Our Classroom Mission We will be ready for first grade by following school rules. We will participate in Letterland, word and letter work, writing, math and Istation. We will try our best!
Class Ground Rules: We will be Respectful, We will be Responsible, We will be Safe. To do this we promise to listen to our teachers, to be respectful by keeping our hands to ourselves, to work together, and to try our best each day.
October News-Mrs. Wilcox’s Class
Oct. 3-6 Letterland,letter names, sounds and shapes,Listen and jump games and picture codes. Read: Dig Dig Digging, and Fire Safety books. Soc. Studies lesson with Character Ed. Oct. 4th Show and tell Letter E. Oct. 7th Workday No school
Oct. 10-14 Story-Armadillos Orange, Fire Safety, scarecrows , Tues. Oct.11th -Show and tell letter F
Oct. 17-21 Story Animal Homes and Raccoons and Ripe corn, Skeleton/bones Tues Oct. 18th -Show and tell Letter G October 19th Early Release Day
Oct. 24-28 Story Spider books, Autumn/Fall books, Very Busy Spider, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Seeds to plants-pumpkins Tues. Oct. 25th - Show and tell Letter H
Oct. 31-Nov.4 Story Honk Honk A story of migration, Big Green Monster, The Old lady who was not afraid of anything. Tues. Nov. 1st -Show and tell Letter I
High Frequency words – see, can, did, to, do, go, no, it, is, like, come, am, an, and, we, me, my, the, I, did, she, he, in, on, up, have, yes, & you.
Conference* If I have not yet conferenced with you please contact me so we can set up a date and time.
Kindergarten is planning our pumpkin carving event with Dads and a Letterland parade. More information to be sent home soon!
Our students are making great improvements on their book and print awareness skills. Here are some ideas of things you can practice with them while you read together.
-Show me the first letter in a word -Show me the last letter in a word. -Put one letter between your pointer fingers -Put two letters between your pointer fingers -put one word between your pointer fingers -put two words between your pointer fingers. -what is the period for at the end of the sentence.
Ask questions about the story after you read it. Who are the characters, What is the setting, Was there a problem in the story, How did they solve it, Tell the order of events in the story (sequence), Did you like the story and why or why not?
Enhancement rotation- Day 1 Art, Day 2 Music, Day3 PE, Day 4 Media, Day 5 Computers, Day 6 PE
Enhancements: 23rd Day 6 26th Day 1 27th Day 2 28th Day 3 29th Day 4 30th Day 5 Oct. 3 Day 6 Oct 4 Day 1 Oct5 Day 2
Oct6 Day3 Oct 7 Workday no school Oct10 Day 4
Oct. 11th Day 5 Oct. 12thDay 6 Oct. 13 Day 1 Oct 14 Day 2
Oct. 17 Day 3 Oct. 18 Day 4 Oct. 19 Day 4 again Oct 20 Day 5