Of the child XXXX XXXX, male, born March 2004

General information:

The child has been placed in a Center for Family Type Accommodationin Dec. 2014. Prior to this placement he has been raised in a Home for Children Deprived from Parental Care since January 2009. Before that he has been raised in a family environment. In April 2014 the boy was placed in foster care for a while and then removed and placed again in the group home.

There is no data for hereditary defects.

General physical development:

The child is good general health condition. He is calm and expresses self-confidence in his behaviour. He is able to follow and repeat a set of movements after being instructed. The general and fine motor skills are well-coordinated, well-developed and precise. He has well-developed skills to manipulate with objects.

-The continues to further develop his gross motor skills and his movement become more and more effective and precise;

-He likesdynamic games which require a lot of energy;

-The time period of keeping his attention active is increasing, he works independently on various tasks for longer periods;

-He is able to willingly concentrate efforts, but not always consequently;

-He enjoys solving tasks and various activities involving jigsaws, labyrinths, sorting.

Psychological status

The boy is consistent in his thoughts and still not fully confident in his reactions. He presents with knowledge and skills which are relevant to his age.

Perception – he properly perceives the characteristics of the environment, including objects and events;

Notions – he easily constructs general image of his surrounding on a level, relevant for his age;

Apperceptions – he might sometimes use the previous knowledge not accordingly when learning about a new object or event.

Memory –the boy easily memorizes and reproduces what he has learnt.

Attention – sustainable and concentrated.

Categorization – he easily finds the differences between objects and classifies them in groups.

The mental capacity, the psychomotor reactions and the thought process are within the norms for his age.

The intellectual abilities are within the norms for his age. The child has properly developed notions and cognitions about significant number of events and situations. He has a good level of understanding.

Emotional development

The boy is outgoing and cheerful. No depressive periods are observed. He is not an aggressive child. He doesn’t have the tendency to imply his way of thinking when playing with other children and he does not strive to be in the leading position. In most situations he is mindful of other people’s wishes. He is able to form sustainable relationships and expresses attachment. When in a conflict situation he tends to defend himself and looks for authority figures.

Language skills and communication

The boy has enriched his active vocabulary. He willingly communicates with people, keeping in mind personal space and distance and also looks for the approval of the staff members of the group home. The level of comprehension is relevant for his age and social environment. He is able to lead a dialogue with another person, he is empathetic towards his companion and expresses his attitude on the subject. When interacting with the others he also uses nonverbal methods such as gestures and facial expression in a relevant way. He is talkative and likes talking about his achievements. He is able to verbalize his ideas and real situations.

Personality development

He perceives himself as a boy. He has properly developed self-image. He has developed sensitivity towards good and bad. He takes initiative and is consistent in his actions. He is not persistent to impose his opinion. He is able to make plans according his abilities, sometimes he is impatient to finish what he has started and skips a few details in a hurry. The boy is cheery and has a sense of humor, he is also mindful and tries not to hurt the people around himself. He pursues his goals. He has developed a sense of justice. Sometimes he could be impatient. The boy has the genuine desire to explore the world around himself and asks questions until he gets a satisfactory answer. He shows he cares about the others.

Relationships with others

He willingly communicates with people, keeping in mind personal space and distance and also looks for the approval of the staff members from the group home. He likes going to school, he does not impose his opinion and tends to conform. He always demonstrates empathy when interacting with children and adults. He enjoys having somebody seeing his achievements. He likes interactive games and he likes competing. He has his own company of peers, all of them are boys. He is able to express a comprehensive view of a situation, not just a personal angle.


The role-play and pretend games are full and consistent. He likes playing soccer, watching movies, listening to music. He likes both - spending time by himself and playing together with peers.

Educational activity

The boy easily remembers and reproduces what he learns, he presents with stable attention and concentration. Because of his cognitive abilities he is confident and initiative during the classes.

He reads well, with the proper intonation and punctuation, making a minimum amount of mistakes. He can retell what he has read and answer questions regarding the content. He can multiply with numbers up to 1000 with a prime number. He finds it difficult when working on tasks with text conditions. He shows interests and willingly makes efforts to study the lessons in “Men and Nature” classes. The boy has a good level of motivation to study.

Hygiene habits/Self-service skills: The boy’s self-service skills have improved significantly. He dresses and eats independently. He is able to observe good personal hygiene. His night sleep is calm.

Attitude towards the process of adoption: The boy doesn’t have resistance towards the adoption process. He reacts positively when talking about being possibly adopted.

Date: July 2016

Prepared by:

XXXX XXXX – psychologist