Kilbarchan Community Council

Minutes of the meeting held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 29th August in the Steeple Hall, Steeple Square, Kilbarchan.

Members Present: Marie Alexander, Fraser Campbell, Ann Grieve, Gordon Hamilton, Elaine Ives, Damon Scott, Fiona Stewart, Heather Strachan, Elaine Weir.

Renfrewshire Councillors: Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Andy Doig, Emma Rodden.

Apologies: Graham Batin, David Blair, Jim Curran, Gail Scoular.

Visitors: PC Iain Armstrong, PC Gordon Aitken of Police Scotland

Helen Kissell, Kenny MacRae, Kate Seaman, Karen Wylie.

Chair: Damon Scott

(1) Minutes of last meeting: Page Four, AOCB item (c) should have read

“The Church has said it would like to see a public use of the buildings”.

With this amendment the minutes were proposed by Fiona Stewart, seconded by Ann Grieve and unanimously agreed by the Community Council

(2) Matters Arising: – to be taken with agenda items

(3) Traffic: Unfortunately Mr McNeil was unable to attend. The report from the traffic sub-group was discussed. The Chair thanked them for their work in preparing the report.

The main issues raised by CC members and the public were

·  Volume of traffic

·  Tannery shift changes

·  Branscroft

·  Area near the primary school

·  Waterside Terrace

·  Enforcement or rather the lack of it

·  Possible police attendance at any site visit

·  Remedial measures

o  Use of parked cars

o  Speed bumps

o  Chicane at top of Shuttle Street

o  Lights on Pinnel Bridge

o  Crossings- location and types

It was suggested that it might be possible to get young people in the village involved in a campaign.

The traffic group’s report will be sent to the suggested contact at Renfrewshire Council.

Members expressed concern over the prospect of another 3 months of roadworks at Deafhillock roundabout.

(4) Police Report 27/6/27 to 29/8/17

Crime / Number / Detected
Common Assault / 2 / 2 (1 of which domestic)
Housebreaking / 2 / 0 (awaiting forensics)
Shoplifting / 3 / 3
Theft from Motor Vehicle / 1 / 0 (number plate)
Breach of the Peace / 1 / 1 (domestic)
Vandalism / 3 / 0
Total / 12 / 6

The traffic issues were raised with the officers and possible registration in Road Safety Week on 20-26th November 2017.

(5) Treasurers’ report: The Community Council had paid 2 x £17.40 for accommodation in the Steeple Hall.

(6) Planning

17/0442/PP 8 Maclay Avenue, Kilbarchan, PA10 2EN

Erection of single story extension to rear and erection of porch to front of


17/0445/LB 1 Gateside Place, Kilbarchan, PA10 2LY

Application of alternative paint colour to front door.

17/0512/PP Red Maple Cottage Well Road Kilbarchan PA10 2LZ

Installation of three roof lights on rear elevation of dwellinghouse.

17/0532/PP Strathview, Tandlehill Road, Kilbarchan, PA10 2DD

Erection of single storey extension to side of dwellinghouse

17/0533/CL Strathview, Tandlehill Road, Kilbarchan, PA10 2DD

CL (Certificate of lawful development)

Erection of single storey extension to rear of dwellinghouse

17/0549/PP 32 McCrorie Place, Kilbarchan, PA10 2BF

Replacement of upper floor windows

The Community Council had no objection to any of these applications


(a) Williamsburgh Housing Association: 8 Nether Johnstone and land to south-west, Milliken Road, The Reporter had dismissed this appeal stating, “I conclude, however, that the proposed access arrangements are inadequate and that the development would give rise to significant traffic hazard and congestion problems”.

(b) Branscroft: The hearing will take place on Wednesday 30th August and the site visit will take place at 1400 on 31st August.

(7) Reports from working groups and sub-committees

a.  Traffic – taken earlier on the agenda

b.  CSO – There was another failure at 0630 on Wednesday 23rd August. The CSO “cover” and the drain cover at the Old Library Centre were both raised.

c.  Quarry- There was another occurrence of the overnight parking problem. Cemex responded to say that the wrong delivery times had been put on the tickets and should not happen again.

d.  Kilbarchan Smile-

·  The Gateway Garden is ongoing with activity sessions on Wednesdays

·  Dog fouling continues to be a problem. The Wardens invited representatives to a consultation to promote good dog ownership. A doggy garden party and a dog mascot are being considered.

·  Litter continues to be a problem.

·  Work on weeding and planting in areas of the village continues. More areas could be tackled if there were more volunteers. A possible treasure hunt is being considered to aid recruitment.

(8) Correspondence

(a)Application for public entertainment licence – Kilbarchan Scouts

The Community Council had no objection to this application which is for the annual fireworks display.

(b) Peter McCann – work on Erskine Bridges

(c) Past Due Credit Solutions- demand for money owing to E.ON UK for supplying power to premises in the village. This debt has nothing to do with the Community Council.

(d) DPEA Updates regarding cancellation of hearing & site visits for PPA-350-2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2024.

New arrangements for hearing etc.

(e) Democratic Services- papers for Renfrewshire Council Board Meetings

(f) Various villagers – comments on Williamsburgh Appeal & Branscroft Appeal

(g) Engage Renfrewshire

(i) New website

(ii) E –Alert

(h) Ann McNaughton of Renfrewshire Council

(i) Agenda for CCF

(ii) Our Renfrewshire Survey

(iii) Climate change bill consultation

(iv) Renfrewshire 4 Community Funding – information about grants

(i) Andy Doig:

(i) Wall at old gasworks

(ii) Disused church buildings

(iii) Planning

(j) Derek Bibby:

(i) Planning

(ii) Wall at Bobbins’ steps

(9) AOCB

(a) Maintenance of Village by Renfrewshire Council

(i) Weeds: It was noted that weeds are a problem in many areas of the village. The Renfrewshire Councillors will contact community services to request some treatment.

(ii) Litter: It was noted that there appeared to be no litter collection, other than that done by the Chair, the scouts and Kilbarchan Smile.

(iii) The wall at Bobbins steps requires maintenance.

(iv) The Park gate has not been repaired since it became dangerous at the start of June. The Community Council was informed that repairs should start soon and work should be completed by the end of October.

(v) The gasworks wall will require professional attention beyond the scope of volunteers. Councillor Doig will investigate.

(b) Update on church buildings: Renfrewshire Council would like to see a museum building if it were possible. Issue remain with the construction of a second car park and the site of St Catherine’s Chapel. West of Scotland Archaeology will send a report on that site which may be of special archaeological significance. It may be possible for the Community Council to visit the site with WOS Archaeology.

(c) The condition of the road at Kilbarchan Cemetery is very poor. Apparently repair costs are high for this road.

(d) Resurfacing is scheduled for the A761 at St Mary’s church in Bridge of Weir. This is likely to make the traffic situation in the village even worse.

(10) Date of next meeting: Wednesday 27th September

Provisional Agenda

Kilbarchan Community Council

Agenda: Wednesday 27th September 2017, 7:30pm, Steeple Hall

1.  Minutes of last meeting

2.  Police Report

3.  Matters arising

4.  Treasurers’ report

5.  Planning

6.  Reports from working groups and sub-committees

a.  Quarry

b.  CSO

c.  Kilbarchan Smile

d.  Traffic

7.  Correspondence

8.  AOCB

9.  Date of next meeting: