FAI Ballooning Commission / Event Sanction Application from TULA (Russia)

Event Sanction Application

of 2th Cup of Malahovo International Hot Air Balloon Competition

from TULA (Russia)


Event Title & Sub-Title / 2thCup of Malahovo International Hot Air Balloon Competition

Event location

City, Region, Country / Tula, Russia

Event dates & times


Registration Start: 17/07/13 AM X PM

General Briefing: 18/07/13 AM X PM

1st Competition Flight: 19/07/13 X AM PM

Last Competition Flight: 24/07/13 X AM PMClosing Ceremony: 25/07/13 X AM PM

Document submitted toFAI/CIA on (dd/mm/yy) 21/01/13 by Internet
FAI Sub-class / X AX – Hot Air Balloons
BX – Hot Air Airship
AA – Gas Balloons / AA – Gordon Bennett
BA – Gas Airships
AM – Rosier Balloons
FAI Event Category / FAI World Championship
FAI Continental, Europeans
CIA Category One International Event
FAI World Air Games
X CIA Sporting Event
OrganisingNational Airsport Control – NAC / Federation of Aeronautical Sports of Russia
Organising NAC’s CIA delegate / Name: Stanislaw Fuodoroff Email:
Phone: +7-985-999-2302
NAC letter of approval / Attached Not Available X Will be sent on later
Event Logo / Submitted on // Not Available yet
Approved on // Will be sent on 30/01/13.
FAI authority shown on / XRules Logo XProgram XOfficialdocuments Other:
FAI Organiser Agreement signed / Place: Rio, Brasil Date: 22-23/03/2013
CIA sanction fee / Amount:_____ in Swiss Francs Date of payment: ______
CIA event deposit / Amount: _____ in Swiss Francs Bank garantee
Paid on: ______ Returned on: //
Event Rules received / Received on: //
Checked on: // by
Approved on: // by
Courtesy Invitations sent / FAI President: Yes No Date: //
CIA President: Yes No Date: //
CIA sanction approved / Yes No Date: //
CIA Event Adviser / Yes No Name: Date: //
Organising Body
(Entity/ club / company) / Entity: Federation of aeronautical sports of Tula region
Main contact: Julia Selezneva
Organiser’s previous event organisation experience / Main events:
1) 13thRussian Championship mm/yy: 09/2007 Place: Tula
2) Central Federal Regionof
Russian Federation Cup mm/yy: 05/2011 Place: Tula
3) 8th Russia Cup mm/yy: 07/2012 Place: Tula
4) 1st Cup of Malakhovo mm/yy: 07/2012 Place: Tula
Official Mailing Address / Postal:300040Puteisky str., 1Tula, Russia
Phone: +7-903-658-12-95 Fax: +7-4872-70-09-02
Official website / www. aerotula.ru
Event President /
General Manager / NameJulia Selezneva XCV attached
1)Central Federal Region of
Russian Federation Cup mm/yy: 05/2011 Place: Tula
2)8th Russia Cup mm/yy: 07/2012 Place: Tula
3)1st Cup of Malakhovo mm/yy: 07/2012 Place: Tula
Hot air balloon Pilot, Chairman of Federation of aeronautic sports of Tula region
Email, Phone: +7-903-658-12-95
Event with Observers / Yes X No
PR Officer/Media Officer / Name______ CV attached
Email: ______Phone: +______

Opening Ceremony

/ Location: Tula, Grumant Hotel Hall
Date: 18/07/13 Time: 17:00
CIA Protocol document will be followed: yes

Closing Ceremony /Prize-giving

/ Location: Tula, Cinema City Hall
Date: 25/07/13 Time: 12:00
CIA Protocol document will be followed: yes

Event Prizes offered and details

/ Diplomas, medals and presents for pilots who won 1, 2 and 3 prizes. Diplomas for all pilots.
Country admission conditions(Visa’s required, etc.) / All EU countries – visa is necessary, Ukraine, Belorussia - visa is not necessary. Please check with your local Russian Embassy. Special Agency are ready to help you.
Preferred place of entry
(Special custom clearance, etc.) / Customs offices are situated in Moscow airports, as well as border towns. We are ready to prepare formal letters and give consultation on customs clearance in Russia.
Closest major cities
directions &distances / Moscow - 170 km
Local language / Russian
Location description & characteristics / General description: mosty farmland, not too many dense forests or wooded areas
Geographic position (center of competition map): 54°12'0"- 37°23'60"
Competition Center(coordinates): 54°4'16.4"- 37°28'17.4"(Грумант)
Briefing Facilities (Tent, Hall, etc): Building(coordinates): (coordinates): 54°4'16.4"- 37°28'17.4"
Topography (mountains, sea, lakes): flat
Landing areas (open fields, wooded area, farming, crops, cattle): open fields
Other description:
Airspace structure & limitations / NOTAM description: to be installed
Flightlimitations:450 meters above the town. Other details will be specified in the General Briefing.
Number of PZs expected: 7
Competition area dimensions north/south: 42 km
east/west: 58 rm
Competition area altitude limitations:9000 ft
Driving particularities
(Right hand, left hand, speed limitations, International Driver’s Licence required, etc.) / Left hand. Alcoholic limit=0,00 g/l of blood. Speed limitations 60 km/h for city and 90 km/h out of city, 110 km/h – highway. For a trailer limitation in weight more than 750kg driving license category Е is required.
Road network and infrastructure / City roads and roads between cities – asphalt. Country roads – ground.
Meteorological characteristics
(as expected for the period of the event) / Weather conditions: dry, 17-30 degrees Celsius,
Prevailing winds (speed / directions): 2-5 m/s prevailingnorth and north-west direction
Temperatures: 24 °C average
Sunrise & Sunset time for the first competition day: 05:25 21:50
Venue description & characteristics / Competition centre:GrumantHall
Briefing room: GrumantConference Hall
Media centre: Grumant Hall
Internet connection: Competition Centre, free Wi-Fi
Social activities: Opening Closing Ceremonies, pilot +3 persons free
Other information:
Competition director / Name: Gintaras Surkus Country:Lithuania CV attached
Email: Phone: +370-650-56-489
Approved: Yes No Date: //
Competition deputy director / Name 1: Igar Lobashov Country: Ukraine CV attached
Name 2: Alex Mavrin Country: Russia CV attached
Email: Phone:
Approved: Yes No Date: //
Safety officer / Name: Gints Gailis Country: Latvia CV attached
Email: Phone: +371-261-17-853
Approved: Yes No Date: //
Stewards / Name: ______Country: ______ CV attached
Email: ______
Name: Country: CV attached
Proposed Jury members
(name at least 6) / 1.R. Komza LTU
3.R. Jalava FIN
Chief scorer / Name: Deividas Pinkevicius Country: Lithuania CV attached
Chief debriefer / Name: Country: CV attached
Chief observer / NameCountry: CV attached
Technical support officer / Name: Vladimir Parshikov Country: Russia CV attached

Scoring program

/ Scoring Program to be used: BFA scoring software
Developed by: Email:
Download available at:

Travel & accommodation arrangements for officials

/ Travel arrangements: full reimbursement for key officials
Vehicles provided:3cars
Accommodation (type):4* Grumant Park Hotel, 2-3 bed rooms
Meals provided:light breakfast, lunch, dinner
Other information:

Travel & accommodation arrangements for observers

/ Travel arrangements:
Travel allowance: Currency:
Vehicles provided:
Accommodation (type):
Meals provided:
Other information:
Insurance provided
& covered by organisers / Third party: yes
Air Display Public Liability: yes
Organisers officials on-ground risks: yes
Observer on-board: no
FAI hold-harmless clause included / x Yes No
The organisers will respect the FAI Environmental Code of Ethics / X Yes No
Special travel arrangements and assistance / Details: yes
Contact:Julia Maximova,
Special travel arrangements and assistance / Details: Equipment rental service is available in Tula andMoscow in a limited quantity
Contact:Julia Maximova, ,
Additional crew available / Details: Limited number of additional crew is available on demand. Driver - about euro 25/ day, 1-2 persons crew - volunteers. Need to be specified in request until 01/06/2013.
Contact: Lubov Kalachnaya, ,
Rent-A-Car assistance / Details: Rental car service will be available in demand. Need to be specified in request until 01/06/2013.
Contact:Anastasiya Masalskaya, ,
Accommodation available and assistance / Details: Accommodation in Grumant and three meals for one person is € 25 a day (crew – 4 persons - € 100 a day). If uncounted a variety of 3*-4* hotels are available in Tula. Assistance will be offered at booking.
Contact:Anastasiya Masalskaya, ,
Other arrangements for competitors
(include meals, travel allowance, etc.) / Details: At Check in the pilot and crew will provided: 2 sets of competition map, flight information, free wireless internet at Grumant, small souvenirs, coffee and snacks every morning, opening and closing party for pilot + 3. Pilot will have propane for 12 sports flights.
Maximum number of entrants / 30
Number of eligible NACs / All FAI member NACs
Equal number of competitors / NAC
Start of invitation process / 01/04/13
Entry closing date / 01/06/13, 6 p.m. (Moscow time)
Additional invitations procedure / No
Eligibility conditions / FAI sporting licence, min. 35 hours PIC
Registration methods and details
(mail, fax, email, online) / Email:
Entry fee / Amount: 150EUR
What is included: 2 sets of competition map, flight information, free wireless internet at the Grumant, propane for 12 sports flights, small souvenirs, coffee and snacks every morning, opening and closing party for pilot + 3.
Check in with the empty cylinder. For the first time you can fill in on 17th in the evening or on 18th during the day. Pilot at check in will be given the address the gas stations.
Additional of charge: accommodation and three meals for one person is € 25a day
Entry fee method of payment and details / X Money order Cheque X Cash
X Credit card Other:
Details: Federation of aeronautic sports of Tula region
account 40703810000000040129 in The First Express Bank
corr.account 30101810200000000779, BIK 047003779
Тульская региональная общественная организация
«Федерация воздухоплавательного спорта Тульской области»
ОГРН 1117100000764
ИНН/КПП 7104100059/710401001
Тел.: 8903658 12 95
Р/с 40703810000000040129 в КБ «Первый Экспресс» (ОАО) г. Тула
к/с 30101810200000000779, БИК 047003779
Insurance requirements
and details / XThird party: 20000 euro
Details: Each balloon shall be insured against all claims by third parties to a minimumof 20000 EURO. The competitor shall produce documentary evidence of thisinsurance valid for the period of the Event covering himself and any balloon which he may fly.
Official language / Russian/English
Protest fee / 100 EUR
Equipment limitations / Upto 3000 cubic meters
Special safety requirements / Air balloons must be tied up to the car before taking off.
General Briefing / Place: GrumantHall
Date: 18/07/13 Time: 15:00
Last competition flight / Date: 24/07/13 Time: 06:00
Extra flight if needed:
Date:24/07/13 Time: 18:00
Competition map details / Scale: 1:50000 DATUM: Pulkovo 1942(1) /( 2)
Grids : ______/______
Paper size: A0
Other information:
GPS Loggers / All GPS Loggers should be of the same type. For category 1 events they should meet the minimum quality requirement of the COH (Chapter 2).
Type of GPS Logger to be used: GPSlogger
Landowner restrictions / Competitors must ensure permission has been obtained from the landowner oroccupiers before driving onto, or launching from, any land which is enclosed orcultivated or apparently private or used for agricultural purposes.Competitors may take off from secondary roads withoutprior permission providing the basket remains on the edge of the road, and thetraffic is not obstructed. The envelope may be laid across the adjacent groundproviding it is not cultivated and no damage is done.

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