Name: ______

1)____In New YorkState, summer is warmer thanwinter because in summer New YorkState has

a)fewer hours of daylight and receives lowangleinsolation

b)fewer hours of daylight and receives highangleinsolation

c)more hours of daylight and receives low-angleinsolation

d)more hours of daylight and receives highangleinsolation

2)____Which statement best describes the position ofthe Sun at sunrise and sunset as seen by anobserver in New YorkState on June 21?

a)The Sun rises north of due east and sets northof due west.

b)The Sun rises south of due east and sets southof due west.

c)The Sun rises north of due east and sets southof due west.

d)The Sun rises south of due east and sets northof due west.

3)____Most insolation striking a smooth, light-colored,solid surface is





4)____Adjacent water and landmasses are heated by the morning Sun on a clear, calm day.After a few hours, a surface wind develops. Which map best represents this wind’sdirection?

Base your answers to questions 5 through 6 on the diagram, which represents Earth in its orbitaround the Sun. The position of Earth on the first day of each season is labeled A, B, C, and D.

5)____Which diagram correctly shows the directions of Earth’s revolution and rotation?

6)____At which location are the Sun’s noontime rays perpendicular to Earth’s surface at theTropic of Cancer (23.5° N)?





7)____What is the approximate rate of Earth’s revolution around the Sun?

a)1° per day

b)1° per year

c)15° per day

d)15° per year

8)____Which event is caused by Earth’s revolution?

a)the apparent shift in the path of a Foucault pendulum

b)deflection of planetary winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere

c)the apparent rising and setting of the Sun

d)different constellations observed in the night sky throughout the year

Base your answers to questions 9 through 12 on the data table. The data table shows the latitude ofseveral cities in the Northern Hemisphere and the duration of daylight on a particular day.

9)On the grid provided, plot with an X the duration of daylight for eachcity shown in the data table. Connect your Xs with a smooth, curved line.

10)Based on the data table, state the relationship between latitude and the duration ofdaylight.

11)Use your graph to determine the latitude at which the Sun sets 7 hours after itrises. ______

12)The data were recorded for the first day of a certain season in the NorthernHemisphere. State the name of this season.


13)____Which change would cause a decrease in theamount of insolation absorbed at Earth’s surface?

a)a decrease in cloud cover

b)a decrease in atmospheric transparency

c)an increase in the duration of daylight

d)an increase in nitrogen gas

14)____The model shows the Sun’s apparent pathacross the

sky for an observer in New YorkState. On which day of the year

was this path observed?

a)March 21

b)June 21

c)September 21

d)December 21

Base your answers to questions 15 through 17 on the diagram below, which shows the parts of Earthexperiencing daylight and darkness as Earth orbits the Sun. Letters A, B, C, D, and E are positions in Earth’sorbit as viewed from above the Northern Hemisphere.

15)Approximately how many days does it take Earth to move from position A to position Cin its orbit?


16)Which season is the Northern Hemisphere experiencing when Earth is at position E?


17)On the grid provided place Xs to show the duration of insolation at theArctic Circle (66.5° N) as Earth orbits the Sun at positions A, B, C, and D. Connectthe Xs with a line.

18)____At which latitude is the Sun directly overhead oncertain days of the year?

a)23.5° N

b)42° N

c)66.5° N

d)90° N

19)____The graph shows the general relationshipbetween latitude and the duration of insolationon a particular day of the year.Which date is represented by the graph?

a)March 21

b)June 21

c)September 21

d)December 21

20)____The diagram to the right shows Earth as viewed from space.Which season is beginning in the Northern Hemisphere?





The diagram below shows the position of sunrise along the horizon for a period of time from September 10 until December 21, as seen by an observer nearBinghamton, New York.

21)State one reason why the position of sunrise changes during this time period.

The graph below shows the average changes in monthly global air temperatures from1990 to 1992. The time of a major volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in thePhilippines is shown.

22)Explain how this volcanic eruption could have caused the general decrease intemperature shown by the graph.

Regent Review: Insolation1-4Created: February 2010