Level 3: Award in Coordinating an Outdoor Curriculum
Credit Value: 10
Portfolio of Evidence for the following Units of Study:
Supporting Learning, Play and Development in the Outdoors
Observation and Evaluation of Outdoor Learning
Sustainable use of Natural Resources
Outdoor Curriculum co-ordinator
(Please insert your name, home address and phone number, work address and phone number and preferred e mail address)
Date course started…………………………
The training days of the course were based
Closing date of course……………………..
Date portfolio sent to tutor…………………
I,……………………….. declare that all the work contained in this portfolio is original and is all my own work.
Signed………………………………… Date………………….
I have worked with < spaces for name(s)> on the following parts of the portfolio:- Unit AC < > . We met for discussion on the following dates < > but have each produced our own work.
Signed…………………………………….. Date……………..
Signed…………………………………….. Date……………..
Signed…………………………………….. Date……………..
Please insert a witness statement/signed letter on headed paper from your head teacher or line manager that you have obtained permission to use photographs and/or personal information about the learners. Please remember not to identify by name or initial any of the learners.
The Award in Coordinating an Outdoor Curriculum is at Level 3 standard. As such it is required that you present your work legibly and in an orderly way, properly referenced and contents listed. Any work not presented in the above manner, may be rejected by your tutor before marking.
Student Name:Unit Title: Supporting Learning, Play and Development in the Outdoors
National Code: Credit Value: 3 Level: 3 GLH: 11
Purpose and Aim of the Unit / To enable understanding of learning, play and development in the outdoors.This unit has three learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes: / Assessment Criteria: / Page No.The
learner will: / The learner can:
- Understand theories of learning and play.
1.2 Summarise learning/play theories.
1.3 Relate a learning/play theory to the delivery of her/his programme.
1.4 Summarise research relating to outdoor learning/play and apply to personal practice.
- Understand how behaviour impacts on play, learning and development.
2.2Explain how learner’s behaviour impacts on play, learning and development.
2.3Describe methods that could be used to encourage positive behaviour during outdoor play, learning and development.
- Understand how outdoor learning can support learning, play and development.
3.2 Explain how holistic development is facilitated in outdoor learning.
3.3 Explain how to promote self-confidence and emotional literacy in outdoor learning.
Signed student ...... Date……………………...
Signed tutor ...... Date ......
Have all the above assessment criteria been satisfactorily met?
Y / N
Tutors Comments:-Learning Outcome 1.
Understand theories of learning and play
Explain a range of outdoor learning approaches
A minimum of three approaches to include FS, Outdoor Play and Environmental Education – the latter could encompass any method that uses the environment in education eg. Outdoor activities such as rock climbing, canoeing etc., field visits, earth education, visits to nature reserves etc.
Summarise learning / play theories
You must summarise at least two theories
Relate a learning / play theory to the delivery of her / his programme
Choose one of the theories for 1.2 and relate how you think this is relevant to your sessions & the groups you work with – best work will show application of that theory during your own outdoor learning / FS practice
Summarise research relating to outdoor learning / play and apply to personal practice
Choose one piece of research and give information about it including: rationale, methodology, results, recommendations and conclusions. Recount what you think about this research and how it applies or does not apply to your own outdoor learning practice
Learning Outcome 2.
Understand how behaviour impacts on play, learning and development
Explain the factors affecting the behaviour of learners in the outdoors
Relate at least five factors and show how they can lead to certain types of behavioural patterns
Explain how learner’s behaviour impacts on play, learning and development
This could be in the form of a mind map type of diagram
Describe methods, which could be used to encourage positive behaviour during outdoor play, learning and development
Describe a minimum of two methods that you could, or have used to encourage positive behaviour outdoors.. why did you use these and how effective were they?
Outcome 3.
Understand how Outdoor Learning can support learning, play and development
Outline the concept of holistic child development
Evidence provided could take the form of an annotated diagram showing the links between outdoor learning and holistic development or a written explanation. You must include at least five areas of child development.
Explain how holistic development is facilitated in outdoor learning
Reflect on how outdoor learning facilitates the development of the whole person. Give some examples from your own experience.
Explain how to promote self-confidence and emotional literacy in outdoor learning
Start out by giving your definition of what self-confidence and emotional literacy are and why they can be of benefit in child development. Be sure to capture the five components of emotional literacy. Reflect on your own experiences of participating in outdoor learning as well as looking at how your client group has responded to outdoor learning and how this has affected you / their self-confidence & emotional literacy
Student Name:Unit Title: Observation and Evaluation of Outdoor Learning
National Code: Credit Value: 2 Level: 3 GLH: 7
Purpose and Aim of the Unit / To enable group leader to use assessment and evaluation techniques linked to child development.This unit has two learning outcomes.
Learning Outcome / Assessment Criteria / Page No.The learner will: / The learner can:
- Be able to evaluate a programme of outdoor learning
1.2Use formative and summative assessment during her/his delivery programme.
1.3Evaluate the overall programme of outdoor learning.
- Understand the role of the leader of outdoor learning programmes
Signed student ...... date......
Signed tutor ...... date……......
Have all the above assessment criteria been satisfactorily met?
Y / N
Tutors Comments:-Learning Outcome 1.
Be able to evaluate a programme of outdoor learning
Use different observational techniques
Report back from at least three observations of outdoor learning. For each observation, use a different observational technique and state what that is before relating the observation.
Record this after each session. Remember not to individually identify children even by using their own initials
Session 1 / Observation technique used:Observation:
Session 2 / Observation technique used:
Session 3 / Observation technique used:
Use formative and summative assessment during her / his delivery programme
Complete one of these for each session delivered - When evaluating the sessions ask questions like: - How well were the objectives met? Were there free play opportunities? Did the session give opportunities for social & emotional development, self-confidence building and positive behaviour? Was the approach of all staff flexible within the framework of the sessions)
Example of evaluation of session
What worked well?What didn’t work so well?
Unexpected outcomes?
What will I change next time?
Evaluate the overall programme of outdoor learning
A summary of the whole programme
Learning Outcome 2
Understand the role of the leader of outdoor learning programmes
Explain the role of the outdoor learning leader in promoting social and emotional aspects of learning
Reflect on your experience of good leadership and explore this idea further to explain how good leadership encourages development in these areas
Student Name:Unit Title: Sustainable use of Natural Resources
National Code: Credit Value: 2 Level: 3 GLH: 7
Purpose and Aim of the Unit / To enable understanding of ecology and use of natural resources for learning.This unit has two learning outcomes.
Learning Outcome / Assessment Criteria / Page No.The learner will: / The learner can:
Understand ecosystems. / 1.1Describe the ecological structure of different ecosystems.
1.2Describe the threats to an ecosystem to include invasive species, land erosion and endangered species.
1.3Explain the effects of 1.2 on native flora and fauna.
1.4Create a flora and fauna resource for her/his site.
- Understand the sustainable management of natural resources.
2.2Describe methods of managing a natural resource for sustainability.
2.3Explain why identification of flora and fauna is important in the management of the natural environment.
Signed student...... Date ......
Signed Tutor ...... Date …………………
Have all the above assessment criteria been satisfactorily met?
Y / N
Tutors Comments:-Learning Outcome 1
Understand how to implement sustainable use of natural learning resources
Describe the ecological structure of different ecosystems.
Diagrams or annotated photographs of the ecological structure of a minimum of two different ecosystems e.g. Woodland, coastal, river, meadow, mountain, moorland. Give a brief description about the function and some of the species within each structural layer and how the components of the system interact with each other.
Describe the threats to an ecosystem to include invasive species, land erosion and endangered species
Explain the effects of 1.2 on native flora and fauna
Describe at least five threats to one or both of the different types of ecosystem and describe how these could affect the ecosystem. Give examples of endangered species that could be found in your locality and give a brief description of why its under threat
Create a flora and fauna resource for her / his site
From the identification skills gained during the course and using reference material, make a study of the species in evidence at the site you use for outdoor learning. Use this information to make an identification game or resource for your client group or make a descriptive list for your own use. Your resource should include a minimum of twelve flora and twelve fauna.
Learning Outcome 2.
Summarise the historic use and management of a natural environment
Find out information about an area local to you, this could be one of the ecosystems chosen for 1.1 or: coniferous / deciduous woodland, coastal, estuarine, moorland, mountain, meadow, river. As well as the historical perspective, please focus on the ‘renewable resource’ aspect of this AC as well. Please list any references used
2.2Describe methods of managing a natural resource for sustainability
Bring the work completed for 2.1 up to date by describing how the area you wrote about is or could be managed sustainably
2.3Explain why identification of flora and fauna is important in the management of the natural environment
Consider points such as toxicity of plants, usefulness of different species, monitoring the health and biodiversity of your own site, helping children to become aware of sustainability and conservation issues – whatever points you use, give examples of species
Student Name:Unit Title: Outdoor Curriculum Coordinator
National Code: Credit Value: 3 Level: 3 GLH: 11
Purpose and Aim of the Unit / To enable coordination of outdoor learning programmes mapped to the curriculumThis unit has four learning outcomes.
Learning Outcome / Assessment Criteria / Page No.The learner will: / The learner can:
- Understand how to implement sustainable use of natural learning resources.
1.2 Identify key features from the site in 1.1
1.3Create an action /management plan for the area in 1.1 to include management for sustainability.
- Be able to co-ordinate the provision of outdoor learning.
2.2Develop a guidance resource for provision of outdoor learning.
2.3Develop an annual programme of outdoor learning.
2.4Implement a communication strategy designed to impact on education planning.
2.5Produce a site and activity risk assessment for her/his outdoor learning programme.
2.6Explain risk/benefit analysis.
- Understand the benefits of delivering outdoor learning.
- Be able to reflect on development of outdoor learning provision.
4.2Explain changes/improvements to be made to outdoor learning as a result of reflection in 4.1
Signed student...... date......
Signed tutor ...... date......
Have all the above assessment criteria been satisfactorily met?
Y / N
Tutors Comments:-Learning Outcome 1
Understand how to implement sustainable use of natural learning resources
Create a site plan for implementing outdoor learning (Using a copy of an architects drawing or by using a map / plan view, make a diagram of the grounds you intend to use for OL).
Identify key features from the site in 2.1 (Annotate the site plan to show what is existing – both biotic and abiotic features should be noted - also include annotations to show you would like to improve / develop the site)
Create an action/ management plan for the area in 1.1 to include management for sustainability
(Develop a rationale and an action plan to show how you plan to manage and improve the site during the next three years. A table or chart would be a useful way of showing how you plan to implement those proposals and how they will be actioned, by whom and when – example below, be sure to show dates to cover the three year period. Don’t forget that the word ‘sustainable’ in the AC is key and you should be aiming to show how you are going to at least maintain the site as at the start or preferably, plan to improve the site in terms of its biodiversity).
Management Objectives / Proposals & action plan / Person responsible for action and date action will be completed / Monitoring / review / comments(Make sure that you show planning for three years from the date of the start of your training.)
Learning Outcome 2
Be able to coordinate the provision of outdoor learning
Carry out an audit of existing provision and practice for outdoor learning for a site
Refer to the handouts of site audits given during the course days. Your audit must include some recommendations for improvements
Develop a guidance resource for provision of outdoor learning
This guidance resource must be a useful ‘handbook’ for outdoor learning provision at your organisation including policies, procedures and information on how you will comply with relevant legislation
2.3 Develop an annual programme of outdoor learning
Copy of the handout given on the course days below
Planning to use the school grounds for curriculum delivery year round
Month / Curriculum areasJan
2.4 Implement a communication strategy designed to impact on education planning
Show how you will communicate with stakeholders E.g. Learning and teaching assistants, teachers, head teachers, parents, guardians, governors, land owners etc. and how you will cascade the knowledge from the curriculum coordinator course to colleagues. Give examples of information / newsletters / staff meetings etc. that show the above.
2.5 Produce a site and activity risk assessment for her/his outdoor learning programme
Produce a generic and activity risk assessment for use by whole school in the learning environment
2.6 Explain risk / benefit analysis
Give examples of how risk is incorporated into outdoor play and learning activities and explain why this is beneficial for children.
This work could be combined with 3.1 (below).
Learning Outcome 3
Understand the benefits of delivering outdoor learning
Evaluate the benefits of delivering the curriculum in an outdoor environment
Learning Outcome 4
Be able to reflect on development of outdoor learning provision
Reflect on the implementation of outdoor learning as part of education planning
Explain changes / improvements to be made to outdoor learning as a result of reflection in 4.1
Summarise in your own words why outdoor learning is needed in your own setting and set out your longer term goals for fully implementing / maintaining sustainable outdoor learning at your setting / school.
List any books/journals/websites (with dates that they were accessed) that you have consulted during your course of study
Award in coordinating an Outdoor Curriculum Cambium © 2015