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4 June 2007
Committee on Trade and Environment
Note by the Secretariat
This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and without prejudice to the positions of Members and to their rights and obligations under the WTO.I.introduction
- Under Paragraph 33 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration (DMD), Members are encouraged "that expertise and experience be shared with Members wishing to perform environmental reviews at the national level." The present note has been prepared with a view to facilitate this experience sharing exercise by providing delegations with a general picture on what has been done so far in this field.
- Following a brief description of the Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE)'s discussions on environmental reviews (ERs) since 1996 in the context of Item 2 of its work programme, and subsequently of Paragraph 33 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, it provides a list of the various trade related ERs or impact assessments (IAs) which have been or are being carried out. These projects have been grouped under the heading of (i) multilateral trade liberalization initiatives; (ii) regional and bilateral trade liberalization initiatives; and (iii) national projects.
- This note is prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and as a result of a search on the internet and material supplied by other organizations. It is merely an illustrative list. The listing is neither exhaustive nor indicative. Its purpose is not to cover the content and the outcome of the various reviews. This note should not be seen as an attempt to prioritize issues or concerns raised by individual Members in this subject area.
- Members are invited to submit any update or supplementary information to the Secretariat, so that this list can be regularly updated.
- Since 1996, the CTE has been holding discussions and sharing experience on ERs, first, under Item 2 of its work programme[1], and subsequently, under Paragaraph 33 of the DMD. A Secretariat note entitled "Environmental (Sustainability) Assessments of Trade Liberalization Agreements at the National Level", dated 20 October 2000[2], was prepared to facilitate the discussion. This note compiles the approaches to the reviews undertaken in Canada, the EC and US with regard to multilateral trade liberalization in the GATT/WTO context.
- Subsequent to the Doha Paragraph 33 mandate, a number of Members continued to share their experience on ERs in 2002 and 2003, as follows:
- the EC informed the CTE of its Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) as well as a pilot study and case studies to be carried out[3][4];
- Canada and the US updated the CTE of their environmental assessment/review activities[5];
- Canada presented the executive summary and conclusion of its Initial Environmental Assessment (EA) of the WTO Negotiation covering seven areas of the Doha negotiations[6][7];
- the EC reported on a DG Trade Seminar on "Sustainability Impact Assessment of Trade Agreements: Making Trade Sustainable?" held in Brussels in February 2003[8]; and
- the US presented its paper on Paragraph 33 linking technical assistance and environmental reviews.[9][10]
- In its report to the Fifth Session of the Ministerial Conference on Paragraph 33[11], the CTE recalled that the importance of ERs in WTO trade negotiations had been confirmed in the DMD and, subsequently, in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Plan of Implementation.[12] Moreover, the value of environmental impact assessment (EIA) was recognized by Principle 17 of the RioDeclaration.[13]
- Since the Cancun WTO Ministerial Conference in 2003, Members continued to share experiences in ERs. For instance:
- in 2004, Canada informed the CTE of the outcome of the Conference of the International Association of Impact Assessment which focussed on EA of trade negotiations[14]; in 2005, updated the CTE on its three-stage process of EA of trade negotiations[15]; and in 2006, provided information on its EA conducted on bilateral trade negotiations and a recently updated handbook[16];
- the EC updated the CTE regularly of its trade SIAs on DDA trade negotiations[17][18] and in 2007, on EC's trade agreements with EUROMED and MERCOSUR negotiations[19]; at the meeting held on 11 October 2005[20], information was provided on: (i) the launching of a "Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment Stocktaking Seminar"; (ii) an overview of the EC's SIA programme since 1999; and (iii) results of the SIA of proposed WTO negotiations on the sectors of agriculture, forests and distribution services; and in 2006, the EC presented a note[21] to inform the CTE of the draft final reports of the global study of DDA negotiations and the sectoral DDA study on fisheries; the result of the Trade SIA Stocktaking Conference held in March 2006 and a Trade SIA Handbook which describes the Trade SIAs' methodology[22];
- New Zealand informed the CTE on its recent activities in assessments on its trade agreements focused on the environmental and economic aspects[23]; and
- the US informed the CTE of its third outreach effort in terms of the US ER of the DDA negotiations for comments.[24]
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1.Multilateral Trade Liberalization Initiatives
Concerned Party / Programme / FTI/Sector / Leading Agency[25]/Party / Status / Link to Study
Canada / Initial Environmental Impact Assessment: Trade Negotiations in the World Trade Organization / DDA / Canada / 2003 /
Members / Sustainability Impact Assessment of
Proposed WTO Negotiations
Final Global Overview Trade SIA of the Doha Development Agenda / DDA / European Communities (EC)-IARC / Final report
06/2006 /
WTO Members / Sustainability Impact Assessment of Proposed WTO Negotiations Overall Project: Final Report / Overall and Fisheries / EC-IARC / Final report
07/2006 /
WTO Members / Trade SIA of the Forest Sector under DDA Negotiations: Position Paper / Forestry / EC / Position paper 06/2006 /
WTO Members / European Commission Position SIA of DDA Negotiations Sectoral Study on Environmental Services / Environmental services / EC / Position paper /
WTO Members / European Commission Position SIA of DDA Negotiations Sectoral Study on Market Access Pharmaceuticals, Non-ferrous Metals, Textiles and Clothing / Pharmaceuticals, non-ferrous metals, textiles and clothing / EC / Position paper /
WTO Members / SIA of Proposed WTO Negotiations Overall Project Mid-term Report for Sector Studies: Agriculture, Distribution Services, Forests / Agriculture, distribution services, forests / EC-IARC / Overall project mid term report 01/2005 /
WTO Members / SIA of Proposed WTO Negotiations - Final Report for the Agriculture Sector Study / Agriculture / EC-ODI-IIED- IARC / Final report 09/2005 /
United States
(US) / Environmental Review on WTO DDA / DDA / US / Under-
China / Integrated Environmental Assessment of Trade Agreements: Literature Review of International and Domestic Experience and Their Application to China’s WTO Accession / WTO Accession / Policy Research Centre for Environ-ment and Economy - UIBE / 2001 /
Ghana / SIA of Proposed WTO Negotiations: the Fisheries Sector, Country Case Study: Ghana / Fisheries / ECDPM-ICTSD / Draft 05/2006 /
Seychelles / SIA of Proposed WTO Negotiations: the Fisheries Sector, Country Case Study: Seychelles / Fisheries / ECDPM-ICTSD / Draft 05/2006 /
Uganda / SIA of Proposed WTO Negotiations: the Fisheries Sector, Country Case Study: Uganda / Fisheries / ECDPM-ICTSD / Draft 04/2006 /
WTO Members / SIA of Proposed WTO Negotiations Final Report for the Fisheries Sector Study / Fisheries / ECDPM-ICTSD / Final report 05/2006 /
WTO Members / Effects of New Global and Regional Trade Agreements on Forestry A Background Paper for the Global Project: Impact Assessment of Forest Products Trade in Promotion of Sustainable Forest Management / Forestry / FAO / Draft report /
WTO Members / Preliminary Assessment of the Environmental and Social Effects of Trade in Tourism / Tourism / WWF / Discussion paper 05/2001 /
2.Regional and Bilateral Trade Liberalization Initiatives
Concerned Party / Programme / Sector / Leading Agency/Party / Status / Link to Study
Australia-US / The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement: An Environmental Impact Assessment / Agriculture/tra-nsport / Oz Prospect / 10/2003 /
(Free Trade Area of the Americas) / Initial Strategic Environmental Assessment Report of the
Free Trade Area of the Americas Negotiations / Environmental impacts in home country / Canada / (Initial)
05/2003 /
Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) Free Trade Agreement
/ Initial Strategic Environmental Assessment Report of the
Canada-Central America Four Free Trade Negotiations
(El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) / Environmental impacts in home country / Canada / (Initial)
06/2003 /
Canada- Singapore / Initial Environmental Assessment Report of the Proposed Canada-Singapore Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country / Canada / (Initial)
05/2004 /
EU-ACP / Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) of the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements / Development and environment impacts, focused on ACP countries / PwC
(EC financed) / Revised final report 01/2004 /
SIA of the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements West Africa: Agro-industry / Agro-industry / ECDPM-ICTSD /
SIA of the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements Horticulture in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) / Horticulture / ECDPM-ICTSD-PwC / Final report 09/2006 /
EU-Chile / SIA of the Trade Aspects of Negotiations for an Association Agreement between the European Communities and Chile (Specific agreement No 11) / Sustainable development impacts in home and partner countries / EU-PLANISTAT-LUXEMBOURG and CESO-CI / Final report (revised) 12/2002 /
EURO-EMFTA / Sustainability Impacts of the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area Report on Phase 2 of the SIAEMFTA Project / Sustainable development impacts in home and partner countries / SIA EMFTA Consor-tium / Final report 03/2006 /
EC-GCC / SIA of the Negotiations of the Trade Agreement between the European Community and the Countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) / Environment and development impacts, focus on partner economies / (EC financed)
PwC / Final report 05/2004 /
Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment of the trade negotiations between the EC and the Gulf Cooperation Council / TLI / EC / Position paper 03/2006 /
EU-MERCOSUR / Trade SIA of the Association Agreement under Negotiation between the European Community and MERCOSUR update on the Overall Preliminary Trade SIA EU-MERCOSUR. Mid Term Report / EU-Mercosur Partners and University of Manchester / Mid-term report 11/2006 /
Trade SIA of the Association Agreement under Negotiation between the European Community and MERCOSUR / Trade SIA EU-Mercosur Partners / Inception report 07/2006 /
Trade SIA of the Association Agreement under Negotiation between the European Community and MERCOSUR: Forestry Sector Study. / Forestry / EU-Mercosur Partners and University of Manchester / Mid-term report 11/2006 /
Trade SIA of the Association Agreement under Negotiation between the European Community and MERCOSUR: Automobile Sector Study Mid-term Report / Automobile / EU-Mercosur Partners and University of Manchester / Mid-term report 11/2006 /
Trade SIA of the Association Agreement under Negotiation between the European Community and MERCOSUR: Agriculture Sector Study Mid-term Report / Agriculture / EU-Mercosur Partners and University of Manchester / Mid-term report 11/2006 /
NAFTA / Assessing Environmental Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), An Analytic Framework (Phase II) and Issue Studies / Environmental impact within North America / CEC / Analytic frame-work and Issue studies /
New Zealand-Thailand CEP / Environmental impacts as part of wider analysis in home country / New Zealand /
New Zealand-Trans Pacific SEP / Environmental impacts as part of wider analysis in home country / New Zealand /
US-AFTA / Interim Environmental Review US-Andean Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Interim Environmental Review
02/2005 /
US-Australia / Final Environmental Review of the United States - Australia Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Final Environmental Review
07/2004 /
US-Bahrain / Interim Environmental Review of the U.S.- Bahrain Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Interim Environmental Review
03/2004 /
US-CAFTA / Final Environmental Review of the Dominican Republic – Central America –United States Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Final Environmental Review
02/2005 /
US-Chile / Environmental Review of the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Final environmental review 06/2003 /
US-Jordan / Final Environmental Review of theAgreement on the establishment of a Free TradeArea Between the Government of the United Statesand the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom ofJordan / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Final environmental review /
US-Korea / Interim Environmental Review United States - Korea Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Interim Environmental Review
12/2006 /
US-Morocco / Final Environmental Review of the United States - Morocco Free Trade Agreement July 2004 / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Final environmental review
07/2004 /
US-Oman / Final Environmental Review of the United States – Oman Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Final Environmental Review
06/2006 /
US-Panama / Environmental Review US - Panama Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Interim environmental review 06/2004 /
US-Singapore / Final Environmental Review of the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Final Environmental Review
06/2003 /
US-Thailand / Interim Environmental Review United States-Thailand Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Interim Environmental Review
11/2005 /
US-United Arab
Emi-rates / Environmental Review of the US-United Arab Emirates Free Trade Agreement / Environmental impacts in home country and transboundary or global impacts / US / Interim environmental review 05/2005 /
3.National Projects
Concerned party / Programme / Sector / Leading agency / Status / Link to StudyBangladesh / Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Policies for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources / Shrimp farming industry / Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
1999 /
Chile / Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Policies for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
/ Mining / Centro de Investigación y Planificación del Medio Ambiente (CIPMA)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
1999 /
India / Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Policies for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources / Automotive industry / National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
1999 /
Philippines / Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Policies for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources / Forestry / University of the Philippines, Los Baños (UPLB) and the Resources, Environment and Economics Centre for Studies-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
1999 /
Romania / Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Policies for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
/ Water / Center for Environmentally Sustainable Economic Policy (CESEP) of the University of Polytechnics, and the National Company Apele Romane-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
1999 /
Uganda / Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Policies for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources / Fisheries / Economic PolicyResearchCenter (EPRC), MakereUniversity Campus-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
1999 /
Argentina / Integrated Assessment of Trade Liberalization and Trade-Related Policies / Fisheries / Centro de Estudios Ambientales (CEDEA)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2002 /
China / Integrated Assessment of Trade Liberalization and Trade-Related Policies / Cotton / The Agricultural Economic Research Institute of Nanjing Agricultural University-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2002 /
Ecuador / Integrated Assessment of Trade Liberalization and Trade-Related Policies / Banana / The Ecuadorian Centre for Environmental Law (CEDA)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2002 /
Nigeria / Integrated Assessment of Trade Liberalization and Trade-Related Policies / Major export crops / The University of Agriculture (UNAAB)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2002 /
Senegal / Integrated Assessment of Trade Liberalization and Trade-Related Policies / Fisheries / ENDA Third World-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2002 /
Tanzania / Integrated Assessment of Trade Liberalization and Trade-Related Policies / Forestry / The Centre for Environmental Economics and Development Research-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2002 /
China / Integrated Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Rice Sector / Rice / The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) (project management)
olicy Research Centre for Environment and Economy (PRCEE) (project coordination)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 /
Colombia / Integrated Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Rice Sector / Rice / The National Rice-Growers Association (FEDEARROZ)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 /
Indonesia / Integrated Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Rice Sector / Rice / Jenderal Soerdiman University-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 /
Nigeria / Integrated Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Rice Sector / Rice / Institute for Social and Economic Research-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 /
Senegal / Integrated Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Rice Sector / Rice / Institute of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 /
Viet Nam / Integrated Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Rice Sector / Rice / HueUniversity of Agriculture and Forestry-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 /
Côte d’Ivoire / Integrated Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Rice Sector / Rice / West African Development Rice Association (WARDA)-UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 / (Summary report available in synthesis report)
Colombia / Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Trade Liberalization: With a Focus on the Corn Sector / Corn / Instituto Alexander von Humboldt-UNEP / Completed
2006 /
Lebanon / Integrated Assessment of the Association Agreement with the EU: Focus on the Olive Oil Sector / Olive oil / Economics research unit, Ministry of Economy and Trade-UNEP / Completed
2006 /
Bangladesh / Fisheries Subsidies and Marine Resource Management / Fisheries / Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)
Bangladesh – UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2004 /
Mauritania / Environmental Impact Assessment of Trade Liberalization / Fisheries / Centre pour les sciences économiques et la gestion des ressources aquatiques (CEMARE) – UNEP / Completed
Synthesis Report
2005 /
Kenya / Integrated Assessment of Organic Agriculture Production and Trade / Agriculture / Bridge Africa-UNEP-UNCTAD/ CBTF / On-going /
Uganda / Integrated Assessment of Organic Agriculture Production and Trade / Agriculture / Advocate Coalition for Development and Environment UNEP-UNCTAD/
CBTF / On-going /
Tanzania / Integrated Assessment of Organic Agriculture Production and Trade / Agriculture / Envirocare UNEP-UNCTAD/ CBTF / On-going /
Viet Nam / Wildlife Trade Policies Review / Wildlife / National Centre for National Resources and Environment Studies UNEP-UNCTAD/ CBTF, CITES Secretariat and IUED / On-going /
Uganda / Wildlife Trade Policies Review / Wildlife / Advocate Coalition for Development and Environment UNEP-UNCTAD/ CBTF, CITES Secretariat and IUED / On-going /
Madagascar / Wildlife Trade Policies Review / Wildlife / University of Antananarivo UNEP-UNCTAD/ CBTF, CITES Secretariat and IUED / On-going /
Nicaragua / Wildlife Trade Policies Review / Wildlife / CentralAmericanUniversity UNEP-UNCTAD/ CBTF, CITES Secretariat and IUED / On-going /
Cameroon / Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity / Cocoa / Centre for environment and development studies-UNEP / On-going /
Jamaica / Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity / Sugar / Institute for Sustainable Development-UNEP / On-going /
Madagascar / Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity / Shrimp / Ecole supérieure des sciences agronomiques, University of Antananarivo-UNEP / On-going /
Papua New Guinea / Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity / Sweet potato and taro (local cash crop) / National Agricultural Research Institute-UNEP / On-going /
Mauritius / Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity / Sugar / Agricultural Research and Extension Unit-UNEP / On-going /
Uganda / Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity / Horticulture / Economic Policy Research Centre-UNEP / On-going /
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