Grant Application Form

of the Kiwanis Club of Columbus

on behalf of Columbus Kiwanis Foundation

Kiwanis Club of Columbus is pleased to announce its grant making cycle for the 2016-2017 administrative year. Kiwanis’ focus is serving the children of the world and these grants will have a similar focus: serving the children of Franklin County, OH.

A total of $50,000 will be awarded over two grant cycles with an average grant size of $5000. Preference will be given to organizations with projects or programs in one or more of the following categories.

The needs of children ages birth through five years. Any program or project serving this age group may be considered. Kiwanis Club of Columbus is specifically concerned with decreasing the rate of infant mortality in central Ohio.

The needs of children, youth or families through programming that:

  • Improves educational outcomes;
  • Improves mental health outcomes;
  • Addresses health disparities;
  • Provides basic needs;
  • Helps bridge families out of poverty; or
  • Enhances cultural opportunities in Columbus through the arts.

Due Dates

Cycle I: / Cycle II:
Applications due by December 16, 2016 / Applications due by May 12, 2017
Board action taken by February 14, 2017 / Board action taken by July 11, 2017
Grantees announced February 17, 2017 / Grantees announced July 14, 2017

Eligibility and Restrictions

In order to be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be a tax-exempt organization.
  • Request funding for programming primarily benefiting children ages birth to 18.
  • Be located inandprimarily serve Franklin County, OH with preference for those organizations serving children living in the city of Columbus, OH.

Kiwanis Club of Columbus will NOT fund:

  • Grants to individuals
  • Grants supporting partisan political agendas
  • Grants to religious organizations for purely religious purposes
  • Lobbying
  • Fundraising events

Applicants are asked to complete the Club’s grant application formavailable at our website: by request of a member of Kiwanis Club of Columbus. Completed requests are due no later than 5 p.m. on the appropriate due date via email to Kiwanis Club of Columbus Secretary Paul Bohlman at . Paper applications will also be accepted and can be sent to Kiwanis Club of Columbus, P.O. Box 20334, Columbus, OH 43220-0334. Paper applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the due date. Please do not send both an electronic and a paper application. Please submit anyquestionsabout your application to Secretary Bohlman prior to the due date. Kiwanis Club of Columbus reserves the right to solicit applications from any organization it chooses.

Date of Application
Applicant Organization (Full Legal Name)
Tax Exempt ID # (EIN)
Name of Executive Director/CEO
Name of Fiscal Sponsor (if applicable)
Proposal Contact Name
Contact Title
Contact Phone
Contact E-mail
Street Address
Zip Code
Organization Website
Mailing Address (if different than street address)
Organization’s Budgeted Expenses for Current Year(give fiscal year end mm/dd/yy) / $
Program/Project Title
Total Budget for this Program/Project / $
Amount of this request / $
Anticipated Project Start and End Date
Total Number of people to be served during grant period
Brief demographic description of population served by this Program/Project
Signature of Executive Director/CEO

Project Narrative

Please provide a brief answer to each of the following. Total application form should not exceed 7 pages, excluding Request for Funds form and Board of Trustees list.


1.Brief summary of organization’s history and statement of organization’s mission.

2. Brief description of current programs/projects and activities

3. How is your organization positioned to address the community need indicated in your application? (For example, how does your organization’s skills, history, program scope, location, or other attributes make it uniquely qualified to provide this service?)

Needs Statement

4. What is the problem, challenge or need that is unaddressed or unmet?

5. Summary description of overall program/project to be funded under this grant including description of beneficiaries and the geographic region served.

6. List at least 3 goals of the program/project.

7. Please identify the desired outcome of each goal. Please state the outcome in measurable terms and indicate how you will measure it. (Can be provided in bullet form.)

8. What other central Ohio organizations address this need and how is your project different from similar existing projects at these organizations?

9. Please provide a detailed timetable for implementation of your program/project.

Sustainability and Impact

10. Please describe what impact this project/program will have on recipients in Franklin County, OH.

11. How will you accomplish the program/project if you do not receive Kiwanis Club of Columbus funding? What will your organization do to sustain the program beyond this year?

Marketing and Relationship with Kiwanis

12. Kiwanis would like to receive as much publicity/visibility for this grant as possible. Please describe what publicity or sponsorship benefits Kiwanis Club of Columbus would receive as a result of this grant

13. Do you have a relationship with Kiwanis Club of Columbus or a specific Kiwanis member? If so, what is the relationship or with whom?

Complete Applications include:

  1. Completed Application Form (signed by the CEO) including the completed budget attached to this form.
  2. Please attach a complete list of your trustees with title and contact information. This list does not count in your 7-page limit.

Please email the completed application form to or mail to P.O. Box 20334, Columbus, OH 43220-0334. Forms must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the due date, whether emailed or mailed.

Please complete the following project budget information.

Anticipated / Committed / Total
Contributed Income
Local Govt.
State Govt.
Fed. Govt.
Specific Foundations: (list)
Board/Individual contributions
Earned Income
Client Fees
Membership Dues
Contract services
Publications and Products
Ticket Sales
Organization Income
Total project income
Kiwanis Request / Other Funding / Total
Personnel Expenses
Salaries and Wages
Fringe Benefits
Non-Personnel Expenses
Contract services/professional fees
Office space
Staff/Board Development
Travel/Related Expenses
Indirect Costs
Total project expenses
Excess (Deficiency)