Unit Y111: Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918
Key Topic / Term / Week Number / Indicative Content / Extended Content / ResourcesWhigs to Liberals / 1 / 1 / The repeal of the Corn Laws and its impact on the Whigs, Peelites and Conservatives; /
- Party politics in 1846
- Why the Corn Laws were repealed
- Role of the Anti-Corn Law League
- Famine in Ireland
- Impact of the repeal on the Conservative Party
- Whig views and actions
- Divisions within the party
- Emergence of new groups
- Aims of the Peelities
- Relations with the conservatives.
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Great Britain and the Irish Question, 1798-1921, Adelman & Bryne Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
1 / 2 / the roles and influence of Palmerston, Gladstone and the Radicals in the emergence of the Liberal party; /
- Beliefs of the liberal party
- Role of the Radicals
- Relationship between Palmerston and the Liberals and his importance
- Relationship between Gladstone and the Liberals and his importance
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
1 / 3 / the reasons for the emergence of the Liberal party; /
- Economic and social conditions that led to the emergence and development of the Liberal Party
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
Version 11© OCR 2017
Key Topic / Term / Week Number / Indicative Content / Extended Content / Resources1 / 4 / the impact of foreign affairs on Britain and in the emergence of the Liberal party including 1848, Don Pacifico, the Crimean War, the Italian Wars of Unification. /
- Impact of the 1848 Revolution
- Impact of the Don Pacifico affair
- Influence of France and Napoleon
- Foreign policy in this period
- Causes and course of the Crimean War
- Impact of the Crimean War
- The Arrow Incident
- The Orsini bomb plot
- The fall of Palmerston
- Gladstone’s relations with Italy
- Impact of Italian Wars of Unification
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
Gladstonian Liberalism / 1 / 5 / The ideas and policies of Gladstonian Liberalism: support for free trade laissez faire and administrative competence; /
- Traditional liberalism
- Gladstonian liberalism ideas and beliefs
- Gladstonian liberalism in practice – free trade, laissez faire and administrative competence
- Gladstone as chancellor
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
1 / 5 / attitudes to Ireland and foreign policy; /
- Attitudes to foreign policy in particular reference to:
- Italian unification
- US Civil War
- Relations with France and Germany
- Changes by 1868
- Franco-Prussian War
- Russia and the Black Sea
- The Alabama arbitration
- The colonies
- Impact of foreign policy
- Gladstone’s aims and policies in Ireland, including consequences / impacts
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
- Great Britain and the Irish Question, 1798-1921, Adelman BryneHodder
1 / 6 / domestic reforms
the reasons for and impact of reforms; /
- Aims of reforms
- Reforms in:
- Education
- The Ballot Act
- Civil Service, army and law
- Trade Union Act
- Creation of Local Government Board
- Licensing Act
- Contagious Diseases Act
- Impact of reforms
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
1 / 7 / appeal to different social groups; the ‘People’s William’; /
- Appeal to:
- working classes
- Non-conformists
- Middle classes
- The aristocracy
- Gladstone’s appeal and the justification for the ‘People’s William’.
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
1 / 7 / the roles of Gladstone and his colleagues; /
- How responsible his colleagues were in his success
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
1 / 7 / reasons for defeat in 1874. /
- Liberal weaknesses
- Conservative strengths
- Results of the election and Gladstone’s defeat
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
Disraelian Conservatism / 2 / 8 / The ideas and policies of Disraelian Conservatism; /
- Disrealian beliefs and policies
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 8 / the effects of the defeat of Peel on the Conservative party; /
- Loss of MPs and ministerial experience
- Debate over name change
- Policy changes made by Disraeli
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 8 / the leadership of Derby; /
- Derby’s beliefs and policies
- Effectiveness of his leadership
- Attempts to keep the party together
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 8 / mistrust and political qualities of Disraeli; /
- Reasons for distrust
- Disraeli’s background
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 9 / his support for constitutional reform; /
- Reasons for Disraeli’s views on parliamentary reform
- Reasons for his changing views by 1866
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 9 / the aims and importance of the 1867 Reform Act and reasons for defeat in 1868; /
- Aims of the 1867 Reform Act
- Circumstances leading to the passing of the Act
- Political importance of the Act
- Events, results and significance of the 1868 elections
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 9 / One Nation Conservatism: the creation of Tory democracy; /
- Belief in One Nation Conservatism and its establishment
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 9 / support for the monarchy, the Church of England and the aristocracy; /
- Preservation of the social order
- Belief in the monarchy
- Commitment to the Church of England
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 10 / belief in security at home; /
- belief in security at home;
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 10 / attitudes to Empire and British Interests abroad; /
- Foreign policy as a means to secure British interests
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 10-11 / domestic reforms and foreign and imperial policies of the 1874–1880 ministry, including their impact; /
- Domestic reforms:
- Factor Act
- Intoxicating Liquors Act
- Income tax reduction
- Public Health Act
- Employers and Workmen Act
- Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act
- Artisans and Labourers’ Dwelling Act
- Sale of Food and Drugs Act
- Friendly Societies Act
- Agricultural Holdings Acts
- Agricultural Holdings Act
- River Pollution Act
- Education Act (Sandon)
- Enclosures Act
- Merchant Shipping Act
- Factory and Workshop Act
- Successes and failures of domestic reform
- Foreign and imperial policies:
- India
- Fiji
- Malay
- West Africa
- The Suez Canal
- Eastern Question
- South Africa
- Afghanistan
- Successes and failures of foreign policy
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 11 / the roles of Disraeli and his colleagues; /
- Role of colleagues in Disraeli’s government including:
- Carnarvon
- Cross
- Northcote
- Sandon
- Sclater-Booth
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 12 / reasons for defeat in 1880. /
- Reasons for defeat include:
- Delay in election
- Beaconsfieldism and Gladstone
- Wars in South African and Afghanistan
- Economic Depression
- Agricultural issues
- Rise of liberals
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
Late Victorian politics: Gladstone and Salisbury until 1902 / 2 / 12 / Gladstone’s three ministries of 1880–1885, February–July 1886 and 1892–1895; domestic, imperial and foreign policy; /
- Re-election of Gladstone in 1880
- Parliamentary reform
- Domestic policy
- Radical reaction
- Successes and failures of Gladstone’s ministries
- Foreign and Imperial affairs:
- Europe
- Afghanistan
- South Africa
- Egypt
- The Sudan
- Successes and failures of foreign policy
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 13 / Ireland and the failure of Home Rule (including the GladstoneChamberlain split of 1886); Liberal Unionism; Salisbury in Ireland /
- Situation in Ireland in 1880
- Policies in Ireland
- Success and limits in second ministry
- 1885 Election
- Hawarden Kite
- Issue of Home Rule
- Salisbury’s alternative policies
- Significance of the Liberal Unionists
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
- Great Britain and the Irish Question, 1798-1921, Adelman & BryneHodder
2 / 13 / Gladstone’s impact on late Victorian politics; /
- Degree of impact on politics
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 13-14 / Salisbury’s ministries of 1885–1892 and 1895–1902; domestic, imperial and foreign policy; Social reform /
- Effectiveness of Salisbury’s domestic policies
- Local government
- Education policies
- Housing reform
- Land reform
- Working conditions
- Foreign policy aims
- Europe
- America
- Asia
- Japan
- Egypt
- Successes and failures of foreign policy
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 14 / organisational changes within the party, including the Primrose League (1883); /
- Reorganisation of party with Bob Akers-Douglas and Captain Middleton
- The Primrose League
- Reasons for Conservative support
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
2 / 14 / the Boer War. /
- Causes of the war
- The discovery of gold in 1886
- Joseph Chamberlain
- The Jameson Raid 1895
- Sir Alfred Milner
- Significance of the Boer War
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform: Britain, 1815-1918, Pearce & Stearn, Hodder
- Britain 1815-1918, Murphy, Collins
- Britain 1846-1919, Hunt J. Routledge
Unit Y112: england and a new centuryAS; A Level; History; SOW; Y101; Alfred: making of England
Note: Based on 3x 50 minute lessons per week
Terms based on 6 term year.
Key Topic / Term / Week Number / Indicative Content / Extended Content / ResourcesPolitical issues c.1900–1914 / 3 / 15 / England in 1900; /
- How Britain was ruled
- British society
- The economy
- The empire and foreign policy
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
3 / 15 / The Conservative government under Balfour 1902–1905; /
- Problems revealed by the Boer War
- Defence changes
- Reversal of isolation
- Economic policy changes under Balfour
- Social policies under Balfour
- Policies in Ireland – the Conservative Irish Land Act of 1903
- South Africa mining problems and solutions
- Successes and failures of Balfour’s government
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
3 / 16 / reasons for the Liberal landslide; /
- Factors leading to the Liberal win in 1906:
- Dividing opposition
- Trade unionist opposition
- Non-conformist opposition
- Chinese slavery issue
- Cruelty to civilians during the Boer War
- United Liberal party
- Role of the leadership
- Attraction of new liberalism to voters
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
3 / 16 / the origins and development of the Labour Party and the Trade Unions from 1893 to 1914;
Trade Unions and problems of industrial unrest. /
- Origins of the party and ideological roots
- Factors leading to a growth in the Labour party.
- Extent of the success of Labour party to 1914.
- Challenges faced by Trade Unions after 1893:
- Technology
- Challenge to traditional crafts
- Grower strength of employers’ associations
- New unions and growing militance
- Legal challenges
- Need for political representation
- Use of union power for political ends
- Rising cost of living and growing unemployment
- Growth of membership
- Growth of industrial unrest 1910-14
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- The Rise of the Labour Party, Phillips, Routledge
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
3 / 17 / constitutional crisis, causes, course and results; /
- The powers of the House of Lords
- Causes of the crisis
- Rejection of Liberal reforms
- Contents of the 1909 budget
- House of Lords rejection and reasons for rejection
- Election results of January and February 2010 and the subsequent need for Asquith to rely on Labour and the Irish nationalists
- Consequence of December 2010 election
- The Parliament Act
- Results of the crisis
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
3 / 17 / the issue of women’s suffrage 1906–1914; /
- Reasons why the issue of women’s suffrage became so prominent during the period
- Actions and consequences of the suffragette movement
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
3 / 18 / problems in Ireland 1910–1914; /
- Origins of the problems in Ireland
- Development of the Home Rule movement into a political party
- Actions of the government in dealing with the home rule movement
- Extent of the success of government actions
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
Social issues 1900–1918 / 3 / 18 / The development of ideas of new liberalism, including the role of Lloyd George and Churchill; /
- Changing beliefs of liberalism and declining influence of Gladstone belief
- Joseph Chamberlains beliefs and the influence on Lloyd George and Churchill
- New Liberal ideals
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
3 / 19 / the debate over poverty (Booth, Rowntree and Galt) and the debate over national efficiency; /
- The role of individuals and their beliefs /actions
- The debates on how best to deal with poverty
- Concerns over national efficiency
- Significance and impact of the debates
- Reforms introduced
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
3 / 20 / education and young people: the acts of 1902, 1906 and 1918, school measures, the Children’s Charter; /
- Changes in legislation regarding young people
- Education acts and their impact
- Problems with education acts
- Development of maternity and child welfare centres
- Increased midwife training
- Birth registration and health visitors
- Education introductions in health and hygiene aimed at girls
- School medical service
- Provision of school meals
- Dependency on charities
- Children Act of 1908 and the Children’s Charter
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 21 / Old Age pensions; /
- Reasons for the introduction of old age pensions and arguments for and against them
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 21 / National Insurance; /
- Why it was introduced
- The National Insurance Act, its origins and contents
- Impact of Act
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 22 / Measures to protect workers. /
- Measures introduced to protect workers
- Workmen’s Compensation Act (1906)
- Mining legislation
- The ‘Sweated’ industries
- Winston Churchill and the Trade Boards Bill
- The Shops Act
- Impact of the measures
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
Britain at war 1914–1918 / 4 / 23 / Attitudes to war; /
- Different attitudes in Britain to war and explanations of them
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 23 / the impact of war on the Home Front; /
- Defence of the Realm Act – contents and significance
- Increased power of the state
- Conscription
- Impact on living standards
- Increase in voluntary work
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 24 / political developments during the war: the coalition of 1915, the creation of the Lloyd George Coalition; /
- Growing criticism of British war effort
- Makeup of the coalition of 1915
- Significance of the coalition
- Setbacks in 1916 and the growing desire for a new approach
- Resignations of Asquith and George and subsequent return of Lloyd George as Prime Minister
- Reasons for Lloyd George becoming leader
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 24 / the splits in the Liberal Party and their importance; /
- Origins of the split in the Liberal party
- Split caused by war
- Lloyd George’s policy of greater state intervention
- Significance of the split
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 25 / the development of the Labour Party and its Constitution of 1918; /
- Impact of the war on the Labour Party
- Impact of the Russian revolution
- Contents of the new constitution and clause IV
- Labour and the New social order
- Reorganisation of the party and improved local organisation and improved share of the vote by 1918.
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder
4 / 25 / the role of women in the war, and the extension of the franchise in 1918. /
- The change in the role of women and its significance
- Impact of war in extending the franchise
- Why the franchise was extended
- OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
- Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
- Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
- Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder