Office Of Education Quality Assurance
Lagos State Ministry of Education
Public School Grading
Self-Assessment Form
School Code______
THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
When you are answering the questions, Please refer only to issues that relate directly to secondary classes.
Please complete every section in this form and answer every question. Even if some of the questions seem to be ’not applicable’, do your best to respond to each question.
Do not use correcting fluid on this form. A form which includes answers that have been changed will not be accepted. Therefore, please photocopy this form and only fill out the original using pen once you are satisfied with your answers. Please keep a copy in your school for your own records and development purposes.Submit the original and aphotocopy of the completed form to the ministry.
As you answer each question, cross-check that you have existing documentation or evidence in your school which supports your self-assessment. These documents and evidence will be checked during validation. Standard examples of evidence are given for most of the questions, but innovative approaches will also be welcomed.
Start reading the D answers, then the C, B and finally the A. If you do not have everything mentioned in a particular grade of answer e.g. B, then you must select a grade below it that has ALL the features of your school. It may be either C or D.
This form will take some days to complete fully, but it is designed in such a way that you can complete it in stages. You can answer some questions, go and do something else, then come back to the form. The school Principal will need the assistance of other staff to complete this form.
The most important thing to bear in mind as you complete this form is that the information should be valid and correct as of the date of validation. Do not grade yourself on what you
“used to do” or “want to do”. Following the self-assessment, you can set targets for your school to improve in areas where you feel you can do better.
Following a successful validation exercise, you will receive a report card detailing your overall grade and information about your performance.
Please call 08037377937, email or visit the Office of Education Quality Assurance, Ministry of Education, Alausa, Ikeja Lagos, if you have any enquiries with regard to the grading exercise.
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
PageAbout your school / 4
Section 1 Outcome for Learners
Achievement and Standards
1. / Learners achievement / 5
2. / Learners’ progress and standards / 6
Learners’ Personal Skills and their Participation
3. / Reward and sanctions / 8
4. / Promoting learning time / 8
5. / Promoting girl-child education / 10
Section 2 Quality of Provision
Quality of Teaching and Learning
6. / Availability of teachers / 11
7. / Classroom environment / 11
8. / Instructional materials / 12
Quality of Curriculum and other Activities
9. / Curriculum planning / 13
10. / Continous assessment / 14
11. / Co-curricular activities / 15
Quality of Care, Guidance and Safety
12. / Pastoral care / 16
13. / Learner health / 17
14. / Learner safety / 19
Quality of Learning Environment
15. / Quality of school buildings and premises / 21
Section 3 Leadership and Management
School Management
16. / School administration / 25
17. / Professional leadership / 26
School Governance
18. / School governance function / 29
19. / Feedback mechanisms between school and parents / 30
20. / Learner participation in school governance / 31
Community Relations
21. / Relationship with the community / 32
School Development
22. / Planning for school development / 33
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Private Schools Self-Assessment Form
About your school
School name
Previous school name (if any)
School address and nearest bus stop
School email address
Principal’s name
Principal’s phone number(s)
Principal’s email address
Year of establishment
Number of teachers including Principal
Enrolment - How many learners do you have in secondary classes?
Student numbersType of School / Total
boys / girls
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
Achievement and Standards
Teachers and school are the most dominant factors in determining learners’ attainment. They are responsible to ensuring that learners reach and maintain high enough standards as compared to their counterparts across the nation vis-à-vis the national learning targets and state benchmark. And since learners’ achievement is the only viable indicator of teachers and school’s effectiveness, this section is therefore concerned with learners’ achievement and how the teachers and the school monitor learners’ progress.
1Learners’ achievement
a) Learners’ performance in internal examinationsOur school scores grade
Please read the table below and use it to score your school. Enter the grade that best fits your school in the box provided. Enter E if your school scores less than D.
D / C / B / A40% - 49% of / 50% - 69% of learners / 70% - 89% of those who / 90% or above of those
Learners’ who entered / Who entered for / Entered for internal / Who entered for
For internal / Internal examinations / Examination and tests / Internal examinations
Examinations and tests / And tests obtained / Obtained passes in 60% / And tests obtained
Obtained passes in 60% / Passes in 60% of the / Of the subjects. / Passes in 60% of the
Of the subjects. / Subjects. / Subjects.
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. The school records of internal examination results and tests
b) Learners’ performance in external examinationsOur school scores grade
External examinations here refer to public examinations such as BECE, SSCE, NECO, Trade Tests, NFECert. etc.
Please read the table below and use it to score your school. Enter the grade that best fits your school in the box provided. Enter E if your school scores less than D.
D / C / B / A30% - 44% of learners / 45% - 59% of learners / 60% - 74% of learners / 75% and above scoring
Scores 5 credits or more / Score 5 credits or more / Score 5 credits or more / Credits or more in 5
In 5 subjects including / In 5 subjects including / Including English / Subjects including
English Language and / English Language and / Language and / English Language and
Mathematics. / Mathematics. / Mathematics. / Mathematics.
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. The school records of external examination results and tests
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
2Learners’ progress and standards
Monitoring learners’ progress, exposing them to enough learning activities and giving them opportunities to compete are some of the ways to ensuring that a high enough standard is attained.
a) Monitoring learners’ progressOur school scores grade
Monitoring learners’ progress helps to identify and attend to their needs as they impact on their performance and to keep them motivated. This is done taking accounts of any significant variations between groups of learners; the relative progress of boys and girls, and different groups and individuals, especially those of different ethnic backgrounds.
Please read the table below and use it to score your school. Enter the grade that best fits your school in the box provided. Enter E if your school scores less than D.
D / C / B / AVariations or gaps / Variations or gaps / Variations or gaps / There are documented
Between individuals / Between individuals / Between individuals / Procedures for
And groups are / And groups are / And groups are / Identifying variations or
Identified but there is / Identified but there is / Identified but there is / Gaps between
No documented / No documented / No documented / Individuals and
Procedures. However, / Procedures. However, / Procedures. However, / Between groups of
Strategies to close / We are beginning to / There are intervention / Learners. And there
Identified gaps are not / Narrow the gaps / Strategies in place to / Are intervention
Fully in place. / Identified. / Narrow the gaps / Strategies in place to
Identified. / Narrow the gaps
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. Documented procedures for identifying variations and gaps
2. Documented intervention strategies to narrow gaps
3. List of identified individuals or groups
4. Records of individuals or group progress
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
b) Scheme of work coveredOur school scores grade
The extent to which learners are exposed to the scheme of work affects the richness of their learning experiences, their attainment and the standard reached.
Please read the table below and use it to score your school. Enter the grade that best fits your school in the box provided. Enter E if your school scores less than D.
D / C / B / A50% - 68% of the state / 69% - 74% of the state / 75% - 89% of the state / 90% or above of the
Scheme of work is / Scheme of work is / Scheme of work is / State scheme of work
Taught the learners. / Taught the learners. / Taught the learners. / Is taught.
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. The records of subject weekly diaries
2. Learners exercise books.
c) Performance in external competitionsOur school scores grade
Learners need to be given opportunities to discover their talents. Gifted and talented learners need challenging opportunities to remain motivated. And the school needs to know how they fare comparatively with other schools with respect to standards. One way to do this is through participation in external competition.
Please read the table below and use it to score your school. Enter the grade that best fits your school in the box provided. Enter E if your school scores less than D.
D / C / B / AThere is little / Participation and / Participations and / Learners win many
Participation or success / Success in competitions / Success of learners in / Laurels in inter and
In inter and intra / Are not remarkable. / Inter and intra school / Intra school
School competitions, / Competitions are good. / Competitions, sports,
Sports, debates and / Debates and others.
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. The school records of competitions participated in
2. Letters of invitations, participations and awards or laurels won.
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
Learners’ Personal Skills and their Participation
The school does not only help to develop the cognitive abilities of learners but also poised at developing the learners spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. The school also develops workplace and other skills in learners that will contribute to their future economic well-being and ensure that they make positive contributions to the larger society. Positive behaviours are rewarded, misconduct sanctioned and learners are given opportunities to participate in school leadership and other activities.
3 / Rewards and SanctionsOur school scores grade
The use of rewards and sanctions helps to reinforce positive behaviour and discourage breach of rules by learners. They should be constructive, and not breed resentment.
D / C / B / AThe school does not / The school does not / The school has a / The school has a rewards
have a rewards and / have a rewards and / rewards and sanctions / and sanctions policy
sanctions policy. / sanctions policy. / policy which is fair and / which is fair, transparent,
Learners are more / Rewards and sanctions / transparent. It keeps / consistently administered
often sanctioned for / are not consistently / an up-to-date record / and effective. Each class
misconduct than / administered across / of rewards and / has an up-to-date record
rewarded for positive / learners. The record of / sanctions but this is / of rewards and sanctions
behaviour. There is no / rewards and sanctions / not always reviewed to / which is reviewed to
record of rewards and / is not always up dated / ensure rewards and / ensure rewards and
sanctions. / or reviewed. / sanctions are / sanctions are appropriate
appropriate to the age / to the age of the learner
of the learner and / and constructive.
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. Rewards and Sanctions Policy
2. Learners’ Conduct and Commendation Book
3. Star charts in the classrooms
4Promoting learning time
Learners can only learn if they are in the classroom and if the teacher is in the classroom and if the lessons begin and end when they are supposed to. This questions looks at what your school is doing to ensure that these three things are happening. Please read the tables below and use them to score your school. Enter the grade that best fits your school in the box provided.
a) Learner AttendanceOur school scores grade
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
D / C / B / AOur school does not / Some classes have / All classes have / All classes have attendance
record attendance. / attendance registers / attendance registers / registers which are filled
which are filled and / which are filled daily, / and checked daily.
checked. / checked weekly and / Absences are followed up
long term absences / daily with calls / texts. Our
are followed up. / school identifies patterns of
absenteeism and we use
our data to set and monitor
attendance targets for all
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. Signed learners’ attendance registers
2. Written feedback or report to supervisor on follow up with parents/guardians of absentees
3. Reports on analysis of patterns of absenteeism
b) Teacher AttendanceOur school scores grade
D / C / B / AThere is no record of / Teachers fill in a time / Teachers fill in a time / Teachers fill in a time
teacher attendance or / book and movement / book and movement / book and movement
punctuality. / book. / book and they are / book, which are
checked on a regular / checked. There are
basis. / consequences for
absenteeism or
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. / Completed teachers’ time book and / or movement book
2. / Documented follow up on absent/unpunctual teachers
3. / Documented consequences for lateness or absenteeism in e.g. Staff handbook or letter of
c) Lesson TimesOur school scores grade
D / C / B / AThere are no / There are timetables in / Every class has a / Every class has a
timetables in the / most classrooms. / current timetable on / current timetable on
school. / the wall. Classrooms / the wall. Classrooms
are checked to ensure / are not checked as we
teachers follow the / have other means of
timetable. / assessing learning.
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. / Current timetable posted on classroom walls
2. / Minutes of meetings or reports documenting teachers’ compliance with the timetable
3. / Teachers’ lesson plans checked against learners’ notebooks
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
5Promoting girl-child education
The school environment plays a crucial role in promoting the girl-child's awareness of and participation in social, economic and political life. It must encourage her learning, protect her rights and increase awareness of her needs and potentials. It should ensure that there is no discrimination against her education, skills development and training. Please assess what measures you have in place to ensure the school environment encourages girls to attend school and learn?
Our school scores grade
D / C / B / AGirls do not have a / The girls have a / We have separate / The girls have separate
separate toilet. We / separate toilet from / toilets for the girls at a / toilets at a maximum
adhere strictly to the / the boys and when it is / maximum ratio of 35 / ratio of 35 girls to 1
content and timing / needed we provide / girls to 1 female toilet. / female toilet. We
stipulated in the / sanitary items. / We have a store of / always provide
scheme of work with / Even when it is not / sanitary pads but they / sanitary pads in the
regards to teaching / included in the scheme / are not kept in the / toilets. In addition to
girls about hygiene and / of work, teachers are / toilet. In addition to / what is in the scheme
their body. We / required to teach / what is in the scheme / of work, we hold
respond to issues on / lessons on girls’ / of work, we hold a / special sessions with
sexual harassment or / hygiene and their / common session with / girls at least once in a
abuse when they are / body. We respond to / male and female / term to teach them
identified but do not / issues on sexual / learners to teach them / about their body and
have defined / harassment or abuse / about their body and / how to keep it safe and
guidelines we follow. / when they are / how to keep it safe and / hygienic. Our school
identified but do not / hygienic. Our school / has and implements
have defined / has and implements / clearly defined
guidelines we follow. / clearly defined / guidelines against
guidelines against / sexual harassment or
sexual harassment or / abuse and this is
abuse. / shared with all
learners, staff and
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. Policy and/or guidelines on sexual harassment
2. / Lesson plans
3. / School programme
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THIS FORM IS FOR SECONDARY CLASSES ONLY Lagos Public Schools Self-Assessment Form
Quality of Teaching and Learning
6Are there sufficient teachers in your school?
Our school scores grade
D / C / B / ATeachers are not / Qualified teachers / Qualified subject / There are adequate
Adequate for the core / Are fairly available / Teachers are / Professionally and
Subjects and every / For all the core / Available for all the / Academically qualified
Other subject. / Subjects and every / Core subjects and / Teachers to handle all the
Some teachers have / Other subject. / Some of the / Available subjects offered
Responsibility for / Some classes have / Vocational & / In the school.
teaching more than / More than 35 / Entrepreneurial / Every class has 35 learners
one subjectduring the / Learners. / Subjects. / or less.
term. Most classes / Every class has 35 / In classes where there are
have more than 35 / learners or less. / learners with special
learners. / needs, additional teaching
support is provided.
Examples of documentary evidence:
1. / For each class a list of teachers and number of learners
2. / Attendance registers and time book
3. / Teacher distribution list
4. / Teacher’s subject attendance register
7Does the classroom environment enhance learning?