Of the Main Events of the Russian Rectors Union (RRU)

Of the Main Events of the Russian Rectors Union (RRU)



of the main events
of the Russian Rectors’ Union (RRU)

for 2008

Statute events of the RRU
1. /
Session of RRU’s Council
  • About the activities of Russia School Olympiads Council
  • About legislative initiatives on budget institutions regulations
  • About signing a partnership agreement between RRU and Russia Machine-builders Union (RMBU)
/ February
2. /
Session of RRU’s Directorate
  • About law enforcement practice related to the Federal Law “Changes in articles 12 and 20 of the Federal Law “About higher and post-graduate professional education””, in particular, introduction a position of President in higher education institutions
  • About the activities of certification commission of Education and Science Ministry of Russian Federation
/ March
3. /
JointsessionofRRU’sPresidiumandBrazilianAssociationofrectorsofcities’ and states’ universities (ABRUEM)
/ April
4. / Session of RRU’s Council
  • About a current state and outlook of scientific, research and innovative activities of higher education institutions in Russia
/ June
5. / Sessionof RRU's Council
  • About cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises-employers on job placement of graduates and their adaptation to current labor market conditions
/ September
6. / Sessionof RRU's Council
  • About preparation for IХRRU’s Congress
/ November
7. / IХ RRU’s Congress / December
RRU’s legislative activities
8. / Theoretical and practical conference to discuss RRU’s legislative initiatives on budget institutions regulations / April
9. / TogetherwithsubjectsoflawtakemeasurestoharmonizelegislationinitiativesrelatedtoFederalLawdraftsonbudgetinstitutionsregulations / Constantly
10. / WorkinggroupactivitiestoprepareRF’sEducationalCodedraft. Preparationofexplanatorynote, financialfeasibility, specificationofstatutoryactslapsed upon adoption of the Code and a list of acts of law needed to harmonize it to the actual legal system / Constantly
11. / Theoretical and practical conference to discuss the preparation process of RF’s Educational Code and proposals to improve it / June

Main activities of RRU’s Council of Higher Education institutions’ Presidents

1. / Moscow seminar «Experience of Rectors and Presidents interaction» / January
2. / St-Petersburgseminar «ExperienceofRectorsandPresidentsinteraction»
  • Discussion on the draft workbook “Rectors and Presidents interaction”, prepared by Presidents’ section of Moscow and Moscow region Rectors’ Union
/ June
3. / All-Russiaseminar,dedicatedtoformationofPresidentinstitutionwithinhighereducationfield (inthecourse of the IX RRU’s Congress) / December

ActivitiesofRussiaSchoolOlympiadCouncil (underRRU)

1. / Summing-upofmonitoredOlympiads, contestsandotherintellectual events held in Russian Federation’s subjects / January
2. / Discussionandadoption (togetherwithRRU) ofplanoftheCouncil’sactivities for 2008 / February
3. / Session of the Council’s Presidium / March
4. / ApprovalbytheEducationandScienceMinistryofRF of the personal composition of the Council / March
5. / Formingofasetofdocuments, regulatingthe Council’s activity / March
6. / ApprovalbytheEducationandScienceMinistryofRFand by the Council of the above set of documents / April
7. / Presentationoftheofficialinformationaleducationalweb-portaloftheCouncil / May
8. / Receivingofdifferentintellectualcontests’ applicationsfor participation in the Council’s scheduled events / May
9. / Examinationoftheaboveapplicationsbyexamining bodies of the Council / June-July
10. / EnlargedsessionoftheCouncil(withextensive participation of professional community) to discuss the draft schedule of Olympiads and other events / July
11. / Approval of the above schedule / August
12. / Activities of local rectors’ unions to popularize the Council’s work and encourage the talented youth to participate in the scheduled events / September-December
13. / Session of the council to sum up the results of 2008 work / December

Mainactivitiesof State authorities and leading public associations, held with participation of the RRU

1. / SessionsofScience, TechnologyandEducation Council under the President of RF / Constantly
2. / SessionsofRFGovernment, ministriesandagencies, relatedtoeducationalsystemandtheHigherSchool activity / Constantly
3. / Sessionsofcommittees, commissions, expertandpubliccouncils, parliamenthearings, roundtablesofStateDumaand Senat / Constantly
4. / Sessions of Public Chamber, its commissions and working groups, public hearings / Constantly
5. / Sessionsofcertificationcommissionsofministriesandagencies – founders of higher education establishments / Constantly
6. / Sessions of Education Commission of ScienceAcademy of RF / Constantly
7. / ActivitiesofScience & Education Workers’ labor union of RF / Constantly
8. / ActivitiesofRussiaUnionofIndustrialists, ChamberofCommerceandIndustry, “BusinessRussia” and other associations, carried out according strategic partnership agreements with RRU / Constantly