of 18th Childrens’ Ethnofestival
„Children on the Balkans- with their spiritual wealth in Europe”
Haskovo Mineral Springs
31 May – 1 June 2018
Organized from
CITUBandNGO - CharityFond“Prof. Zheljazko Hristov”,
In a cooperation with Mineralni Bani Municipality
18th Childrens’ Ethnofestival is a part of the Cultural Calendar of the Ministry of Culture for 2018
Media partners: Bulgarian National Television and the Municipalicy of Blagoevgrad
- Preserving the authentic culture of the ethnos in the region and their implication in the common European cultural space and contribution to the cultural diversity in the EU – the main value which is not in contradiction with but enriches the European integration process;
- Providingwithpossibilitiesforchildrens’ potentialdevelopment, forexpressionanddiscoveringyoungtalentsinthefieldofmusicalanddancearts;
- PromotionoftheintegrationofallchildrenontheBalkansandinEurope, includingchildrenwithspecific needs.
Eligibility for participation:
- Childrenfrom 5 till 18 yearsofage – singers, instrumentalistsanddancersfromBulgariaandabroad, performersofauthenticandarrangedfolklore–vocalgroups, chambergroups, dancegroups, ensembles, instrumentalgroups, orchestras and individual performers, who has applied for participation and has received approval after the selection procedure.
- SubmissionofapplicationforparticipationwithanattachedrecordofperformanceonDVDoronCDandalistofparticipants – children, accompanying persons, supervisors/instructors, driverstill the deadline.
- Childrens’ Ethnofestivalisacompetitiveevent;
- Theparticipantsinthe18thChildrens’ Ethnofestivaldonothavetherighttoperformarepertoirewhichhasbeenusedinthepreviouseditions.
- Participants’ selection
The participationinthe18thChildrens’ Ethnofestivalis open to candidates who have expressed willingness to participate and received approval after the selection made by the committee established by the Chairman of the Organising Committee of the festival.
It obligatoryfor participation applications to submit a video or audio record link of a performance.
By the selection of participants in the festival will be taken into account the won awards from international, national, regional or local folklore competitions, festivals and other events.
- Age groups
The performers are divided into 3 / three / age groups:
First age group – from5till 10years of age
Second age group– from 11 till 14 years of age;
Third group- from 15 till 18 years of age.
- Following awards will be granted:
- Festival’s big award;
- Diploma and cup for first, second and third place in each age group and categories – for individual performances? Instrumentals, vocal groups, dancers, contemporary dancers, folklore dancers;
- Special awards – diplomas and cups for ensembles, camera dance ensembles, diploma and bowls for ensembles, chamber dance, recreating a folclore custom, original performance of folklore; original choreography; Special Prize of the charity fund "Prof. Dr. Zhelyazko Hristov, MD " Special Prize of the trade union of Bulgarian teachers; special prize of the "Association of Dancers"
- Awards for youngest and most talented participant;
- Awards from sponsors;
- Plaquettes and diplomas for all participants.
- Application for participation will be accepted till31.03.2018.
Contact persons:
For participants from Bulgaria
Reni Dzhagalova – 02/4010423; 0884458554; е-mail: ;
For participants from abroad:
Nelly Botevska 35924010442; 359884117829; Fax: +359 2 988 5969; e-mail:
- A participation fee
Theapprovedapplicantsshallpayaparticipationfeeattheamountof10BGNperparticipant, inclusiveforthemusicians, performing accompaniment.
The payment has to be done in two ways:
In cash by the registration at the venue of Festival: in the village of Mineralni Bani on 30, 31 May or on 1 of June upon arrival;
Tothefollowingbankaccountnolaterthan 25.05.2018whenaninvoicehastobe issued:
CharityFondProf. Dr. Zheljazko Hristov, d.m.
IBAN: BG34UNCR76301010291100; BIC UNCRBGSF;
UniCredit Bulbank
When an invoice has to be issued the participants shall send their organization details to the following mail:;
After 31.03.2018no any applications will be accepted
The approved applicants will be notified till 30.04.2018.
Thescenario / scheduleofperformanceswillbe determined by the Organizing Committee. The participants will be informed about the exact date/hours of their performances by 25.05.2018.
General information:
Bulgarian National Television is our media partner. Two concerts of the two competition days of the festival and a documentary will be prepared and will be broadcasted on the Bulgarian National Television, BNT and BNT 2 world channels.
Parallel to the concert program accompanying activities will be organized - presentation of traditional crafts, culinary competitions, plain air (painting in the open air) and other recreational and educational activities for children.
- From a culture center, community center and school are allowed to participate only one group and one individual performance / or duet or trio or quartet /;
- Theorganizersarecoveringthecostsofparticipantswho are travelling from a distance more than 120 km.
- Theorganizersareprovidingadryfoodpackages forbreakfast, lunchanddinneraccording toatravelschedule;
- Requirementsforaccompanyingpersonstochildren- participantsat the Festival are as follows:
- For a group up to 12 children – 1 instructor/supervisor, 1 accompanying person and 1 driver;
- For a group over 12 children: the number of the accompanying persons will be set/ increased proportionally to the number of children;
- Theorganizersarenotcoveringcostsforaccommodationforaccompanyingpersonswhoarenotincludedinthelistofparticipantsbytheapplication;
- Performances with obscene lyrics and gestures will be disqualified from the jury;
- Performances exceeding the duration will be disqualified;
- When identified material damages from participants in the places of accommodation and by poor discipline - the responsibility will be taken from the instructor/group supervisor;
- It is not allowed changes to the approved scenario in terms of the order of participants, as well as replacement of one performance with another;
- During the awarding ceremony the winners need to have a representative, when failing to attend personally.
ІІ.Participation in the contest by categories
Section I – Individual performers
Individual performer of folk songs
The participants from the first age group are performing 2 folklore songs with a total duration of 5 min.
Participants from the second and third age group are performing a fast and a slow folk song lasting totally 6 minutes.
The accompaniment is on own choice – sinbeck, one instrument or an orchestra (up to 5 persons).
- Individual performer with folklore instruments
The performer from the three age groups are performing 2 folk dances- horo- /or one slow melody and one folk dance with a total duration of 6 min.
- Individualperformerofauthor’ssongs
The performer from the three age groups are performing 2 songs with a total duration up to 5 min.
The accompaniment is on own choice – sin beck, one instrument or an orchestra(up to 5 persons)
- Individualperformanceswithmoderninstruments
- Participants from all age groups are performing 2 pieces up to 5 min.
- Intheapplicationformthenameoftheindividualperformershallbeindicated.
- By an accompaniment with a musical instrument – a name of the performer shall be indicated and the type of the instrument.
Section II – Vocalgroups, chambergroups, dancegroups, ensembles, instrumentalgroupsandorchestras
- Chamber vocal groups
1.1. The number of participants in a group is up to 8 persons /duet, trio, quartet and others /
1.2. Theparticipantsperform 2 folkloresongswith a total duration up to 5 min.
1.3.The accompaniment is on own choice – sin beck, or an orchestra(up to 5 persons)
2. Vocal groups performing folklore songs
2.1. The number of participants is up to 16 persons.
2.2. Thevocalgroupsareperformingwith 2 songswithtotaldurationup to 5 min or a folklore custom up to 10 min.
2.3. The accompaniment is on own choice – sin beck, or an orchestra(up to 5 persons)
3. Vocalgroupsperformingauthors’ songs
3.1. The number of participants is up to 16 persons.
3.2. Theparticipantsareperforming 2 songswithatotal duration up to 5 min.
3.2. The accompaniment is sin beck or an orchestra up to 5 persons.
Intheapplicationthepreparedrepertoirehastobeindicated: thetitleofthesong, author, music (accompaniment- an instrumental or a CD), text, arrangement and duration.
4. Chamber dance groups
4.1. Thenumberofparticipantsinthechamberdancegroupsisupto 8 persons.
4.2. Thechamberdancesshallbewithathematicorstory character and shall last up to 10 min.
5. Dance groups
А/up to 10 years of age
Б/ up to 14 years of age
В/up to 18 years of age
5.1.Thenumberofparticipantsisupto 35 persons (including performers, instructor, accompanying persons and driver).
5.2.The dance groups are performing with a program of up to 12 min.
6. Ensembles (dance group, chore and orchestra)
6.1. Thenumberofparticipantsisupto 35 persons(including performers, instructor, accompanying persons and driver).
6.2. Ensembles are performing with a program up to 15 min.
Intheapplicationformtomentionthetitleofthedance, choreography, staging, accompaniment (aninstrumentalistoraCD), music, duration.
7. Instrumental groups
7.1.The number of participants in the groups is up to 5 persons.
7.2.The instrumental groups are performing 2 pieces with a total duration up to 6 min.
8. Orchestra performance
8.1.The number of participants is up to 12 persons
8.2.The orchestra is performing one complexpiece, or 2 separate pieces with a total duration up to6 min.