Office of Study AbroadFax: (909) 621- 8591

Claremont, CA91711Email:

Please return by mail, fax or email as soon as possible.

**Type or Use Pen**


Your evaluation is very helpful to the OSA and prospective students. We appreciate candorand constructive criticism.

Name: / Home college:
Major: / Term Abroad:
(Check one and enter the year)
Program/University Attended:
Fall / Spring
Year: / 20
How much experience had you had abroad before your study abroad semester?
none / little / some / much
How much did the availability of Pomona's study abroad program influence your decision to come to PomonaCollege?
none / little / some / much
I. academic program
Please rate the following aspects of your academic program abroad:
Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor
Language instruction, if applicable
Other courses
Academic ability of fellow students
Library and other research resources
Student-faculty relationships
Academic advising
How many weeks of classes did you attend, and how long were the breaks?
Did your course selection on site differ from the selection you proposed as part of your study abroad application? Please explain.

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Please describe briefly the background of your classmates. (e.g. all Pomona students, all American students, etc.)
Other comments on your Academic Program:
(if applicable)
Please answer the following questions based on the foreign language used at your study abroad site:
What was your language background before going abroad?
College / 1-2 semesters / 3-4 semesters / 5 or more
Please rate your language proficiency:
Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / None
Before program
After program

Which language did you usually speak outside the classroom?

Are you satisfied with the improvement in your language skills? To what factors do you attribute your improvement?

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Please rate the following non-academic aspects of your program:
Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor
Orientation abroad
Overseas program administration
Onsite Director
Health service (if used)
Contact with host country nationals
Describe your housing situation:
What arrangements did you make for your meals? (Please be specific.) Indicate average cost per meal.
Packing: What sort of items or clothing did you take along and then find you didn't need? What did you take that you found most useful? What do you wish you had brought along?
Were there any items you wanted that you were unable to obtain?

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How would you describe the weather in the area in which your program was based?
Did you have access to computers and/or e-mail? If so, please describe what type of computer services. Did you use your Pomona e-mail, etc.?
What would you recommend as a minimum monthly budget (in US dollars) for incidental expenses and entertainment, not including travel away from the program site? Please include recommendations for such items as clubs, pubs, cafes, movies, concerts, museums, local transportation, telephone calls, internet cafes, laundry.
What local activities did you enjoy? Are discounted or free tickets available to museums, concerts, etc? What are your recommendations for local/regional excursions?
What was the approximate exchange rate during your stay?
How do you recommend taking your money abroad? Did you open a local bank account?
Do you have any budgeting advice for future students?

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What aspects of the host country culture did you find particularly enjoyable and/or interesting?
Were there any aspects of the culture with which you were not comfortable?
Did any students on your program experience discrimination due to ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or other issues for which future students should be prepared?
How much interaction did you have with people of the host country/school?
Do you have suggestions about interacting with the culture for future participants?
Any suggestions to the OSA for improving Pomona’s on-campus orientation or services?
What information about your program could be emphasized more to prospective applicants?
How did the academic content of the program enhance your understanding of the foreign culture and environment?
Did you participate in extra-curricular activities? If so, please describe.
Aspects of your program and/or the host country that you like best:

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Aspects of your program and/or the host country that you liked least:
Do you have any suggestions for the program director(s) and/or staff abroad?
Have your career goals or plans for graduate school changed because of your study abroad experience?
Do you plan to participate in any courses, organizations or activities, etc., that you had not considered prior to going abroad?
Would you recommend the program to a friend with similar interests?
yes / no / maybe

Would you select the same program, if you had it to do again?

yes / no / maybe

If not, which program would you have preferred?

Are you glad you went abroad?

very much so




a little


not at all

On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), enter a checkmark to rate your entire study abroad experience as a valuable element in your undergraduate program?
Low / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / High
Please feel free to write additional comments in the space below or attach another sheet

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List the courses you took and evaluate them. If you completed an Independent Study Project, please list its title and provide a brief description below.
1 / Course Title:
Taught at: / Instructor:
I found this course: / outstanding / quite good / moderately good / not worthwhile
Date course started: / Date Course Ended:
Hours per week: / Number of students in course:
How many exams, papers or reports were required?
What did you enjoy about the course and how could it be improved?
2 / Course Title:
Taught at: / Instructor:
I found this course: / outstanding / quite good / moderately good / not worthwhile
Date course started: / Date Course Ended:
Hours per week: / Number of students in course:
How many exams, papers or reports were required?
What did you enjoy about the course and how could it be improved?

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3 / Course Title:
Taught at: / Instructor:
I found this course: / outstanding / quite good / moderately good / not worthwhile
Date course started: / Date Course Ended:
Hours per week: / Number of students in course:
How many exams, papers or reports were required?
What did you enjoy about the course and how could it be improved?
4 / Course Title:
Taught at: / Instructor:
I found this course: / outstanding / quite good / moderately good / not worthwhile
Date course started: / Date Course Ended:
Hours per week: / Number of students in course:
How many exams, papers or reports were required?
What did you enjoy about the course and how could it be improved?

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5 / Course Title:
Taught at: / Instructor:
I found this course: / outstanding / quite good / moderately good / not worthwhile
Date course started: / Date Course Ended:
Hours per week: / Number of students in course:
How many exams, papers or reports were required?
What did you enjoy about the course and how could it be improved?
6 / Course Title:
Taught at: / Instructor:
\I found this course: / outstanding / quite good / moderately good / not worthwhile
Date course started: / Date Course Ended:
Hours per week: / Number of students in course:
How many exams, papers or reports were required?
What did you enjoy about the course and how could it be improved?

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