Eng 1102H

Spring 2017

Dr. David Janssen

MW, 12:30-1:45

Office: Honors House, 109

Office Hours: MW: 2-3:30; T, 1-2; R, 8:30-1:30

or by appointment

Phone: (678) 359-5093, office


Meeting of Minds

English 1102H Course Objectives

The extrinsic value of an honors course is that it provides the student with a discernible mark of distinction. That little h conveys a wealth of academic capital on a transcript. There is also an intrinsic value that is earned through the process of acquiring that honor, which is gained through the process of achieving distinction. That process itself will be unique to this class. In other words, ENGL 1102H will be an exceptional academic experience, different from any other 1102 class. Being in this class is a distinct privilege, and I am honored to be working with you this semester.

The overall objective of this course is to provide students with an advanced academic environment in order to develop the creativity and critical expression necessary to write with distinction and conviction and with a complex awareness of audience and purpose.

Course Requirements

Of course, this is a composition class, so the majority of your class requirements will consist of various writing assignments. An oral presentation will be required at the end of the semester as well. The work of the class will be focused around a central project, due at the end of the semester, which will serve as your final exam.

Class Contract

Truly, it is an honor to be in this class. I include myself in that sentiment. We are privileged to enjoy this gift and opportunity, and we need to honor it. To that end, I have the following expectations of us:

·  We will attend class regularly.

·  We will engage in class discussion and activity openly, with respect and enthusiasm.

·  We will trust the process of the class and its central project, with the knowledge that we are working toward a common goal that is larger than each of us.

·  We will hold one another to the highest standards of academic rigor and expectation.

·  We will keep up with our work.

In order to initiate proceedings and to honor this Honors class, I expect each of you to copy and sign the following statement:

I understand the terms of the class contract, and I pledge to do my best to approach our class with those principles in mind. I also understand that my failure to meet those standards may result in my withdrawal from the class.

Please bring me your signed statement by Wednesday, January 18.

Additional Policies

Absences: In order to succeed, you need to be here. Accordingly, if you miss more than four days, your final grade will be dropped by one letter. If you miss more than eight, it drops two, and so on. If you do miss class, it is also your responsibility to contact me in order to help you catch up, not the other way around. If you miss a day of class, you must meet with me during office hours in order to catch up and to pick up any assignments you may have missed.

Late Work: Late work will not be accepted.

Plagiarism: If you are caught plagiarizing, you automatically fail the course.

Collusion: Collusion is defined as receiving excessive help to the point that a work can no longer be considered the product of a single author and therefore cannot be accurately assessed an individual grade. If I suspect a submitted work to be the result of collusion, I reserve the right to refuse credit for that work if the claimed author is unable to demonstrate sole authorship. It is of course important and necessary to get feedback on your work. That is why peer review is essential to the writing process, and I will always encourage you to work with the tutors at the Success Center for feedback and assistance in all stages of the writing process. However, if asked to do so, you should be able to demonstrate that the words on the page that you claim are your own.

Cell Phones: Please turn off your cell phones before entering class. If you are on your phone, in whatever capacity, you are not in class. Therefore, if you are on your phone during class, I will count you absent for that day.

Assignment Schedule

Week of 1/11 Course Introduction

1/18 Begin Essay #1

1/23-1/25 Class Readings

“Make Up Your Mind” Day:

Essay #1 Due

1/30-2/1 Academic Research Workshop

2/6-2/8 Conferences

2/13-2/15 Progess Report #1 Due

Class Readings

2/20-2/22 Class Readings

Progress Report #2 Due

2/27-3/1 Stump The Minds

Progress Report #3 Due

3/6-3/8 Annotated Bibliography Due

Team Formation

Progress Report #4 Due

3/13-3/15 Spring Break

3/20-3/22 Team Proposal Due

Progress Report #5 Due

Team Conferences

3/27-3/29 Team Conferences

First Draft of Newsletter Due

4/3-4/5 Draft of Script Due

Meeting of Minds Rehearsals

Final Draft of Newsletter Due

4/10-4/12 Meeting of Minds Rehearsals

Newsletter Published

4/17-4/19 Meeting of Minds Rehearsals

Meeting of Minds Performances

4/24-4/26 Meeting of Minds Performances

5/1 Meeting of Minds Performances

5/3 Cast Party!

5/9 Final Exam: Essay #3 Due

Grade Percentages:

Essay #1: 5%

Essay #2 (Newsletter): 10%

Stump the Minds: 5%

Annotated Bibliography: 10%

Meeting of Minds Performance: 20%

Meeting of Minds Script: 20%

Essay #3: 20%

Progress Reports: 10%