Office of Global Education


Student Budget Sheet: 2009-2010

Dickinson College Partner Program

University of Durham, England

Academic Year

Program Fee: /

$ 49,860

Program fee includes:
·  Tuition and fees at the University of Durham
·  Room (Residential College; covers vacation periods)
·  Board (does NOT cover vacation periods)
·  Library deposit
·  Emergency Medical Insurance (see orientation handbook appendix for more information)
·  Pre-departure and on-site orientation
·  Orientation handbook /
Estimated costs (both required& optional) [1] not included in
Program Fee (in U.S. dollars): /

Academic Year

REQUIRED costs not included in Program Fee: /
Required primary health and accident insurance purchased in the U.S[2] that will cover students overseas / 1,100
International airfare (roundtrip from an east coast airport) / 1,000
Visa fees (for U.S. Citizens)[3] / 100
Books and materials / 450
Sub-total of Required Expenses (This total will vary on an individual basis.) / $2,650
OPTIONAL costs not included in Program Fee:
Cell phone purchase / 100
Cell phone usage (est. $25 per month) / 225
University gym fee / 160
Out of pocket costs for prescription drugs (be prepared to pay cash and submit receipts to your U.S. insurer) / Varies
Personal expenses including independent travel, entertainment, and meals during vacation periods / 4,000

[1] The list of estimated costs is intended as a rough guide for planning and is not all-inclusive. Actual costs will vary depending on many factors that are determined by individual circumstances and choices. The Total Fee assumes all listed estimated costs in the grid apply.

[2] Estimates reflect the cost of the Dickinson College Student Health Plan 2009-10, which covers students overseas and for the duration of their stay. For further insurance guidance, see the Health Insurance section of the Partner and Non-Dickinson Programs 2009-10 Handbook.

[3] The cost for a visa varies on an individual basis depending on your nationality. The listed visa cost is estimated for a U.S. Citizen. The fee may increase depending on if you have to travel in person to the consulate or mail materials for your application.