OF JUNE 12th, 2017

These minutes to be considered and approved or amended at the subsequent meeting.

Chairman Erwin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Also present was Supervisors LeFevre and Drewa, Treasurer Demko and Clerk Pakos.

Motion by LeFevre to approve the agenda as posted. Second by Drewa. All in favor.

Motion by Drewa to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 8th, 2017. Second by LeFevre. All in favor. Motion carried. Motion by Drewa to approve the minutes of the board of review of May 26th, 2017. Second by LeFevre. All in favor. Motion carried. Drewa stated that since he was not present for the May 8th meeting, he did not second by motion to adjourn. Pakos agreed that indeed there was a mistake.

The treasurer’s report was presented and considered. Motion by LeFevre to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Drewa. All in favor.

The bills were considered. Motion by Drewa to pay bills as posted. Second by LeFevre. All in favor. Erwin asked about the invoice for the sander. Pakos stated that he had not previously received an invoice for the purchase of the sander and that the Town of Florence had questioned why it had not been paid.

Wendy Gehlhoff was present representing county economic development and presented information regarding expansion of broadband services in the county. Gehlhoff is working on an expansion grant for broadband and was seeking financial support from the Town of Fern in the amount of $500.00. She stated that the deadline for applying was the end of June and that some indication of support was needed. The project would address underserved areas of the county. Thus far approximately $36,500 from various agencies had been secured. She also stated that she was asking for a commitment from the county of $20-25,000. The monies are needed in 2018 and would only be needed if the grant is awarded. Part of the project is the installation of a new tower in Long Lake and installing equipment on the towers at Keyes Lake and Fence.

Gehlhoff stated that the towers would be able to reach approximately 5 miles from each tower and that the signal was not degraded by weather. She handed out maps of coverage areas that would be available. LeFevre stated that the service would not be available at the town hall. Erwin stated that the proposed enhancement of broadband is important and that he is in favor of it. Drewa agreed and stated that he was in favor. Erwin continued that the availability of broadband was very important for education efforts. Ruth Cassens asked if the entire town would be covered. LeFevre and Erwin replied that it would not be.

The board discussed an updated/restated Intergovernmental Agreement with the Towns of Florence and Commonwealth regarding the gravel pit established in 2016. Motion by LeFevre to approve the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Second by Drewa. All in favor.

The board discussed a weight limit for Birch Lane and the need for such a weight limit. Erwin stated that the weight limit would apply from Hwy. 101 to Turtle Creek Road. Drewa asked whether it would apply to propane gas deliveries? Erwin stated that it would not apply to such deliveries. Motion by LeFevre to impose an 8-ton weight limit on Birch Lane. Second by Drewa. All in favor.

The board discussed refurbishing town road signs. It was agreed to refurbish the signs as needed.

Erwin discussed the use of Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) (previously known as the TRIP program) funds for the paving of Patten Lake Road. He stated that prices for paving are down and that the project would be done in 2018 if the board approved. Drewa stated that he was in favor of such a project.

The board discussed a request from first responders to name roads in the Goodman Forest to assist the first responders responding to calls. LeFevre stated that the road where the bear attack occurred was not in the Town of Fern and that the Town of Fern would have to go to the company and get their permission to install road name signs. LeFevre also stated that the Goodman Grade is already named and that most of the roads in question are not in the Town of Fern. Erwin questioned whether to proceed with this project and stated that the matter should be tabled to the next agenda. Drewa stated that Rick Knepper had asked him about naming and signing roads in the county forest on the south side of town.

The board discussed managing town road rights-of-way.

Constituents' Concerns

Ann Drewa asked about the previously discussed Patten Lake Road project.

Russ Cassens asked about the grading of Norway Pine Lane. Erwin stated that an attempt was made to grade the road before the Memorial Day weekend. Erwin agreed that the attempt was a mistake and that the road would be repaired.

Robert Walther asked about matters related to the paving of Patten Lake Road and improvements and preparations for paving from Poplar Drive to the hill. Erwin stated that experts will be consulted regarding proper procedures.

Russ Cassens asked the status of previously discussed changes to the intersection of Norway Pine Lane and Price Lake Road. Erwin stated that he had discussed the matter with Pat Wloszczynski and the matter would be considered again in the future.

Motion by Drewa to adjourn. Second by LeFevre. All in favor.

Town of Fern Town Clerk,

George J. Pakos