Association of Women in Mathematics

of the University of Notre Dame

Have you ever wished you had an older math major at Notre Dame to help you know which math classes you need to take?

Have you ever wished that you knew someone working in your area of interest so that you could ask them questions about their job and what you should do to prepare for the position?

Have you ever wished you knew more people in your classes to work with?

Have you ever wished you could do service within your major?

The Association of Women in Mathematics is a national organization encouraging students to be exposed to the world of professional mathematics, obtain information on various career options in math, network with professional mathematicians, and develop leadership skills. As the Notre Dame chapter, we have designed the club to help our members achieve just that.

Here are some of the events the club will have:

Ms. Wizard’s Day- Members of AWM will participate at this event. Once a semester, on a Saturday girls from local grade schools come to Notre Dame. The girls listen to professors in math and science hoping to excite the girls in these subjects. In the afternoon, the girls rotate around rooms, each of which containing different math games and science experiments. Interested members will help to create and run these math games.

Big Sister (Brother)/Little Sister (Brother) -Junior math majors will be paired with freshmen math majors in the club based upon similar concentrations. The older students will be able to share their experiences with the younger math majors, such as which classes to pick, what to look for in a professor to pursue research in, how to prepare to go to grad school, and also how to find appropriate internships. Members will have the same big sibling freshmen and sophomore year, and then the younger student will become the big sibling their junior year.

AWM Mentor- We will participate in the national AWM Mentor Network. Its goal is to match mentors, both men and women, with members who are interested in mathematics or are pursuing careers in mathematics. This networking will allow math majors to learn about opportunities for math degrees and careers as well as seek advice from their experienced mentors. Matching is based on common interests in careers in academics, business, engineering, science, teaching, etc.

Tutoring- In order to give back to the community, members of AWM will have the opportunity to tutor both in the Notre Dame community and also to the local community. AWM members will visit a specific high school and meet with younger students who need tutoring for their math classes.

Speakers-We will have speakers from various careers in mathematics. The speakers, ranging from graduate students to professionals, are meant to expose our members to different aspects of math, such as a problem they are working on or about their research or career.

Coffee Hours- One day of the month, we will have informal meetings called “coffee hours.” We will serve refreshments and allowtime for members to meet the other math majors. This enables members to get to know the people in their classes as well as faculty and grad students in the math department.


To join our e-mail list and hear about upcoming events, sign up at Activities Night or send your name and e-mail address to Melissa at .