Office of Academic Affairs- Frequently Asked Questions for Current Employees who are also students:
- If I am seeking a placement within Bon Secours what should I do? If you are a graduate student seeking a placement within Bon Secours Richmond you are free to contact any area in which you want to be placed. Bon Secours Office of Academic Affairs does not find placements for students. If you are special needs students you may contact us with your circumstances and needed accommodations. If you are an undergraduate student your school should be finding placements for you already. If you are seeking shadowing experiences or internships you may also contact your areas of interest, we do not find placements.
- How many hours are allowed for shadowing?Bon Secours Richmond only allows 16 hours of shadowing per person, per year. The only exception is school requirement. Proof of this requirement is necessary.
- Can I be approved and then find somewhere to shadow or have a placement? You must have a preceptor before you can be approved for placement.
- What is the minimum age for shadowing? Any person that is under 16 years of age will not be allowed to shadow. Any person 16 years of age will need to provide proof of a need for shadowing through a school or a program for the shadowing experience before they are allowed to shadow. There are some areas that do not allow shadowing by anyone under 18.
- What if I am an employee?If you are an employee your student status is completely separate from your employee status. You will still need to meet compliance and get an approval badge from the Office of Academic Affairs. If you seek clinical placement your school will need to have an affiliation agreement with Bon Secours Richmond. You can find a list of affiliated schools on our website.
- Do I need to complete all of the paperwork as an employee?
As a shadower who is also a current employee, you will be required to complete the online application and sign the observer agreement only.
As a clinical placement student who is also a current employee, you will be required to sign the student agreement and complete a confidentiality and security form if you need Connectcare access. You do not need any of the other paperwork.
As a clinical placement NP-PA-Midwife-Medical student you will need to return all paperwork listed on the application with the exception of the code of conduct and the attestation.
- Can I use my employee Connectcare access while on site as a student?
Your time as a student and as an employee is completely separate. Using your employee access to work as a student is a security violation and could result in disciplinary actions. Please be sure to request a separate student account when you are completing the online application for use as a student.
- Can I use my employee badge?
No, you may not use your employee badge while you are a student, it is mandatory that you wear your Office of Academic Affairs issued badge while you are on site as a student.