Module Title / Circuits and Systems
Degree/Diploma / Bachelor of Engineering (Systems Engineering)
Type of Module / Major Option
Modular Credits / 4 / Total student Workload / 8hours/week
Contact hours / 4hours/week
Prerequisite / None
Anti-requisite / None
Dr. Feroza Begum
- Office Location: : CG-5, Integrated Sciences Building
- Tel: 8653910
- E-mail:
Office Hours Thursday: 9:30 p.m – 11:30 p.m
Course Objectives
- Ability to choose the suitable semiconductor materials with suitable specifications.
- Ability to analyse electrical and electronic circuits and systems with different voltages.
- Ability to design an electrical and electronic system to carry on given ideas for practical requirement.
- Ability to use electrical and electronic components and equipment in the design of various circuits.
- Ability to take some more advanced courses in the area of circuits and electronics.
- Ability to develop team work skills.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, a student will be expected to be able to:
- Knowledge
- Identify different types of electrical components and circuits.
- Understand the basic principles of circuits using R, C and L
- Understanding the complex circuits in their simpler Thevenin and Norton equivalent forms.
- Understanding the operation of diodes, BJTs MOSFETs and CMOS.
- Understanding design of basic amplifier configurations.
- Understanding design of various Op-amp configurations.
2. Cognitive Skills /
- Apply the nodal methods of circuit analysis.
- Analyze basic amplifier configurations.
- Analyze different Op-amp configurations.
- Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities
- Design the different electrical and electronic circuits to meet desired needs within realistic constraints and implement it.
- Test the components and equipments before using.
- Use laboratory equipment to obtain data from electronic circuits.
- Communication, IT, and Numerical Skills
- Write and present technical reports on the design of circuits and creating new design idea.
- Work effectively in professional teams utilizing appropriate communication skills.
Module Contents
- DC circuits
- Source transformation, parallel/series element combinations
- Kirchhoff's current & voltage law equations
- RC, RL and RLC Circuits
- Sinusoidal and steady state analysis
- Thevenin’s, Norton's and superposition theorems
- Introduction to semiconductors
- Diodes: properties and biasing
- BJT: modes of operation and biasing
- BJT single-stage amplifiers: design and analysis
- MOSFETs and CMOS: construction and operation
- Operational amplifier circuits
Assessment / Formative assessment / Monthly online multiple choice questions will be used to test and to give feedback for their learning
Summative assessment / 2 Class tests (10% each)20%
2 Laboratory Assignments 25%
Class Participation 5%
Final Exam (comprehensive, closed book) 50%
Text Books and References /
- Richard C. Dorf and James A. Svoboda “Introduction to Electric Circuits”, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999.
- Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith “Microelectronic Circuits”, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2004.
Faculty of Integrated Technologies
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Topic / Outcomes / Week No.DC circuits, Source transformation, parallel/series element combinations / 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 / 1
Kirchhoff's current & voltage law equations and superposition theorems / 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 / 2
RC, RL and RLC Circuits, / 1.2, 3.1 / 3
Sinusoidal and steady state analysis / 1.2, 3.1 / 4
Thevenin’s, and Norton's theorems / 1.3 / 5
Semiconductors / 1.4 / 6
Diodes: properties and biasing / 1.4 / 7
BJT: modes of operation and biasing / 1.4, 2.2 / 8
BJT single-stage amplifiers: design and analysis / 1.4, 2.2 / 9,10
MOSFETs and CMOS: construction and operation / 1.4, 2.2 / 11,12
Operational amplifier circuits / 1.6, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2 / 13, 14
Final exam