Ms. O’Neil
Computer Graphics
Advanced Graphics
Classroom Policies and Expectations
A. Grading Policy
Class Performance*: 35%
Projects: 50%
Tests and Program Progress: 15%
*Class Performance Grade: You will be given a weekly grade based on your contributions to the class. This will include behavior, attitude, attendance, and work. The maximum grade per week is 10 points. At the end of each term, these points will be added up to your total performance grade.
**For advanced students, this writing assessment will include written critiques of projects.
Quarterly grades plus a final project grade will determine the students’ yearly grade.
B. Daily Work
Students will be required to keep a pocketed folder in class to hold ALL of their notes and handouts for the year. Students are required to keep all handouts/notes and computer files FOR THE DURATION OF THE COURSE in class.
Any coursework not completed on time will receive an automatic 5-point deduction per day that it remains incomplete. Late work not handed in after 5 days will not be accepted and the student will receive a zero.
In the case of an absence or a prolonged absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed materials/assignments and complete them, according to the teachers discretion. The student is then expected to turn in the assignment by the next class. Late work, in most cases, should be completed after school, on the student’s OWN TIME, NOT during class time. Likewise, a missed quiz/test must be taken on the first day back from an EXCUSED absence. A student with an UNEXCUSED absence will be unable to make up the work and will receive a zero.
C. Saving Work
Each student will be provided with a secure folder on the network server and a personal password. All work MUST BE ORGANIZED and titled to be easily retrieved. Proper attention to securing his/her password and saving correctly is the student’s responsibility. Lost work will be graded accordingly. YO MAY NOT SAVE DIRECTLY ON TO THE DESKTOP. All items found on the desktop at the end of the day will be purged, unless otherwise discussed with the teacher.
D. Student Materials Needed
1. A pen or pencil
2. A pocketed folder
E. Student Passes
Students will be expected to hand in a pass when they are late to class. These passes will be kept on file for the duration of the year. No locker passes will be given, please come prepared.
F. Classroom Conduct
Students are to conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate for any office workplace; therefore the following is NOT permitted:
1. No food, drink, or gum in class.
2. Defacing or tampering with ECS property or the property of others.
3. Use of cell phones, CD-players, MP3 players or any other electronic device, if seen or heard it will be confiscated.
4. Accessing unauthorized Internet sites or using IM (Instant Messaging) A student who accesses any inappropriate sites will be disciplined as per the ECS Acceptable Use Policy/Student Handbook.
5. Leaving school grounds
6. Fighting and/or harassment
7. Tardiness (3 lates = 1 detention)
8. Plagiarism
9. You will Not touch another student’s computer, you may help each other but you will not manually do it for them. Points will be deducted from your class grade if it is seen.
10. Do not make ANY CHANGES to your desktop. They should be left exactly as you have found it every day. No changes to your dock station.
11. Do not download any programs, games or music.
12. Do not print without permission.
13. NO GAMES, this will be strictly enforced, when seen you will be ask to shut down your computer for the remainder of the class period.
The first time a negative behavior occurs, the parents will be notified. This is a warning. The second time a negative behavior occurs, the student will be given teacher detention and the parent will be notified. The third time, a referral will be issued and the parent will again be notified. Punishment will be at the discretion of the Administration/Teacher. Please refer to the student handbook for additional school policies regarding school conduct.
September 2009
Dear Parents:
Attached you will find a copy of the classroom policies and procedures for your perusal. These policies should explain what is expected of each student for the upcoming year. Please go over these rules and sign and date the bottom of this sheet. Please make sure to sign in all 3 places.
Also, please note the student artwork release form. This will give ECS the right to showcase your child’s artwork throughout the year and by signing the form, you are giving permission for this work to be shown.
Please contact me at anytime for any reason throughout the year. I can be reached at 557-6014 ext. 5368 and also every Tuesday from 2:05-3:00.
Creatively yours,
Jennifer O’Neil
I have reviewed and accepted the classroom policies and procedures.
Student Name Date Parent Signature Date
Student Artwork Release Form
During the school year and throughout the summer months, student artwork will be displayed in a variety of locations, including but not limited to: schools, libraries, contests, art shows, newspapers and the Internet. Should the displayed artwork be lost, stolen, or damaged, I release the Eldred Central School District from any liability.
____YES, I give permission for child’s artwork, name, grade level and school to be displayed.
____NO, I do not give permission for child’s artwork, name, grade level and school to be displayed.
Parent Signature: Date:
Agreement between Eldred Central School District and Student Account Holders
I, the undersigned, have read and agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in the Acceptable Use Policy. I further understand that any violation of the regulations may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit a violation, my access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.
Account Holder (Print) Account Holder (Signature) Date
I, the parent/legal guardian of the above, understand the contents of the Acceptable Use Policy and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.
Parent/Guardian(Print) Parent/Guardian(signature) Date