NO. R-448Page 1
NO. R-448. House concurrent resolution congratulating Doug and Doreen Sheltra on their selection as the National Foster Parent Association’s 2004 Foster Parents of the Year.
Offered by: Representatives O’Donnell of Vernon, Amidon of Charlotte, Atkins of Winooski, Bailey of Hyde Park, Bartlett of Dover, Bolduc of Barton, Bostic of St. Johnsbury, Branagan of Georgia, Brennan of Colchester, Carey of Chester, Clark of St. Johnsbury, Clark of Vergennes, Dakin of Colchester, DePoy of Rutland City, Donahue of Northfield, Duffy of Rutland City, Dunsmore of Georgia, Endres of Milton, Errecart of Shelburne, Flory of Pittsford, Freed of Dorset, Gray of Barre Town, Haas of Rutland City, Heath of Westford, Helm of Castleton, Houston of Ferrisburgh, Hube of Londonderry, Ketchum of Bethel, Kirker of Essex, Koch of Barre Town, Krawczyk, A. of Bennington, Krawczyk, J. of Bennington, Larocque of Barnet, Livingston of Manchester, Marron of Stowe, Mazur of South Burlington, McAllister of Highgate, Morrissey of Bennington, Myers of Essex, Otterman of Topsham, Parent of St. Albans City, Peaslee of Guildhall, Perry of Richford, Robinson of Richmond, Schiavone of Shelburne, Severance of Colchester, Sheltra of Derby, Smith of New Haven, Sunderland of Rutland Town, Sweaney of Windsor, Sweeney of Colchester, Towne of Berlin, Trombley of Grand Isle, Waite of Pawlet, Westman of Cambridge, Winters of Swanton and Wright of Burlington.
Offered by: Senator Bloomer of RutlandCounty and Senator Doyle of WashingtonCounty.
Whereas, annually, in recognition of the special dedication which foster parents devote to childrearing, the National Foster Parent Association designates one outstanding family from a list of nominees representing every state as the Foster Parents of the Year, and
Whereas, the 2004 recipients of this special honor are Doug and Doreen Sheltra of Guilford who since 1988 have welcomed over 200 children into their home, and
Whereas, the Sheltras’ initiation into the world of foster parenting began when their daughter Heidi, at the time a student at Brattleboro Union High School, sought her parents’ consent that the family temporarily take in a classmate in need of alternative housing, and
Whereas, they have continued for 16 years to follow this path, despite being the parents of three biological and four adoptive children, and
Whereas, the youngsters the Sheltras have welcomed into their household, primarily teenage girls, have remained with them for periods as short as a few days to as long as several years, and
Whereas, regardless of the duration of the child’s stay, the Sheltras have considered each one a family member while living in their home, and
Whereas, the Sheltras exert much energy to help the children in their care, and
Whereas, despite occasional failures, an inevitable development considering the number of foster children who have entered their home, the Sheltras have persevered and consider humor a critical skill in successful foster parenting, and
Whereas, they take great pride in the many successes which have resulted from their efforts and greatly enjoy seeing their former foster children living productive lives, and
Whereas, the National Association of Foster Parents will fly the Sheltras to Orlando, Florida where they will be honored, and
Whereas, their dedication to helping children from troubled families lead a more normal life is to be admired, now therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly congratulates Doug and Doreen Sheltra on their selection as the National Foster Parent Association’s 2004 Foster Parents of the Year, and be it further
Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to Doug and Doreen Sheltra in Guilford.