OCPP Steering Group
Minutes of the twenty-ninth meeting of theOCPP Steering Group
held at 10.30am on 14th September 2006 in the St. Magnus Suite, Pickaquoy Centre, Kirkwall
Present:Mrs Jenny DewarChair, NHS Orkney (Chair)
Councillor Stephen HaganConvener, Orkney Islands Council(from 11.20am)
Mr Edgar BalfourChairman, Orkney Enterprise Ltd
Mr Alistair BuchanChief Executive, Orkney Islands Council
Mr Steve ConwayChief Executive, NHS Orkney
Mr Ken GrantChief Executive, Orkney Enterprise
Mr Jeremy BasterChairman, Environment Partnership
Councillor Keith JohnsonChairman, Communities Advisory Group
Councillor James StockanChairman, Local Economic Forum
Chief Inspector Mike CowdryKirkwall Area Commander, Northern Constabulary
Ms Anna WhelanHead of Policy, OIC (Secretary)
1.Minutes of 28th meeting held 26th June 2006
The minutes were agreed.
2.Matters arising
2.1Visits to/from other CPPs
It was reported that informal contact had been made with Shetland CP Board and with the Highland Wellbeing Alliance, and responses were awaited.
3.Efficient Government
3.1It was reported that funding for Orkney’s bid (Joint Working in Orkney) had effectively been promised but the business case required some enhancement before it would satisfy the criteria of the Efficient Government Board at the Scottish Executive. Jonathan Moore of the Executive’s Shared Services and Funds Unit was scheduled to visit Orkney on 19/20 September to clarify what was required and agree how to proceed.
4.OIC/OCPP response to Consultation on National Strategy for Shared Services
4.1It was noted that the national agenda was becoming increasingly managerial and possibly losing sight of local political needs — possibly as a result of stripping jobs out of local communities.
4.2It was noted that nothing in the OCPP response was in conflict with the NHS’s national reform agenda, which was designed to sit side by side with the wider public sector reform agenda.
4.3It was reported that Richard Thomas (Head of Personnel Services, OIC) had been seconded for two days a week to NHS Orkney to head up their HR service in place of Fiona Smith, who had been seconded to work on a review of service provision (Creating Sustainable Services).
5.Regeneration Outcome Agreement —Annual Report for 2005-06
5.1The report was noted.
6.Orkney 2020 Consultation Report by VAO
6.1It was noted that in quoting the report it was important to emphasise that it comprised individual views which did not imply consensus but did serve to open up a debate.
6.2It was reported that the OIC Policy Unit was currently analysing the results in the report, and comparing them with other recent consultation/engagement exercises, with the overall aim of better informing the new community plan.
7.Review of Community Development
7.1The current draft of Sandy Watson’s review report was circulated, with the caveat that further work remained to be done. It was confirmed that the draft report could be circulated, in confidence, to the senior executive of partner organisations.
7.2It was observed that the current draft was focused towards the “top half” of Orkney’s organisational structures, with little detail on the “bottom half” of community development on the ground. It was hoped that this gap would be filled in the final version of the report.
7.3It was reported that Sandy Watson would next be in Orkney around 5th-6th November, and agreed that a session should be organised in which he could meet with the Steering group and receive their feedback on the draft report. Action: AFW
8.Community Engagement
8.1The meeting considered the reports received from Voluntary Action Orkney of meetings held in Westray and Papa Westray, and the communities of interest meetings organised in Kirkwall for those with an interest in disability and substance misuse.
8.2It was noted that the turnout for some meetings had been low which might have explained why some of the priorities listed looked more like individual concerns than community issues.
8.3It was noted that the community engagement meetings did not appear to reflect the concerns of the business sector in general, and the agricultural sector in particular. The Local Economic Forum had succeeded in raising awareness of “the big picture” in the business population, but the OCPP needed to take a lead on environmental trends and demographic issues such as the impact of migrant workers. It was agreed to produce a paper for the next Steering Group meeting addressing these matters and considering options for Orkney. Action: JB/MC/KG
9.Verbal reports from the advisory groups
9.1Communities Advisory Group
It was reported that the CAG was scheduled to meet on 26th September, primarily to discuss the new community plan. In discussion, a concern was identified that adoption of interagency plans by partner organisations could lead to an expectation that they would be resourced. There was scope for a framework or protocol to make sure that proposals put to the Steering Group had support from the agencies concerned, and that agencies were able to respond to community planning initiatives in a structured way.
9.2Local Economic Forum
It was reported that the LEF was planning to meet in November. In discussion it was suggested that it would be useful for the OCPP to receive OEK reports on agricultural matters for information, and agreed that this would be arranged. Action: KG
10.Orkney Young Scot (Dialogue Youth)
10.1The meeting noted the recent YS(DY) newsletter, and a letter of support received from Marcus Liddle, Chief Executive of Young Scot, and regretted that there was no national funding for Young Scot to back his kind words.
11.Community Regeneration Fund — Uncommitted funds for 2007-08
11.1 The meeting noted the proposal to split the £13,600 remaining for youth work in 2007-08 between the two youth projects currently being supported — Young Scot (Dialogue Youth) and the Isles Youth Development Project — both of which were in need of working capital. It was agreed that both units should be asked to submit a brief note of what they would use the money for, if it were to be made available. Action: AFW
12.Duty to promote disability equality
12.1It was reported that both OIC and NHSO were currently preparing Disability Equality Schemes in response to their new duty to promote disability equality. OIC was looking for disabled people willing to become involved in writing the scheme, and it was suggested that they make contact with Annabel Eltome at NHSO with a view to involving their patient focus groups. Action: AFW
13.Any other business
None raised.
Anna Whelan
1 November 2006