Coshocton County Transportation Advisory Council


March 10, 2011

Board Members Attending: Dane Shryock, Coshocton County Commissioner; Diane Phillips; AAA9, David Walker, ODOT; Mary Beckholt, Kno-Ho-Co; Elaine Bailey and Mark Van Dusen, CCBDD; James Barstow, Veteran’s Office; Dave Dilly, VFW; Melinda Jones, TCAS;

Others Attending: Tracy Haines; Coshocton County Transportation Coordinator and

Angie Smith Coordinated Transportation

Tracy welcomed everyone and gave a brief overview of how CCCTA was functioning. The first three months of 2011 have been very busy with training. Drivers were updated on CPR, First Aide and attended a 6 hr In-Service held jointly with CCBDD. During one of our level 2 snow days the drivers cleaned their vehicles and Tracy conducted a drivers meeting.

The CCCTA staff voluntarily painted all three rooms in the office with paint donated from Auer Ace Hardware.

Old Business

New AAA Policy

The new AAA Policy worked great! Our grant allows us 2,149 miles per month and we only used 4,000 for the first three month of 2011. We want to make sure that we are using all of the miles provided to us. Since we limited our clients to 300 miles per month we have been under our monthly allotment. Tracy discussed adding two more Columbus days per month which will allow clients one trip each week to Columbus. Tracy also talked about going north once a week. Mary asked if there would be a chance we would go over our miles by doing so, as the miles could increase as the weather gets better. Tracy thought we would be fine. Diane was concerned that we would go over our miles if we lifted the 300 mile limit completely but thought it was a good idea to add two extra days per month.

Passport Provider

We have completed the application to become a Passport Provider and received notification that we were successful. We haven’t transported anyone with passport yet but look forward to the opportunity to do so.

CCCTA had their Quality Assurance Review and had no findings.


At the recommendation of Michael LaVigne CCCTA purchased two new computers for Bobbi and Angie. Robin will receive a new computer through ODOT’s Specialized Vehicle Program. CCCTA will pay for the computer and ODOT will reimburse the program 80% of the cost. We will downgrade Robin’s computer from Windows 2010 to Windows 2007 so that all computers will be running on the same versions of Windows and file conversions will take place.

New Business

New Shuttle

With the new shuttle CCCTA will have access to 13 vehicles a day, eight of which are wheelchair accessible.

Warren Courtney

CCCTA is very proud of Warren for receiving accreditation from the commissioners for saving a life while on a Hopewell Field trip. We had a small celebration in the office with pizza and cake.

JARC Funds

Tracy met with Debbie Christmas from Hopewell Industries to discuss citizens in need of transportation to employment. Debbie said she receives job referrals from Muskingum and Guernsey County but clients have no way of getting there. Most CCCTA drivers start by 6 am so out of county transportation would be difficult. If we could secure funds and hire a part time driver it could work. We are going to explore New Freedom and JARC Funding however; we are limited on time. Diane said that Tuscarawas uses New Freedom Funds and if we call them they can help us with some ideas. David said that it is the same application and that there is nothing that says you can transport targeted groups.


CCCTA is currently paying unemployment for an employee that resigned after working for 1 ½ months to take a full-time job. CCCTA is paying $13 a month for up to 32 weeks.

2010 Performance Measures

CCCTA used to have a high rate of trip denials. In 2010 we had only 10. We had 2,000 more trips in 2010 than in 2009 and increased our senior trips by 200 for 2010.


Diane mentioned that funding is a real concern right now with employee buy-outs and all of the people currently laid-off. She is wondering at what point we are going to see a funding cut. Diane said it is all up in the air right now. Anything that is federal money we are still going to get but that could change at any time. David is concerned also, he doesn’t know the number for sure but CSBG funding is being cut. Diane said there is an increase in Title III funds but a decrease in meal funding. David said ODOT is moving ahead like they are going to have the money. Rail money was returned but street money is not going to be there much longer. He said that they would be talking about it at the next round table meeting.


The next meeting will be September 8, 2011