Accepted by Department council
of the lectures and practical classes in organ anatomy for ІІ medical course
Winter term 2014/2015
Lecturers: Ass. Prof. I. Koeva, MD, PhD
Made by Prof. Iveta Koeva
week / Lectures– 2h / Practical classes 2X2hІ week
15.09 -19.09 / 1.Cardiovascularsystem. Heart–embryonicdevelopment,topography, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1.Principalstructureofa tube and parenchymatous organs-
2 h.
2. Cardiovascularsystem–macro-and microscopic anatomy– 2 h.
Histological sections:
1.artery and vein- muscular type
2.aorta-orcein, Н-Е
3.arteriola, venula and capillaries
4. ЕМ of capillaries
ІІ week
22.09 -26.09 / 1. Bloodvessels–embryonicdevelopment, macro-andmicroscopicanatomy.Lymphsystem –principalstructure.Lymphvesselsandlymph. / 1. Heart–– macro-and microscopic anatomy.2 h.
Histological sections:
1.heart wall
2.Impulse-conducting system
2. Immunesystem-bonemarrow, thymusandlymphnodes- macro-and microscopic anatomy. – 2 h.
Histological sections:
1.bone marrow
3.lymph node
ІІІ week
29.09 -3.10 / 1.Immunesystem–principalstructure.Bonemarrow, thymus, spleenandlymphnodes–embryonic development,macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Immunesystem–spleenandtonsils –macro-and microscopic anatomy– 2 h.
Histological sections:
2. tonsilla palatina
2. Nasal cavity and the paranasal air sinuses-macro-and microscopic anatomy– 2 h
Histological sections:
- nasal mucosa
ІV week
06.10 -10.10 / 1. Respiratorysystem- embryonic development and general structure of the organs of the respiratory system. Nasal cavity, larynx, trachea and lungs– macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Larynx- macro-and microscopic anatomy.– 2 h
Histological sections:
1. epiglottis
2. larynx /demonstration/
2. Tarchea, bronchi and the lungs – macro-and microscopic anatomy.– 2 h
Histological sections:
V week
13.10 -17.10 / 1.Digestivesystem. Oralcavity-embryonicdevelopment,generalstructure.Tongue, salivaryglandsandteeth –embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Thelungsandbronchi –macro-and microscopic anatomy.– 2 h
Histological sections:
1. lung of adult - small and middle-sized bronchi
3. embryonic lung
4. ЕМ of alvelocytes II type and blood-air barrier
2. Test in cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems.
VІ week
20.10 -24.10 / 1. Pharynx,oesophagusandstomach-embryonicdevelopment, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Digestive system. Oral cavity–macro-and microscopic anatomy- 2h.
Histological sections:
2.Teeth- – macro-and microscopic anatomy-2 h.
Histological sections:
1. embryonic tooth
2. adult tooth- H-E
3. adult tooth– schliff
VІІ week
27.10-31.10 / 1. Small, largeintestinesandappendix–embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1.Tongueandsalivaryglands – macro-and microscopic anatomy-2h.
Histological sections:
1.tongue ,papillae filiformes
2.tongue, papillae vallatae
3.parotid gland
4.submandibular gland
5.sublingual gland
2. Pharynxandoesophagus –macro-and microscopic anatomy– 2 h.
Histological sections:
- oesophagus
03.11 -07.11 / 1. Liver, gallbladderandpancreas–embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Stomach -macro-and microscopic anatomy.-2h.
Histological sections:
1.stomach – fundus
2.stomach –pylorus
ЕМ of parietal and chief cells, endocrine cell of gastric gland
2. Smallandlargeintestine(caecum, colon, rectum)-macro-and microscopic anatomy.– 2 h
1. smallintestine
3.large intestine
4. appendix
5. ЕМ of goblet cell and resorptive cell of small intestine
IХ – седмица
10.11-14.11 / 1.Urinarysystem-embryonic development and principal structure of the organs.
Kidney,ureterandurinarybladder– macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Liverandpancreas–macro-and microscopic anatomy- 2 h.
Histological sections:
2.gall bladder
ЕМ of hepatocytes
2. Urinarysystem–kidney-macro-and microscopic anatomy. – 2 h
Histological sections:
1. kidney-Н-Е
2. kidney– kongorot
3. ЕМ of blood-urinary barrier, proximal convoluted tubule cell and distal convoluted tubule cell.
Х week
17.11-21.11 / 1.Endocrine system-general characteristic and classification. Hypophysisandepiphysis.Peripheralendocrineorgans-adrenalgland, thyroidandparathyroidglands-embryonic development,macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Ureterandurinarybladder –macro-andmicroscopicanatomy– 2h.
Histological sections:
1. ureter
2. urinary bladder
3. urethra (male)
2. Test in digestive and urinary systems.
ХІ week
24.11-28.11 / 1.Endocrine system. Endocrine cells in other organs – macro- and microscopic structure. APUD – system - general characteristic.
Malereproductivesystem-embryonic development and general characteristic. Testis– macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Endocrinesystem-hypophysis, epiphysis and the islets of Langerhans
-macro-and microscopic anatomy - 2h.
Histological sections:
1. hypophysis
2. epiphysis
3. islets of Langerhans
3.1.staining by Н-Е impregnation
4. ЕМ of cells of adenohypophisis and endocrine cell in small intestine
2. Endocrinesystem–thyroid, parathyroidandadrenalglands- macro-andmicroscopicanatomy - 2h.
Histological sections:
1. thyroid gland
2. parathyroid glands
3. adrenal gland
4. ЕМ of zona fasciculata cell in adrenal gland and thyroid gland follicule
ХІІ week
01.12 -05.12 /
1. Malereproductivesystem–epididymis, prostate, seminalvesicles, penisandmale urethra– macro-and microscopic anatomy.
/ 1. Malereproductivesystem –testis, epididymis- macro-and microscopic anatomy- 2 h.Histological sections:
3.ЕМ of Leydig cell
2. Prostate, seminalvesicles, penisandmale urethra– macro-and microscopic anatomy - 2 h.
Histological sections:
1. prostate
2.ductus deferens
08.12 -12.12 /
1. Femalereproductivesystem.
Ovary–embryonicdevelopment,macro-and microscopic anatomy. /1. Femalereproductivesystem.
Ovary–macro-and microscopic anatomy- 2h.Histological sections:
1. ovary
2. Uterus, oviduct and vagina–-macro-and microscopic anatomy. The external genitalia- 2 h.
Histological sections:
1. uterus
ХIV week
15.12-19.12 / 1.Femalereproductivesystem–uterus, oviductandvagina–embryonic development,macro-and microscopic anatomy.
Integumental system.Skin and its appendages - embryonic development,macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Test in endocrine, male and female reproductive systems.
2. Theskin and its appendages- 2 h
Histological sections:
4.mammary gland (lactating)
5.mammary gland (non-lactating)
ХV week
22.12 – 23.12 / Review
Term tests:
І test- cardiovascular, immune and respiratory systems- 60 p.
Theoretical test – 40 points
Practical – 20 points
ІІ test- digestive and urinary systems -60 p.
Theoretical test – 40 points
Practical – 20 points
ІІІ test–endocrine system, male and female reproductive systems-60 p.
Theoretical test – 40 points
Practical – 20 points
Total -180 p.
162 – 180 p. – 6.00
153 – 161 p. – 5.50
144 – 152 p. – 5.00
135 – 143 p. – 4.50
126 – 142 p. – 4.00
117 – 125 p. – 3.50
108 – 116 p. – 3.00
Bellow 108 p.-2.00
90% of 180 = 162pts or more,you may prepare presentation on the third semester material!
80% of 350 = 280pts or more from 3rd and 4th semesters will free you from the practical test during the final exam!
- Junqueira, Carneiro. Histology, 4 edition, Springer, 1997
- Stevens, Lowe, Human Histology, 2 edition, Chapman and Hall, 1997
- Grey’s Anatomy
Notebooks and additional materials:
- Atanassova P, Koeva I, Petrova E, Penkova N, Trichkova V. A Practicum Organ Histology
- CD – Interactive atlas of anatomy and histology of internal organs, edition of the Department of anatomy, histology and embryology, Medical University of Plovdiv
- Sivkov ST, Atanasova PK, Novakov SS. MCQ`S in anatomy, a self-testing supplement to human anatomy, Internal Organs&Topographic Anatomy.
1. Sobotta. Atlas of Human anatomy, 14th edition, Urban & Fisher, 2006
2. Rohen, Yokochi, Luten-Drecoll. Human Anatomy, 4 edition, Springer, 1998
3. Krstic, Human Microscopic Anatomy, Springer, 1997
Made by Prof. Iveta Koeva