of the meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2013

at the Village Hall, Boston Spa at 7.30p.m.

  1. Present: Geoff Shaw (Chair), David Thomson, Keith Jackson, Jill Jackson, Sandy Goodall, Chris Newsome, Jeff Newton, William Sparling.

Note Taker: Vivienne Skinner

  1. Apologies for absence: Mark Yeadon, Brian Charlton, Warren Meads, David Anderson.

The Chairman was disappointed that not all absent members had sent their apologies and was concerned that some members had attended few meetings this year.

  1. Minutes and matters arising
  • The Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th June 2013 were approved.

4. Neighbourhood Plan Structure and Objectives – feedback from the meeting on 25th June

  • Geoff reported that the objectives for all of the Topic Groups have been issued and that the direction, style, and themes are fitting together. These will form the basis of the presentations to the community next week.
  • Keith Jackson had circulated two papers to the SG, (a) The Outline Structure of the Neighbourhood Plan and (b) The Objectives for each Topic Group. These informed the discussion.
  • Jill Jackson had produced an analysis of Green Space in Boston Spa which clearly shows the village currently has a shortage of 13.65 hectares which is equivalent to two fields the size of Church Fields. The SG agreed the analysis provided a strong argument that building should not take place in an area where there is already a shortage of green space.
  • Problems with traffic were a big issue identified in the questionnaire survey and the Environment & Infrastructure Group are to set up a sub-group to look at this.
  • Keith Jackson highlighted that shortage of parking in the village had also been identified as an issue. There was a discussion around how the existing parking could be better managed with short term parking and improved signage.
  • Geoff summarised that the NP should have enforceable policies and positive community actions decided and driven by the community. The Exeter NP was an example of this approach.
  • There was an unresolved discussion about the need for a Newsletter in the future to provide information on the progress and implementation of the NP, and how key projects could be identified alongside the policies within the plan.

5. Village Hall Events – Update on arrangements

5.1 Friday 12th & Saturday 13th July

  • The NPSG wished to record their thanks to Viv Rawnsley for all of the work she has put into the graphics and development of the various leaflets that have been distributed throughout the village.
  • Chris reported that all of the display boards are ready; Pippa Sterne will be having the Gazebo in her garden to advertise the events; and the rolling slide presentation is ready.
  • Chris will circulate a list of volunteers and the SG and TGLs will encourage further support from members.

5.2 Wednesday 17th July

  • Geoff has met with Christine & Jonathon Pickup to finalise the changes to the presentation.
  • The format for the evening will be: Introduction by Geoff; Presentation by Christine & Jonathon; Presentations from the TGLs; Questions & Closure.
  • Will Sparling volunteered to produce a PowerPoint presentation using the key objectives for each TG. Viv Rawnsley will provide a series of pictures to use in the presentation.
  • The meeting is scheduled for about 2 hours.

6. Presentation to the Parish Council 16th July – update on arrangements.

  • The presentation will be at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Room, and will be a preview of the presentation to the public on 17th July.

7. NP response to Leeds CC on issues and options

  • It was agreed the response to Leeds CC Site Allocations Plan should include green spaces, retail and employment. Deadline is 29th July and Sandy Goodall will circulate a draft housing site allocation submission.

8. Boston Spa Gala 15th June - feedback

  • The presence of the gazebo and display generated interest and provided the opportunity to raise the awareness of the public meetings in July.

9. Protection of Sites, Buildings and Views

  • David Anderson has volunteered to take this on and is meeting with Geoff to discuss.

10. Finances

  • Report on expenditure up to June 2013 circulated.

11. AOB

  • Traffic Survey Locality Scheme – grants up to £7,000 are available for projects to create a database of traffic flow information to inform future decisions on traffic control. Keith Jackson has asked Leeds CC for further information and it was agreed he will take this forward on behalf of the NPSG.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 13th August 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Agenda items to Geoff Shaw by 5th August.

Meeting closed at 21.40hrs

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