of the meeting of the Technical Committee of COOMET
TC 1.10 “Thermometry and Thermal Physics”
National Institute of Standardization and Metrology
18-19October 2010, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
1. Openingofthemeeting, greeting, introduction of the participants, adoption of the agenda
ThemeetingwasopenedbyViceGeneralDirectorof the National Institute of Standardization and Metrology of MoldovaAdrian Onchanu who welcomed the participants of the meeting and wished successful work.
The floor was then taken by the Chairperson of the Technical Committee of COOMET “Thermometry and Thermal Physics” (TC 1.10), Deputy Director of FGUP“VNIIMnamed after D. I. Mendeleev”Prof. Anatoliy Pokhodun (Russia).
A.Pokhodun greeted the TC members who participated in the meeting. Representatives of the following 9 countries participated in the meeting: Azerbaijan (NMC), Belarus (BelGIM), Russia (VNIIM and VNIIFTRI), Kazakhstan (KazInMetr), Moldova (INSM), Kyrgyzstan (CSM of MER of KR),Ukraine (NSC “Institute of Metrology”), Slovakia (SMU), and Germany (PTB).
MrAzerBagirov, HeadoftheStateTemperatureMeasurementStandardsSectionoftheNationalMetrologicalCentre(NMC) oftheStateCommitteeofAzerbaijanRepublicforStandardization, Metrology and Patents
MrPetrKrivonos, HeadoftheProductionandResearchDepartmentofTemperatureandThermophysicalMeasurementsofBelGIM
MrsMagda Kemper, Leading Auditor of the Thermometry Laboratory of PTB
MrBaurzhanMukhamedzhanov, 1stCategoryExpertofRGP “KazInMetr”
MrsMarinaDenisova, HeadoftheThermotechnicalMeasurementStandardsDepartmentoftheCentreofStandardizationandMetrologyoftheMinistryofEconomicRegulationofKyrgyzstan (CSM of MER of KR)
MrKonstantinBordianu, ChiefoftheMetrologicalService, HeadoftheTemperatureMeasurementsLaboratoryofINSM
MrSergeiChapa, HeadoftheMeasuringInstrumentsTestingDepartment,Head of International RelationsDepartment
MrAnatoliyPokhodun, DoctorofTechnicalScience, Professor, DeputyDirector, HeadoftheThermodynamicsDepartmentofFGUP “VNIIMnamedafterD. I. Mendeleev”
MrGennadiyKytin, LeadingResearchAssistantoftheTemperatureMeasurementLaboratoryofFGUP “VNIIFTRI”
MrPavelZnatkov, JuniorResearchAssistantoftheTemperatureMeasurementLaboratoryofFGUP “VNIIFTRI”
MrJurajRanostaj, HeadoftheCentreofThermometry, PhotometryandRadiometryoftheSlovakInstitute of Metrology
MrStanislavDuris, ResearchAssistantoftheCentreofThermometry, PhotometryandRadiometryoftheSlovakInstitute of Metrology
MrsRymmaSergiienko, SeniorResearchAssistantoftheThermometryandThermophysicalMeasurementLaboratoryofNSC “InstituteofMetrology”
2. Information on the activity of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry
TheChairpersonofTC 1.10 “ThermometryandThermalPhysics”, Member of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) А. Pokhoduninformed about the activity of CCT. He covered the following issues:
Itwasexpectedthattheredefinitionofthefourphysicalunits–kilogram, kelvin, ampere, and volt –would be adopted at the 24th General Conference of Weights and Measures (CGPM) in 2011.
The temperature unit is now determined based on the natural measure, water triple point cell with the relevant isotope composition. Taking the required corrections into account, the dispersion of the results of reproducing the water triple point temperature realized in different metrological laboratories is now of the order of 20 μK. It is expected that the refusal of the triple-point-of-water idea for realizing the temperature scale will make it possible to decrease the error in the ranges far from the triple point of water. It is proposed to define the temperature unit in terms of the Boltzmann constant.
The usual task in improving the International Temperature Scale is to bring it into conformity with the Thermodynamic Temperature Scale as much as possible. The followers of the redefinition idea are of the opinion that the modern technical development and the state of primary thermometry will make it possible to completely abandon conventional scales and begin reproducing the temperature unit with primary thermometers.
AWorkingGroup (WG)underthedirectionofDrJ.Fischer (PTB, Germany) was established in CCT to solve the redefinition issues. A. PokhodunbecameamemberofthisWG; histaskistomakeananalysisof the activities with regard to the measurement of the value of the Boltzmann constant in Russia as well as to inform the Russian scientific community about the essence of the temperature unit redefinition and its consequences.
Asaresultofthefull-scalediscussioninthescientificcirclesoftheRussianFederationalistofproblems and tasks related with the temperature unit redefinition was made. ThislistwaspartofthereportA. Pokhodun submitted to the CCT WG. Inparticular,therearenosoundrequirementstotheaccuracyofapproximationof the International Temperature Scale which is being improved to the Thermodynamic Temperature Scale.Theredefinitionoftheunitalsocausesanumberofproblemswithsuch fundamental constants as the Avogadro constant, Boltzmann constant and absolute gas constant which are connected in one equation.
AfterthediscussionoftheinformationsubmittedbytheCCTWG it was decided to postpone the redefinition of the temperature unit till the 25th CGPM at the least. TheredefinitionofthetemperatureunitwasdiscussedatthemeetingoftheConsultativeCommitteeforUnits (CCU) where a Resolution was made not to speed up the terms for the redefinition of the temperature unit and to actively carry out research in this area. TheInternationalCommitteeforWeightsandMeasuresalsoreceivedarecommendationofCCUcontaining a similar suggestion to continue the research carried out in national Metrology Institutes for the purpose of redefining the temperature unit as well as to perform additional research into the values of fundamental constants. Therelevanceofthisresearchisduetotheaccuracyoftoday’smeasurements is not suitable for the redefinition of the unit.
“MiseenPratique”isnowbeingdeveloped. Thisdocumentissimilarto “SupplementaryInformation”forthe ITS-90, buthasawidercontent; itwillcontainrecommendationsforusingprimarythermometryandregulatethemethodsofapproximationtotheThermodynamicTemperatureScaleincludingthe ITS-90 and PLTS-2000 which are expected to be valid in the transition period.
A.Pokhodunsummedupthatnot rejecting the idea about the temperature unit redefinition most specialists had supported the decision to postpone the formal redefinition of the temperature unit for a period required for finalizing the relevant scientific and metrological research. Healsomentionedthatthequicktransitiontotheunitredefinitionwouldhavea negativeeffectonmostmetrologyinstitutesbecausefewmetrologylaboratoriesnowhavetheproperequipmentandexperience, andtheinvestmentsboth for the creation of new measurement standards based on the new definition and the professional development of the operators are incommensurable with the costs for the ITS-90 equipment. TheredefinitionwillalsoresultinthenecessitytorevisetheSIbecause the temperature unit ceases to be basic and becomes derived. Theredefinitionwillaffectnotonlymetrologybutalsoeducationalprocessesincludingthose in higher school where curricula will need to be revised.
InreplytothequestionsofMrA. BagirovandMrG. KytinonwhetherITS-90 willbechangedA.PokhodunsaidthatthentherewerenoalternativeITS-90 inthetemperaturerangeofminus 200оСto the silver freezing point, and that there would not be such in the foreseeable future.ItisexpectedthateveniftheredefinitionofthetemperatureunitwillcomeintoforcetheInternationalTemperatureScalewillstillexistfor some period of time inthementioned range because the scale has a very good reproducibility in this range.
A.PokhodunalsogavethecharacteristicsofaNISTthermometertheuseofwhichasprimarydeviceforrealizing the scale in the range below minus 200оС seems to be rather disputable to himas well as the possibility to redefine the Boltzmann constant using noise thermometer.
Astopyrometry, the redefinition will result in the rejection of the Planck equation as a fundamental equation in the realization of the high temperature scale. Anabsoluteradiometercanbeusedasprimarythermometer.Howeveritistechnicallydifficulttocreateasetupwithvacuumvolumeatthetemperaturesabove1000оС, asitwasmentionedbeforeitrequiresconsiderablefinancing. A.Pokhodunthinksthattheroutineuseofthisequipmentisinexpedientbecauseitrequiresconsiderablepowerinputs, man-hourandtime.IntheopinionofA. Pokhodunitispromisingtousemetal-carbonaseutecticfixedpointsforthepracticalrealizationofthescaleincludingtherangeabove2000оС because the reproducibility of the temperature when using the same crucible with such an alloy is of a better level than for a temperature lamp which is mainly used in the range up to 2000оС. Itisexpectedthattherealizationofthetemperaturesofeutecticpointsandtheirsubsequentinterpolation will give higher accuracy of scale formation because the accumulation of errors in the scale realization in this case is removed due to light flux doubling. Thistrendisbeingactivelydevelopedintheworldmetrology, in EURAMET projects, in CCT activity, one of the evidences of which is publications in TEMPMEKO international conference proceedings. VNIIMandVNIIOFItookpartinIMERAdevoted to the reproducibility of fixed points based on eutectics. Withinthisprojectanattemptwasmadetomeasurethethermodynamictemperatureusinganabsoluteradiometer delivered from Great Britain; however no results have been received yet.
A.Pokhodunmentionedthatduringtheimprovementof theITS-90 eutecticswouldprobablybeintroducedassecondary fixed points, though there is a possibility to also introduce them to the scale as primary temperature points. Generallyspeakingtherearebothfollowersandopponentstothemodernizationofthe ITS-90. Theopponentsareofthepositionofnottochangethescalebecause,firstofall, theexistingscalecanbewellreproducedinsubrangeswhichissupportedbycomparisons, itsspecificationssatisfytheindustryneedsforseveralyearsahead, and, secondly, the revision of the scale will entail large financial expenses relating to the revision and modification of all relevant normative and technical documents. Thosewhosupportthechangeofthescalegivesuchargumentsastheneedtointroducecorrectionsintothenominalstaticcharacteristicsofworkingmeasuringinstruments, replacement of the mercury point in the low temperature area, interpolation of the characteristic of a platinum resistance thermometer in the range above the aluminum point where American specialists suggest returning to thermocouples. Therearenoreliableexperimentaldatanowwhichwouldmakeitpossibletoeasilyandshortly modernize the ITS-90.A. Pokhodunmentionedonceagainthattheprioritiesofthemetrologicalresearchwereredefinition of the unit and refinement of the Boltzmann constant, and eutectic alloy temperature measurement in pyrometry.
MainresultsofthemeetingofWG8 of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry
10 yearshavepassedsincethemomentofcarryingoutcomparisonsinthermometry (KC1, KC2,andKC3) (KC3 covered the temperature range from the argon point to the aluminum freezing point)whichisaregulatedperiodforfurtherconfirmationofCMCdeclaredasaresultofthesecomparisons.TheChairpersonofWG8 G.Strouse (NIST, USA)has already submitted the protocol of further key comparisons to the Consultative Committee.Theauthorofthetechnicalprotocolofthecomparisonshas takenaccountofdifficultiesincarryingoutthepreviouscomparisonswherethreecrossing loops were organized because of the large number of participants; due to this problems appeared when determining the reference value. AccordingtotheproposedprocedureeachparticipantofthecomparisonsshouldsubmittwothermometerstoNIST (the pilot laboratory) where the graduation of these thermometers will be compared in the fixed points from argon to the freezing point of zinc. Quotashave beenassignedontheparticipationofregionalorganizationsinthesecomparisons: thenumberof COOMET countries has been reduced from 2 to 1 (VNIIM);1 participant from African NMI (AFRIMEТS);2 participants from SIM (Canada and Mexico) excluding NIST; as a result of discussions the number of participants from EURAMEThas been increased from 3 to 4 (NMIs of Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy);3 institutes from АРМР.ThecomparisonprotocolwillhavebeenapprovedbytheendofNovember; thermometersfromparticipatingNMIswillhave been delivered to NISTby 31 January 2011 and returned from NIST by 31 August 2011; after that the participating laboratories will repeat the calibration of these thermometers. ItisexpectedthatDraftAwillhavebeenpreparedby31 January 2012.
A.PokhodunproposedcarryingouttheCOOMETcomparisonsaccording to a similar scheme after the materials of the key comparisons have been published. Heemphasizedthatthecountriesshouldidentifytheirwishtoparticipateinsuchcomparisonsinadvanceandpreparethemselvessothatthenumberofparticipantsremains stable during the comparisons already started and the comparisons are carried out in an optimal space of time.
A.PokhoduninformedthattheprocessofsteadyimprovementofCMCreviewproceduresispossiblethankstotheregulationproposedbyWG8 according to which developed and revised procedures are posted in the discussion forum of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. In this way all interested participants can leave their comments and suggestions as to the procedures discussed. Procedures for working thermometers and pyrometry are being discussed now. COOMETexpertsshould follow the latest versions of these procedures when carrying out the review of documents relating to the measurement capabilities of NMIs in temperature and other thermophysical quantities in COOMET.
ReviewresultsforCMCsubmittedtoWG8 for approval
AccordingtotheReviewProtocolsthedecisionto admit CMC to KCDB cansometimes(ifthedeclaredaccuracyisnotveryhigh) bemadebythe regional organization, however the final decision is made at the meeting of CCT WG8 where the results of measurement capabilities review are considered.
CООМЕТhasfinishedProject 417/UA-a/08 onbilateral(UkraineandRussia) supplementary comparisons of national measurement standards of temperature in the fixed points of gallium melting and indium, tin and zinc freezing. Draft B report of this project is published at the BIPM website. TheСМСofUkraine are now posted in the discussion forum of BIPM where representatives of 5 regional organizations have a chance to participate in the CMC review for 2 months. AfterthattheCMCwillbereviewedbyCCTWG8. IfthesubmittedCMCareapprovedtheWGChairpersonsendsalettertotheSecretariatoftheConsultativeCommittee, andthe CMC are reviewed by regional organizations. ItwasnotedthatthepreparationofCMCbyUkrainewasdelayedfornogoodreasonsotheyweresubmittedthe discussion forum after the meeting of CCT WG8 held in May 2010. ThenextmeetingoftheWGwillbeheldnotearlierthaninspring2011, therefore one cannot say anything about the exact time when the CMC of Ukraine will be approved and published in the KCDB.
AtthemeetingofCCTWG8 (Paris, May 2010) a number of CMC of EURAMETNMIs and CMC of Belarus were reviewed. Apositivedecisionwasmade. Theattentionofthe regionalexpertswasdrawntotheneedtostudyCMCsubmittedforintraregionalreviewmorethoroughlybecauseinordertoavoidremarksatthemeetingofthe CCTWG. Belarusnowhas27 published СМС.
To take note of the information on the activity of the Consultative committee for Thermometry and CCT WG8.
3. Discussion of progress in the implementation of COOMET projects in thermometry and thermal physics
Project387/UA-a/07 “Regional Comparison of National Measurement Standards for Temperature Units in Fixed Points of Silver, Goldand Copper Freezing”
Speaker: R. Sergiyenko
WithinProject 387/UA-а/07 “Regional Comparison of National Measurement Standards for Temperature Units in Fixed Points of Silver, Goldand Copper Freezing”regional bilateral comparisons of the national measurement standards for the temperature unit in non-contact thermometry maintained in Ukraine (Kharkov, NSC “Institute of Metrology”) and the Russian Federation (Saint-Petersburg, VNIIM) were carried out.
Atthemomentofregistrationandapprovaloftheprojecttheprimarymeasurement standardat NSC “Institute of Metrology” contained only a crucible with copper.In2007-2010thisstandardwasnotcompletedwithcruciblesofotherfixedmetalsfortechnicalreasonsthereforethe comparisons within COMET Project 387/UA-a/07 actually turned into the comparison of the primary measurement standards in the copper fixed point only.
ForobjectivereasonsstatedinDraftAthetransferstandardwasreplacedtwice; vacuum temperature lamp SI 10-300 No. 5 examined and provided by VNIIM was finally chosen as transfer standard. Thecomparisonprocedurestatedinthetechnicalprotocolapprovedbytheparticipants was to realize freezing plateau of copperon the primary standards with further calibration of the transfer standard in this fixed point.
Atthemomenttheresultsofmeasurementscarried out by the participants were processed by the Project Coordinator (NSC “Institute of Metrology”) according to COOMET Recommendation R/GM/19:2008. Inaccordancewiththisrecommendationthesupplementarycomparisonreferencevalue, expanded uncertainty of the reference value and the consistency criteria of the declared uncertaintieswascalculated. Theobtainedcomparisonresultswerepresented, andbasedonthepreparedDraftAitwasconcludedthattheresultswerecompatible and that the participants of the comparisons confirmed the declared uncertainties.
IntheprocessofdiscussingthecomparisonresultsА.PokhoduninformedabouttheproposalofVNIIM to prolong Project 387/UA-а/07 and divide it into two phases. Both the participants have already performed the first phase – comparison of the measurement standards using a temperature lamp as transfer standard. It was suggested to perform the second phase through direct comparison of graphite crucibles with fixed metals which are part of the primary measurement standards of the participants. Ontheonehand, thisprocedurewillmakeitpossibletoincreasethenumberofdeclaredCMC, and, on the other hand, to identify the sources of increase in the Type A component which in the uncertainty budget of NSC “Institute of Metrology” five times exceeds the similar quantitygiven in the uncertainty budget of VNIIM.
The representatives of Slovakia expressed their wish to participate in this COOMET project. SincetheprimarymeasurementstandardoftheSlovakInstituteofMetrology(SMU) containsonlyafixedpointofgold, VNIIM can be a partner of SMU in the comparisonsin this fixed point.
1. Toaddphase 2 toProject387/UA-а/07; accordingtothisphasecomparisonsofgraphitecrucibleswith fixedmetalsshouldbemade.
2. The Project Coordinator should revise the technical protocol and determine the terms for phase 2.
3. SMU (Slovakia) shouldconsider a possibility to participate in the project and submit its proposals to the Project Coordinator by 1 January 2011.
Project 417/UA-а/08 “SupplementaryRegionalComparisons of National Measurement Standards for Temperature Units in Fixed Points of GalliumMelting, Indium, Tin and Zinc Freezing”
Speaker: A. Pokhodun
TheprogressofProject 417/UA-a/08 (coordinatorofcomparisons:VNIIM) was described in detail above, in the section devoted to the review results of the CMC submitted to WG-8 for approval. Theprojectwascompletedand the CMCs of Ukraine (NSC “Institute of Metrology”) were posted on the discussion forum of BIPM.
ToconsiderProject417/UA-a/08 completed. Torecommendthe Project Coordinator to send the form of Completed COOMET Project 417/UA-а/08 by 1 January 2011 to COOMET Secretariat.
Project395/BY-a/07 “Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards of the triple point of water for temperature measurements”
Speaker: P. Krivonos(BelGIM)
BelGIM(coordinatorofcomparisons) hasfinishedtheresearchintotheampoules of the participants of the comparisons. At present the NMIs of Slovakia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan expressed their wish to participate in the project.
TheProjectCoordinatorshouldcorrect the terms of the activities and the technical protocol taking the existing circumstances into account.
Project 228/UA-а/01 “ComparisonofNational Measurement Standards for Unit of Combustion Energy”
Thereporton this project was prepared by the Project Coordinator E.Korchagina(VNIIM)
Speaker: A. Pokhodun
WithinCOOMETProject228/UA-а/01 andintheperiodof2008 to 2010international comparisons of national measurement standards of combustion energy were carried out using samples of benzoic acid. Four metrological centres participated in the comparisons: FGUP“VNIIM named after D.IMendeleev” (Russia), NSC “Institute of Metrology” (Ukraine), ChemicalMetrologyAnalyticalScienceDivision, National Institute of Metrology (NIM, China), and BRML-National Institute of Metrology (BRML,Romania).SamplesofK-3 highpuritybenzoicacidcertified against the measurement standard of VNIIM and Chinese benzoic acid certified against the measurement standard of NIM (China) were used in the comparisons.
Thefollowingconclusionscanbemadebasedon the comparison results:
1. Theresultsofallthe participants of the comparisons are compatible. Thecomparisonresultsareindependent of each other; correlation is absent.
2. Theparticipantsofthecomparisonsconfirmed the declared uncertainties.
The results of the comparisons were reported by the working group for thermophysical measurement WG9 (Paris) at the meeting of CCT. Apresentationandan article have been prepared to be made at the symposium on reference materials RM 2010 to be held in Beijing on 26-29 October 2010.
А.PokhoduninformedabouttheactionstakenbyhimastheChairpersonofTC 1.10 and the Head of COOMET Secretariat (NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Kharkov) to make the comparisons within this project key comparisons under the aegis of CCT. Sincetheseactionswerenotasuccess, A.Pokhodunthinks it is appropriate to launch a similar (new) project for key comparisons of CCT.
ToconsiderProject228/UA-a/01 to be completed. To recommend to the Project Coordinator to submit the form of Completed COOMET Project228/UA-а/01 to COOMET Secretariat by 1 January 2011.
Project486/RU/10“Regional Comparisons of Copper Cells for Contact Thermometry”
Speaker: A. Pokhodun
TheprojectwasproposedbyVNIIM (coordinator)and is under approval now. The participants of the project are VNIIM (Russia), KazInMetr (Kazakhstan),NSC “Institute of Metrology” (Ukraine), SMU (Slovakia). The coordinator has developed a technical protocol of the comparisons.Itisproposedtocarryoutcomparisons of copper cells used for calibration and verification of thermocouples of precious alloys (thermocouples of S, B, and R types), as well as thermocouples of pure precious metals (platinum-palladium thermocouples) within the project. Hightemperatureplatinumthermometersorplatinum-palladium thermocouples areexpectedtobeusedfor the comparisons.
To recommend to the Project Coordinator to send an agreed project form for COOMET Project “Regional Comparisons of Copper Cells for Contact Thermometry” to COOMET Secretariat by 1 January 2011.
Project 487/RU/10 “RegionalComparisonsof S Type Thermocouples in Temperature Range of 300 to 1100 оС”
Speaker: A. Pokhodun
TheprojectwasproposedbyVNIIM (coordinator) and is under approval now. The participants of the project are VNIIM (Russia), KazInMetr (Kazakhstan), NSC “Institute of Metrology” (Ukraine).Itisproposedtocarryoutcomparisons of S type thermocouplesin the temperature range of 300 to 1100 оС using cells with zinc, aluminum and copper for calibration.The Project Coordinator has developed a technical protocol of the comparisons.
To recommend to the Project Coordinator to send an agreed project form for COOMET Project “Regional Comparisons of S Type Thermocouples in Temperature Range of 300 to 1100 оС” to COOMET Secretariat by 1 January 2011.
Project 488/RU/10 “Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards of Combustion Energy Using Samples of Gas Mixes”
Thereporton this project was prepared by the Project Coordinator E.Korchagina (VNIIM).
Speaker: A. Pokhodun
TheprojectwasproposedbyVNIIM. TheinformationontheproposedcomparisonsingascalorimetrywasgivenatthemeetingofWG9 (5 May 2010, Paris). Nowthelistofparticipantsisbeingformed. AsA.Pokhodunmentioned, itisnecessarytoagreetheparticipationofUkrainianmetrologicalcentresinthisprojectwithNSC “InstituteofMetrology” andCOOMETSecretariat, inparticularthepossibilityforDP “Ukrmetrteststandart” (Kyiv, Ukraine) withagascalorimeterlaboratorytoparticipate.
1. TorecommendtotheProjectCoordinatortoinformDP “Ukrmetrteststandart”abouttheneedtoagreetheirparticipationintheprojectwithNSC “Institute of Metrology” and COOMET Secretariat.
2. BasedonthedecisionmadeatNSC “InstituteofMetrology” the Project Coordinator should correct the name of the project as the national combustion energy standard of Ukraine is maintained at NSC “InstituteofMetrology”.
Project 489/RU/10 “Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards for Combustion Energy Using Samples of High Purity Graphite”
Thereporton this project was prepared by the Project Coordinator E. Korchagina (VNIIM).
Speaker: A. Pokhodun
Within this project proposed by VNIIMthe consent of three participants was received: FGUP “VNIIM named after D. I. Mendeleev” (Russia), NSC “InstituteofMetrology” (Ukraine), ChemicalMetrologyAnalyticalScienceDivision, National Institute of Metrology (NIM, China). Asampleforthecomparisonswas been prepared. ThisisahighpuritygraphitemadeofgraphiteЕС-22 electrodes(TU1915-005-11250473-99) by powdering, bolting and drying. Ananalyticprobewasobtainedwhichispowderwith grains no more than 0.1 mm in size. Theinitialprobewaspackedintosealedcans; the samples were transferred to the participants of the comparisons (China, Ukraine). Thepilotlaboratory(VNIIM) developeda procedure for graphite combustion, performed experiments that confirm the stability of the material, and evaluated the impact of humidity on the results of measuring the specific combustion energy. A technical protocol of the comparisons was prepared and distributed among the participants.
To recommend to the Project Coordinator to send an agreed project form for COOMET Project “Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards for Combustion Energy Using Samples of High Purity Graphite” to COOMET Secretariat by 1 January 2011.
Project495/RU-а/10“PilotComparisonsonThermalConductivityinRangeof0.03 to 0.05 W/(m·K) in Temperature Range of 10 to 40 оС”
Speaker: B. Mukhamedzhanov (KazInMetr)