finalize plan, final recruitment efforts to state leadership and membership
· Feb.: Implement
· Mar.: discuss the success / All Regional Directors will have a role in the workshops and meetings. Communication RDs will also focus on recruiting participants. Finance RDs will focus on making sure payment procedures are followed in a timely manner / Presentation in February / A subcommittee will be developing the preliminary plan following the November conference call. December and January effort will be fine tuning plans and determining responsibilities. / $250
PILD / · One 4-H delegate from each state can receive a $250.00 stipend towards their registration for this conference from
· RDs will recruit participants in their region and will communicate with NAE4HA about those needing payment / Communication and Finance Regional Directors / - Finance Directors will each work on building a delegates list at the JCEP Conference during regional meetings
- Delegate Lists sent to NAE4-HA Executive Director by April 1st / Finance RD’s must compile a delegate list for delegates attending from their region. 1 delegate per state. List needs to include delegate name and address. / $250 per delegate
Strengthen Communication between NAE4-HA Board of Trustees and Membership / · Publish quarterly Regional Director Newsletter “The Official Publication of NAE 4-HA”
· Distribute the newsletter via email blast to all members / Regional Directors
Shelli Benton / 3 editions will be published this year: Nov/Dec,
March/April and
September / RD will submit articles to Shelli for the regional newsletter. Articles will also be requested from President/ President Elect/ Past President and the Vice Presidents’ to be included in the newsletter during the VP conference calls. When newsletter is complete, it will be sent to the NAE 4-HA Executive Director to be emailed to all members and posted on the NAE 4-HA website. / $0
Strengthen Communication between NAE4-HA Board of Trustees and Membership / · NAE 4-HA Communications sent monthly via email / Communication
Regional Directors / Monthly and as needed / Each month the Communication RD’s will send an update to state Presidents and President – elects. / $0
1st Timer Attendee Scholarships to NAE4HA Conference in Minnesota / · Review applications for 2014 submission
· 2 scholarships per region to 1st Time Attendees to 2014 NAE4-HA Conference
· Reimbursement to award winners immediately after conference / Regional Directors with Member Recognition Committee / - Applications sent to state awards chair by March 1st.
- States send 1 nomination to Communication RD’s by March 15th.
- Notify regional winners by May1st. / 1st time attendee scholarship will be highlighted at the JCEP Conference.
Scholarship Application will be forwarded to State Presidents and President Elects through monthly regional communications.
Scholarships are $250.00 per recipient.
For judging of these scholarships, Southern Region switches with Northeast Region, West switches with the North Central Region. / NAE4-HA 1st Timer Scholarship Fund –$500 per region, for a total of $2000.00
Education / · Education of membership through state visits of what NAE4HA is, its priorities, programs and initiatives. / Regional Directors/ Policy & Resolutions Committee/VP of Member Services / Throughout the year / RD’s will share information regarding the organizational structure of NAE4-HA, its benefits to members as they make state visits as well as pertinent information regarding initiatives and programs. / $0
1st Timers Orientation at NAE4HA conference / · Work with Public Relations and Information Committee
· Extend invitations to 1st Timers to attend session at conference in Minnesota. / Regional Directors in support of the Public Relations and Information Committee of Marketing & Outreach. One RD will be assigned to serve on the First-Timers committee. / October
2014 / While this is a function of the Marketing and Outreach team, the RD’s have had an active role in planning and conducting this event. RD’s will work cooperatively with the VP of Marketing and Outreach and their Public Relations and Information Committee. RD’s will include publicity, information and communications to states. / $0
Encourage communication between all NAE4HA officers, NIFA and National
4-H Council on a regular basis. / Regional Directors will make contact with all VPs, NAE4HA board President, NIFA and National 4-H Council Leadership on a regular basis to encourage back and forth dialogue and to share information and initiatives. / All Regional Directors / Throughout the year / Each RD will be assigned a VP, the board President, someone in NIFA or National 4-H Council leadership to contact and have continuous conversations with at least quarterly. Through this discussion RDs will then bring to the board and/or membership information and initiatives to promote and/or discuss. / $0