COURSE TITLE (CRH) / Methods I: Instructional Strategies for
Chemistry / (3CRH)





Together We Shape the Future through Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, and Leadership.

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES (Checked if addressed in this course)

Teaching (mark on the box as appropriate)

1 / Content: Apply key theories and concepts of the subject matter. / √
2 / Pedagogy: Plan effective instruction to maximize student learning. / √
3 / Technology: Use current and emerging technologies in instructionally powerful ways. / √
4 / Diversity: Foster successful learning experiences for all students by addressing individual differences. / √


5 / Problem Solving: Arrive at data-informed decisions by systematically examining a variety of factors and resources. / √
6 / Scholarly Inquiry: Actively engage in scholarship by learning from and contributing to the knowledge base in education.


7 / Ethical Values: Apply professional ethics in all educational contexts. / √
8 / Initiative: Lead positive change in education.


Candidates will study goals, methods, and materials appropriate for teaching secondary levels courses in Chemistry, with special emphasis on the Curriculum Standards for the State of Qatar, Science. Topics will include constructivist learning theories, discovery learning, inquiry, learning cycle models, project and problem-based learning, and the design and management of science laboratories. The differences between the Advanced and Foundation Curriculums for the State of Qatar National Curriculum Standards and the changes in strategies that requires will be explored. This course has a field-based component.

Prerequisites: EDSE 331 and EDSE 332


Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to do the following:

1. Develop an understanding of the Nature of Science and the “Big Ideas” of Science.

2. Design instruction and its corresponding assessments for Chemistry.

3. Align curriculum planning with the Qatar National Curriculum Standards: Chemistry.

4. Provide a rationale for the application of selected classroom practices.

5. Critique professional information and materials related to the Chemistry.

6. Organize a laboratory safety lesson for a typical Chemistry laboratory.

7. Implement teaching practices under the supervision of a professional educator.


  1. Explain the core concept of science and its various aspects and its relation to the teaching of science.
  2. Identify main concepts of Chemistry and the requirements of learning in Qatari curriculum.

3.  Create an effective lesson plan that accommodates the different learning styles of students and their level of achievement.

  1. Apply proper instructional strategies to teach Chemistry concepts through scientific experimentation, investigation and discovery.
  2. Implement various assessment strategies that measure students learning knowledge and skills.
  3. Apply appropriate use of various media (e.g., electronic, print, audio, video) in teaching Chemistry.
  4. Compare various instructional strategies used in different classrooms through field observations and participation.
  5. Writes a reflection paper regarding his/her performance and practices in the course.


امبو سعيدي , عبداله بن خميس و البلوشي ,سليمان بن محمد (2015 ) طرائق تدريس العلوم: مفاهيم وتطبيقات عملية. عمان: دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع والطباعة.

REFERENCES (Additional references)

Arabic References

·  أبو جلالة, صبحي (2005). الجديد في تدريس تجارب العلوم. مكتبة الفلاح للنشر والتوزيع.

·  أبو جلالة, صبحي (2005). استراتيجيات حديثة في طرائق تدريس العلوم. مكتبة الفلاح للنشر والتوزيع.

·  خطايبه, عبدالله محمد (2005). تعليم العلوم للجميع. عمان: دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع والطباعة.

·  زيتون, عايش ( 2005 ). أساليب تدريس العلوم. عمان: دار الشروق للنشر .

·  زيتون, عايش ( 2005 ). النظرية البنائية واستراتيجيات تدريس العلوم. عمان: دار الشروق للنشر .

·  زيتون, عايش ( 2010 ). الاتجاهات العالمية المعاصرة في مناهج العلوم وتدريسها. عمان: دار الشروق للنشر .

·  السعدني, محمد عبد الرحمن ; السيد عوده, ثناء مليجي (2006). مدخل الى تدريس العلوم. القاهرة: دار الكتاب الحديث.

·  مازن, حسام (2008). تعليم وتعلم العلوم. عمان : دار الفجر للنشر والتوزيع.

·  علي, محمد السيد ( 2003 ). التربية العلمية وتدريس العلوم . عمان: دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع.

English References

·  Carin, A. A., Bass, J. E., & Contant, T. L. (2005). Activities for Teaching Science as Inquiry (6th ed). Pearson education, Upper Saddle River: NJ.

·  Hassard, J. & Dias, M. The Art of Teaching Science: Inquiry and Innovation in Middle School and High School (2nd e.) Routledge; ISBN-13: 978-0415965286

·  National Research Council (1996). National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academic Press.

·  Treagust, D. F. (2007). General Instructional Methods and Strategies. In S. K. Abell, & N. G. Lederman (Eds). Handbook of Research on Science Education (pp. 373- 391). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Note: Specific reading assignments from the text and supplementary materials will be posted on Blackboard and announced in class throughout the course. Some materials will be provided.


Because of the limited classroom time and the nature of some of the activities, some projects and activities must be done outside of the scheduled class time. The time spent outside of class includes 6 hours (clock-time) of observations, mini-teaching, and other directed experiences in classrooms during the semester of the Methods I course. The instructor will provide specific assignments and/or tasks with directions on how you will meet these requirements.

This class will be an interactive model of an inquiry-based, student-centered classroom. It will incorporate the instructional strategies and assessment practices that you should be able to use in your own classrooms as you complete the course work. Methods of presenting and acquiring information will include the following:

Collaborative activities and/or projects Interactive lectures Demonstrations Field experiences Discussions Out-of-class activities

Individual assignments Micro-teaching

Use of Blackboard:

You are expected to participate in using Blackboard during the course. Specific assignments, rubrics, and other materials will be posted as the term progresses.

TaskStream Assignment(s): TaskStream assignments must be loaded onto your TaskStream page. All TaskStream assignments are graded on the TaskStream system, In this course, the TaskStream assignment is: Micro-teach.

Unit Learning


QNPS Course Objectives Course Learning Outcomes Assessment


Content Technology Problem- solving

Ethical Values

Content Pedagogy Technology Diversity Problem- solving

Content Pedagogy Technology Diversity

Content Pedagogy Technology Diversity

Ethical Values

Content Pedagogy Technology Diversity

Content Pedagogy Technology Diversity Problem- solving

Ethical Values

6, 9


1, 2,3,4,5,8,9

1.1 , 2.2 , 2.3













3, 4, 5, 6

2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1, 7, 9

1, 4


·  Unit analysis


•  Develop a lesson plan

•  Develop a lesson plan based on a learning cycle

•  Design a unit

•  Exams

•  Students presentations

•  Develop an evaluation tool

•  Exams

•  Lesson plans

•  Unit

•  Field observation report

•  Micro teaching

•  Reflective journal

•  Exams

•  Micro teaching

•  Field observation journal

•  Micro teaching

•  Reflective journal

Course Timeline

Week 1 Overview (syllabus); Qatar National Curriculum Standards for Preparatory and Secondary

Chemistry; The Nature of Science; Science Process Skills (Basic and Integrated); Content

Week 2


Week 3 Aims/Goals of Science teaching; Identifying Chemistry misconceptions; Teaching for

Week 4

conceptual understanding; Differentiated strategies for effective instruction

Week 5 Writing objectives for Chemistry: Cognitive, behavioral, and psychomotor

Week 6 Constructivism in Science; Continuum of Inquiry (Didactic to Free Discovery); Learning cycles; Advance organizers, graphic organizers and concept mapping

Week 7

Week 8 Mid-term Exam

Week 9 Assessment in the Science classroom: Types of assessment, writing various types and levels of items, measuring process skills, differentiating assessments, constructing and

Week 10

effective exam (e.g., for unit or chapter)

Week 11 Creating tools for assessment (e.g., checklists, histograms, exams, etc.) for all domains of learning science (i.e., Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor)

Week 12 Field Experience (Micro-teaching)

Week 13 Field Experience (Micro-teaching)

Week 14 Introduction to technology in Chemistry classrooms; virtual labs; Safety in the Chemistry classrooms and labs

Week 15 Final Exam


•  Maintain a weekly reflective journal for personal performance and practice throughout the semester. (5 marks)

•  Observe two classes of a science teacher and take notes of his/her strategies in the school where the microteaching will be carried out in. (5 marks)

•  Design a comprehensive units of Chemistry at the secondary level (requirements and standards of the unit is attached in the Appendix) and design an exam for the same unit. (10 marks)

•  Microteaching ( evaluation criteria will be given to students

•  Mid-term exam (25 marks)

•  Final exam ( 30 marks)

•  Design an alternative evaluation tool for one of the skills of teaching Chemistry. (10 marks).


A = 100 - 90

B+ = 89.99 - 85

B = 84.99 - 80

C+ = 79.99 - 75

C = 74.99 - 70

D+ = 69.99 - 65

D = 64.99 - 60

F = 59.99 - 0


Qatar University is an academic community actively engaged in scholarly pursuits. As members of this community, students are expected to recognize and honor standards of academic and intellectual integrity. The College of Education supports the ideals of scholarship and fairness by rejecting all dishonest work when it is submitted for academic credit. Qatar University encourages students to be responsible and accountable for their decisions and actions. Any attempt by students to present the work of others as their own or to pass an examination by improper means is regarded as a most serious offense and renders those students who do so liable to disciplinary action. Assisting another student in any such dishonesty, or knowing of this dishonesty and not reporting it, is also considered a grave breach of honesty. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism are described on page 37 in the Qatar University Student Handbook.

Special Needs

In accordance with Law No 2 of the year 2004, and Article 49 in the Constitution of Qatar: "Education is the right of all.", and "the State shall extend efforts to achieve fair and appropriate access in education for all". Qatar University seeks to ensure fair and appropriate access to programs, services, facilities, and activities for students with special needs. Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss your specific needs. Please contact the Office for Disability Services to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

Special Needs Section
Student Activities building
Men’sCampus: 44033854, Fax: 44838925; Women’s Campus: 44033843, Fax: 44839802; Email: ; Office hours: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM


Students at Qatar University have the right to pursue complaints related to faculty, staff, and other students.The nature of the complaints may be either academic or non-academic.For more information about the policy and processes related to this policy, you may refer to the students’ handbook.


Qatar University operates Learning Support Centers on each campus to provide services to students to supplement their in-class instruction and ability to meet course requirements. These services include tutoring, acquiring efficient learning skills and strategies, academic and learning assessment (in conjunction with the Counseling Center), and writing labs and workshops. Information about the Learning Center may be found athttp://www.qu.edu.qa/students/services/slsc/

Rubrics for the assignments will be posted on the Blackboard course site.


Qatar National Professional Standards for Teachers

1.  Structure innovative and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups of students.

2.  Use teaching strategies and resources to engage students in effective learning.

3.  Foster language literacy and numeracy development.

4.  Create safe, supportive, and challenging learning environments.

5.  Construct learning experiences that connect with the world beyond school.

6.  Apply information and communication technology in managing student learning.

7.  Assess and report on student learning.

8.  Applyknowledgeofstudentsandhowtheylearntosupportstudentlearningand development.

9.  Apply teaching/subject area knowledge to support student learning.

10.  Work as a member of professional teams.

11.  Build partnerships with families and the community.

12.  Reflect on, evaluate, and improve professional practice.

The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students