3 February 2017

Dear Parents/Carers

Tai Chi

On Monday 30th January we all enjoyed a taster session

of Tai Chi led by our visitor, Clive Barnett. Everyone felt

very calm and relaxed as we tried a range of moves and

learned about how they represented different animals.

Clive was extremely complementary about our school and


This year our ‘Book Week’ begins on Monday 27th February with World Book Day being on Thursday 2nd March. There will be lots of activities related to books throughout the week, but you may like to take note of the following.


We would like as many children as possible to bring in something to display as part of our exhibition.

Suggestions: Picture, shoe box, bunting or similar decorated as stepping inside a story. (Try Pavers in Shepton Mallet for a shoebox)

Tuesday 28th February / Joffre White – author – visiting the school
Wednesday 1st March / Bedtime story session 6-6.45 p.m.
Teachers reading stories
Children return to school at 6.00 p.m. in pyjamas or onesies. Teddies and pillows are also invited!
Thursday 2nd March
WORLD BOOK DAY / Children and staff ‘Dress up day as a character’ from your favourite book. Don’t forget to bring the book into school. (Please can we avoid Superheroes)
Friday 3rd March / Exhibition of children’s work in the hall and classrooms.
Please arrive early to walk around the exhibition with your child (3.15 p.m.)

A reminder and further details will be sent out straight after the half term holidays.


Some parents attended the e-safety talk that we arranged at St Paul’s Junior School in Shepton Mallet a few weeks ago. During that presentation, those present were given a lot of very interesting and, occasionally, disturbing information. We have copies of the slides shown during the talk and have uploaded to our website on a new safeguarding tab. Please have a look and, I you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school for further information. We thank David Fingleton for his talk on the night.


We hope that you like the new noticeboards which were installed last weekend. We think that the blue backgrounds tie in well with the existing paintwork and they are far more attractive than the old board. The board under the shelter currently contains the display of Year 6 artwork that was created during our Federation Art Day.


Mrs Groves sent her first dinner order form via ParentMail yesterday. It was very exciting watching the orders come flying back in and special mention must be made to Lisa Huckle who was the first person to reply within only a few minutes of the form being sent. Very impressive! If your child is in credit or arrears with dinner money, Mrs Groves will email you to let you know, so that you can adjust your payment.

We will continue sending the form for every child, but obviously if your child prefers sandwiches from home, please ignore it.

Street Surfing Club

We have had an excellent response to the proposed Street Surfing Club taking place after half-term for children in Conkers class. There is currently only one place left, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. If you have sent in an application form, your child’s place will be confirmed next week.


Due to the high take up of places for Street Surfing, our choir has been heavily affected. As a result we will not run choir rehearsals for the rest of this term. We will try to start the choir up again later in the year.

Jumping Clay After School Club

Thank you to those parents who have returned their slips. We have provisionally booked two dates – Wednesday 8th March and Wednesday 15th March for the after school club – 3.30pm – 4.30pm. As we need more than 10 children for the club to take place, all the children will work together, from Reception to Year 6 children. Janine, who will be running the club, is used to having a range of abilities as she runs summer clubs where there is a mix of children’s ages. Some of the older children may like to buddy up with the younger ones to give them a hand if they require it. Mrs Groves will email those parents who expressed an interest next week, and give them the link to the Jumping Clay website where they will be able to book and pay online.

Tuesday and Thursday Sports Club

Mr Horne, from Premier Sport, will be talking to the children next week about possible options for the Tuesday and Thursday sports club to be run after half-term. We will then canvass parents via ParentMail to see which activity the children prefer the most.

Donations via Croscombe Village Stores

We have a loose change tin at Croscombe Village Stores which has just been emptied raising £150.83 for the school! We would like to say a big thank you to anyone who has made a donation, as well as to Croscombe Village Stores for allowing us to have the tin there. The money will be put towards the new playground.

Treat Fridays

Treat Fridays will start again after school on Friday 24th February. We will look forward to the delicious treats that Craig and Gemma cook up – don’t forget to bring your money!

Next Week

07.02.17 – Croscombe Tiddlers – 10.00am – 11.30am – School Hall

07.02.17 – Handball Club – Years 1 – 3 – 3.30pm – 4.30pm

07.02.17 – Rainbows – 5.30pm – 6.30pm

08.02.17 – Conkers Class trip to Magdalen Farm – packed lunches required

09.02.17 – Ukulele Lesson – 1.15pm – 2.00pm – Years 3 & 4

09.02.17 – Handball Club – Years 4 – 6 – 3.30pm – 4.30pm

10.02.17 – Break Up – 3.30pm

Advance Notice

20.02.17 – Inset Day – School closed

21.02.17 – Return to school

21.02.17 – Chestnuts Class trip to Earth Science Centre

22.02.17 – SAT’s Meeting – 3.30pm – 4.00pm – Year 6 children’s parents

Yours sincerely

Mr S Heath
