BCH4024 (7123)
Spring 2018 M/W5:30 AM – 7:40 PM CL/ES-314
Instructor: Katherine L Siegler
Office Hours: M/W: Seminole LSC 10:45 to 12:00, Clearwater NM131 4:15 to 5:15; T/R: Clearwater NM131 12:30 to 1:45 PM, or by appointment
Office: NM131 Clearwater campus
Academic Department:
Dean: Natavia Middleton
Office Location: UP 337B (Seminole Campus)
Office Number: 727-398-8288
Dr. Linda Gingerich
Office Number: NM213
OfficeNumber: 727-791-2538
Pre-requisites/ Course Description:
This course is an introduction to biochemistry and intermediary metabolism. Topics include a survey of structure, functional properties, synthesis, degradation and chemistry of the major groups of biologically important organic molecules (amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids). Additional topics include enzyme kinetics and mechanisms of catalysis, a survey of the pathways of carbohydrate, lipid and nitrogen metabolism, including their metabolic control and regulation of gene expression. This course will include discussion sessions and problem solving of experimental data that teach interpretation of current biochemical techniques.
Pre-requisites:CHM2210/L and 2211/L
Course objectives: Curriculum and Instruction document is located in MyCourses
Criteria Performance Standard:
Upon the completion of this course the student will, with a minimum 70 percent accuracy, demonstrate mastery of each of the stated objectives through classroom measures developed by individual course instructors.
Student/Classroom Expectations:
Students are responsible for reading and studying the assigned material in the textbook in order to assimilate the key terms and analyze and understand the topics presented.
Students are advised to establish regular weekly study habits and seek tutoring help, if necessary, early in the semester. The concepts from one lecture class build a framework for the next. Contact me at anytime with concerns by phone or email.
This syllabus is currently available in MY COURSES for your convenience
Required Text: Biochemistry: A Short Course, (2nd edition) Author: Tymozcko
ISBN 9781429283601
Meeting Information:ES-314
Course Location: Clearwater Campus
Meeting Days: M/W
Class Times: 5:30 AM to 7:40PM
Important Dates:
January 8Classes begin
January 12Drop Add date
January 12Last day to withdraw with refund
January 15Martin Luther King, Jr Day – NO CLASSES
March 4 - 11Spring Break – NO CLASSES
March 21Last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”
March 30 – April 1Spring Holiday - NO CLASSES
April 30 – May 3Final Exams
Note to students: The syllabus addendum is an important part of your syllabus and can be easily accessed by using the link below. Do take the time to read this very important information—
Academic Integrity: The College has an official policy on academic honesty and proper classroom behavior. It is the student’s responsibility to review the online Academic Honesty Policy or "Academic Honesty and Student Behavior: Expectations of Students at SPC" brochure. It is important to remember that everyone’s goal should be to learn. Behavior that impedes the learning process of others will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior includes talking at inappropriate times, text-messaging or talking on the phone during class or repeatedly coming to class late. Students are expected to be actively engaged in the learning process, and should ask the instructor questions as needed.The professor will assign a grade of "0" to any exam or other course work for admitted or alleged academic dishonesty pending appeal. Penalties may include expulsion from college.
Attendance Policy:The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum .
For this class, attendance is defined participation in the associated in class activities. Attendance at all class sessions is essential (You are working on collaborative group projectsthat may require multiple class sessions, therefore make-ups may be impossible). Any student who misses three consecutive classes will receive a grade of WF for excessive absences.
Faculty must file lack of attendance reports (exceeding 2 absences) for veterans, dual-enrolled, Early College and Collegiate High School students.
SPC Withdrawal Policy:
Instructors can no longer withdraw students from classes. If a student wishes to withdraw from a course, it is the responsibility of the student to withdraw either online through MySPC or with the help of an advisor in the registration office. If the withdrawal is completed by March 21, 2018 a grade of “W” will be recorded which does not impact the student’s GPA. If the withdrawal occurs afterMarch 21, 2018the student will receive a grade of WF (withdraw-failing). The WF grade is punitive; it has the same impact on the GPA as an F. Students in the third attempt of a course who withdraw will receive a WF regardless of the date of withdrawal. Students who do not attend during the first two weeks of classes will automatically be withdrawn from the course by the college and will still be responsible for the tuitionand fees.Also, students who do not show sufficient active participation in the course by March21, 2018, will be administratively withdrawn by the college and receive a WF. Students who withdraw from all classes may be required to repay some or all of the financial aid received for the term. Should you consider totally withdrawing from all classes before March21, 2018(for the Springsession) it is important that you consult the Scholarships & Student Financial Assistance office on your home campus to understand your options and the consequences of total withdrawal.
Disability Statement: St. Petersburg College provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities in compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A student who is in need of one or more accommodations for a disability must make a request either verbally or in writing to the College. In the event that a request is made directly to an instructor or other staff member, the instructor or staff member must refer the student to the Disabilities Office. The student must self-identify the disability by completing the Self Identification and Authorization Form for Students with Disabilities (SDS-1) as well as provide documentation of the disability that complies with the SPC published Guidelines for Documentation of a Disability. Confidentiality is strictly maintained for any records provided to the Office of Disabilities Services related to the student’s disability. Under the law, SPC is allowed to request documentation that reflects the current functioning of the student.
Grading System
The following is the point distribution for this course:
Exams / 400 pointsHomework / 100 points
Online database assignments / 100 points
Term Paper / 200 points
Attendance / 50 points
The lecture exams will primarily focus on material presented in lecture with some reading material included from your text book (main emphasis will be on lecture material). The exams will consist of a combination of multiple choice, short answer, structure identification, concept maps and/or essay questions. The Final Exam will consist of questions from the last lecture material as well as a comprehensive portion. If you are more than 10 minutes late for an exam you will not be able to take the exam that day. There is a 10% penalty for taking exams late.
Homework assignments will be associated with recitation topics discussed in class. All homework assignments must be uploaded into the appropriate Turn It In dropbox one hour prior to the scheduled class time (4:30 PM).
Online Database assignments:
Within the first week of class you will select a topic for your term paper. The online database assignments are designed to help orient you to the various databases you will need to research your paper. All online assignments must be uploaded into the appropriate Turn It In dropbox one hour prior to the scheduled class time (4:30 PM).
Term Paper:
The term paper topic considers a review of a single gene and resulting protein associated with a disease. The gene must encode for a protein that has a point mutation that directly or indirectly causes a disease.
Attendance points are determined as follows:
50 points: 27 to 30 classes attended
25 points: 23 to 26 classes attended
0 points: less than 23 classes attended
Make-up Exams:
Any student missing a lecture exam may take a make-up provided they have a legitimate excuse for missing class (i.e. severe illness with doctor’s note, family emergency). All scores on make-up exams will be reduced by 10% each time you need to take one. This penalty applies to ANYONE taking a make-up, No Exceptions! The 10% penalty is additive, so the first make-up is -10%, the 2nd -20%, the 3rd -30%, etc. Make-up exams must be taken within one week of the original test date and note that make-up exams may be of a different format than the original.
Grades Changes: Please follow the guidelines listed below if you feel that an answer on an exam, quiz, homework, or other assignment has been erroneously marked incorrect. I will give you back your exam with written corrections.
1)Please circle the answer in question and return to me within one week from the day you receive the assignment/exam back.
2)I will review the appropriate answers and determine if your grade needs to be adjusted. I will return your assignment/exam back to you within one week from the time you give it to me.
3)The time frame therefore for changing a grade on any given assignment is TWO WEEKS. If for some reason you are ill or otherwise engaged, you may make an appointment with me, but the appointment needs to be made within the two week time frame.
Please do not ask me during class time to review your papers for a grade change as there is no time for me to assess the situation while in class.
All pre-class assignments must be completed and submitted to the appropriate dropboxone hour prior to the scheduled class time (4:30 PM). Discussion participation and any associated activities must be completed in class and CAN NOT be made up due to excused or unexcused absence. Details and any changes to specific assignments will be posted in the Lessons folder on MY COURSES.
Wikipedia may not be used as a reference in any assignment.
Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason.
Further details will be provided during class or posted on MyCourses.
Make-up Assessments:
Any student missing aparticipation assessmentmay make-up the assessment provided they have a legitimate excuse for missing class (i.e. severe illness with doctor’s note, family emergency). All scores on make-up assessments will be reduced by 10% each time you need to take one. This penalty applies to ANYONE taking a make-up, No Exceptions! The 10% penalty is additive, so the first make-up is -10%, the 2nd -20%, the 3rd -30% etc… Make-up assessments must be taken within one week of the original assessment date and note that make-up assessments may be of a different format than the original.
Grading Scale:
765 – 850 points / A680 – 764 points / B
595 – 679 points / C
550 – 594 points / D
549points / F
Student Survey of Instruction (SSI):
The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.
Course Schedule
Lec / Date / Topic / Chapter1 / 1/8 / Introduction to the Class
Writing sample / 1,2
2 / 1/10 / Amino Acids, The structure of proteins / 3,4
1/15 / Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No Class
3 / 1/17 / Enzymes
Kinetics and Regulation
Online quiz #1 due / 6,7
4 / 1/22 / Mechanisms and Inhibitors / 8
5 / 1/24 / Hemoglobin, Motor Proteins
Online quiz #2 due / 9
6 / 1/29 / Lipids
#1 Recitation – Functional Groups
Online quiz #3 due / 11
7 / 1/31 / Membrane Structure and Function
Online quiz #4 due / 12
8 / 2/5 / EXAM 1 (Chapters 1-4, 6-9, 11, 12)
Term Paper Topic Due
9 / 2/7 / Signal Transduction Pathways / 13
10 / 2/12 / Carbohydrates
#2 Recitation – pH-pKa
Homework #1 due / 10,15
11 / 2/14 / Glycolysis, Preparation for the cycle / 16,18
12 / 2/19 / Harvesting Electrons from the cycle
Electron Transport Chain
#3 Recitation – Enzyme Kinetics
Homework #2 due / 19,20
13 / 2/21 / Proton Motive Force
First half of term paper 5 references due / 21
14 / 2/26 / The Light Reactions
The Calvin Cycle
#4 Recitation - Buffers
Homework #3 due / 22,23
15 / 2/28 / EXAM 2 (Chapters 10, 13, 15, 16, 18-23)
3/5-3/9 / Spring Break No Class
16 / 3/12 / Glycogen Degradation
Glycogen Synthesis
#5 Recitation – Signal Transduction
Homework #4 due / 24,25
17 / 3/14 / Gluconeogenesis
Pentose phosphate pathway
Term Paper Due / 17,26
18 / 3/19 / Fatty Acid Degradation
#6 Recitation – Mitochondria
Homework #5 due / 27
19 / 3/21 / Fatty Acid Synthesis / 28
20 / 3/26 / Lipid Synthesis
#7 Recitation – Photosynthesis regulation
Homework #6 due / 29
21 / 3/28 / EXAM 3 (Chapters 17, 24-29)
22 / 4/2 / Amino acid degradation, Urea Cycle
#8 Recitation - Chemical Reactions
Homework #7 due / 30
23 / 4/4 / Amino acid synthesis / 31
24 / 4/9 / Nucleotide metabolism
#9 Recitation – Regulation of metabolism
Homework #8 due / 32
25 / 4/11 / DNA/RNA structure / 33
26 / 4/16 / DNA replication
#10 Recitation – Biochemical techniques
Homework #9 due / 34
27 / 4/18 / RNA synthesis (Prokaryotes) / 36
28 / 4/23 / Gene expression (Eukaryotes)
RNA processing
Homework #10 due / 37,38
29 / 4/25 / Genetic code
Protein synthesis / 39,40
4/30 / Final Exam-COMPREHENSIVE
5:00 – 6:50 PM
Note: Instructor reserves right to change above information, including, but not limited to, test dates and information covered. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of changes. Instructor will give sufficient notice regarding changes.
After reading this syllabus, read the below signature page, sign it (type your name) and upload it into the dropbox in MyCourses by the end of the second week of class (January19, 2018)
Signature Page
I have read, understand, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Syllabus Addendum.
Student Signature: Date: .