Thursday, 2/12/2015
Executive Committee members present: Carla DeFraine (President), Scott Nelson (Secretary), Tiffany Crawshaw (Past President), Ralph Kuechle, (Treasurer), Bridgette Atallah (President-Elect)
Board and OCPA Members present: Andy Schwartz (CE Chair), Rosalyn Laudauti (CE Co-chair), Michelle Matusoff (Membership Chair), Patricia Moulton (Student Mentoring/Education Chair), Ben Strack (Community Outreach Chair); Michael Ritz (Board Member), Ioana Pal (Newsletter Editor), Michael Ritz (OCPA Member)
Administrative Assistant Present: Valeska Wolf
1. Approved Minutes………………………………….……….…………….….2015 Secretary, Scott Nelson, Psy.D.
a. Approval of January 2015 board minutes was deferred pending additional revision(s).
2. Treasurer’s Report and 2015 Budget……………..…….……....…2015 Treasurer, Ralph Kuechle, Ph.D.
a. Dr. Kuechle discussed OCPA financial activities for December 2014, Calendar year 2014, and January 2015. Dr. Kuechle compared and contrasted breakdown of revenue sources year by year, with mention of a trend away from membership being the primary revenue source. Valeska Wolf brought to light minor issues with regard to grad student new membership revenues being reported to the wrong budget category.
b. Discussion of the 2015 OCPA budget took place, moderated by Dr. Kuechle; final approval of OCPA 2015 budget was deferred for a later vote pending revisions that were suggested by board members.
3. Member Update…………………………….…………….…….…Membership Chair, Michelle Matusoff, Ph.D.
a. A noteworthy increase in membership numbers year-to-date was reported by Dr. Matusoff, followed by some discussion of what factors may have contributed to the observed increase.
4. CE Update...………………………………………………………...……CE Co-Chairperson, Andy Schwartz, Ph.D.
a. Dr. Schwartz offered a recap of the Schmidt CE workshop and previewed upcoming CE events. Dr. Schwartz reported that some attendees were having trouble signing up for Dr. Cleary’s CE workshop. Suggestions were made and discussed about additional ways to publicize OCPA CE events, including possibly using the CPA listserv. Also discussed were suggestions about a keynote speaker for the 2015 OCPA Convention and psychologist-targeted advertising for the upcoming PQRS event.
b. Dr. Laudati made a motion that the CE committee be allowed to send postcards to all psychologists in Orange County for the PQRS workshop. Dr. Crawshaw seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection. Dr. Laudati proposed amending the motion to exclude advertising to non-psychologist mental health professionals. This amended motion was seconded by Dr. Crawshaw and passed without objection.
1. Installation Dinner Review…………………………………….………..2015 President, Carla DeFraine, Ph.D.
a. Dr. DeFraine offered a recap of the topics and themes presented by installation dinner guest speakers. Topics included the upcoming sunset review of the Board of Psychology. Dr. DeFraine urged members in attendance to write their California state legislators in support of the value and continued existence of the Board of Psychology. Moderated discussion followed about productive ways for members to advocate in support of the Board of Psychology.
b. Dr. DeFraine led discussion about ways to get OCPA members more involved with bi-monthly CPA meetings.
2. Website Optimization Discussion...... ……………………Webmaster, Tiffany Crawshaw, Psy.D., Ralph Kuechle, Ph.D., Michelle Matusoff, Ph.D., board member input
a. Dr. Crawshaw requested assistance with recruiting additional help with website administration, and possibly a trainee to eventually replace her as webmaster. Discussion of ways to achieve these requests ensued. Several attendees expressed gratitude to Dr. Crawshaw for all the work she has done to date with regard to the website.
b. Dr. Matusoff gave a brief summary of the website-related aspects of membership chair duties, and made a proposal to have CPA’s IT professional come to Orange County to help resolve certain website-related issues impacting membership activities. Discussion of this proposal and related issues followed.
2. Listserv Protocols……………………………………………………………2015 President, Carla DeFraine, Ph.D.
a. Discussion took place, moderated by Dr. DeFraine, about appropriate and expected listserv protocol to be observed by members. Topics included courtesy, ethics, and an update on the status of the transfer of listserv moderator duties from Dr. Cohen (not present) to Dr. Matusoff.
3. Non-Psychologist Member Social Event Rules……………….2015 President, Carla DeFraine, Ph.D.
a. Dr. DeFraine reiterated her view that non-psychologists should, in general, not be allowed to attend OCPA scheduled social events, with social chair BA concurring and expanding the point.
4. Social Event Schedule…………………………………………..…………Social Chair, Bridgette Atallah, Psy.D.
a. A brief recap of recent and upcoming OCPA social/networking events was offered by Dr. Atallah.
5. CPA Leadership & Advocacy Day…..………………………...……2015 President, Carla DeFraine, Ph.D.
c. Dr. DeFraine encouraged all members who are able to attend the CPA event in Sacramento in March to advocate to the state legislature on behalf of professional psychology’s interests. Brief discussion followed. Support for CPA-PAC by individual members was also encouraged.
Next meeting…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. March 12, 2014