Major L A W Hay Army Reserve Centre
Cadet Executive Officer Stockton Road
Tel: 01642 242414 Ext 21
Fax: 01642 246011
CACF 3067 26 April 2014
See Distribution:
A. ACF Manual
B. Materiel Regulations For The Army
C. JSP 535 Cadet Training Safety Precautions
D. SPTA Training Area Standing Orders
E. County Standing Orders and Procedures
Map Sheet: Series GSGS 6500, Senne and Stapel (DEU 25), Edition 1 GSGS
1. Cleveland ACF will conduct their Annual Camp at Sennelager Training Camp (STC) in Germany over the period Saturday 9th August until Saturday 23th August 2014.
2. A detailed Training Programme for Annual Camp has been issued to Companies by the Training Major, it is also included at Annex A. This Annual Camp will be a hybrid camp comprising, Military Training, Fieldcraft, Adventure Training, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Cultural Experiences and Sports.
3. It should be noted that a 15 (NE) Brigade central ITC/ SCIC and Range Courses Camp for the 5 Counties will be ran over the Annual Camp Season at Stainton CTC. Dates are to be confirmed.
4. Sennelager is a village in Germany that forms part of the City of Paderborn. It is notable for its association with the military since the 19th century. It is now the location of a British Army barracks, where the 20th (United Kingdom) Armoured Brigade is currently based. Sennelager lies around 5 km north of Paderborn City Centre in the West of the landscape "Senne". The area falls under the administration of the Schloss Neuhaus/Sande wards of the city. To the South between Sennelager and the City of Paderborn is Schloss Neuhaus, to the West Sande, and to the North Hövelhof. The name Sennelager literally translates as Camp on the Senne - a name it received in 1851 when the Prussians used the area as a training camp for their cavalry. At the time, the area belonged to what was then the Neuhaus region and was largely unpopulated. This camp was later expanded into a full training facility for the armed forces, most notably during the reign of Wilhelm II.
5. The word Senne itself derives from the old Low German word sinedi, meaning sand. During the First World War there was a POW camp here which housed merchant seamen, most notably many British trawlermen who had been taken prisoner after their ships were sunk by German raiders in the North Sea in the first days of the war. Many of the fishermen came from Boston and Grimsby. Many were later transferred to Ruhleben internment camp where many remained for the duration of the war.
6. During the Third Reich the village was used as a military loading station, and the village's railway station shows signs of this - there are facilities for loading military vehicles onto trains which are still regularly used by the British and German armies. The Catholic order of the Salvatorians, who were based in the still-standing Heilandsfrieden House, was disbanded and driven out of Sennelager by the Nazis in 1941, and were forbidden to settle anywhere in Westphalia or in the Rhineland.
7. At the end of World War II, the historic military base passed first briefly into the administration of the United States Army, before a more long-term handover to the British who retain control to this day, using the area as a training facility.
8. The aim of this instruction is to confirm administrative arrangements necessary to
ensure a successful camp.
9. General Outline: Annual Camp will take place in four phases:-
a. Phase One – Advance Party The advance party will deploy to
Sennelager Camp on Wednesday 6th August.
Details of the advance party will be
issued by the QM.
b. Phase Two – Main Move Officers/Adults and Cadets will deploy from Detachments on Saturday 9th
August, arriving at camp by 0600 hrs.
A separate instruction will be issued for
the move and can be found at Annex B.
c. Phase Three – Camp Routine The format of camp will be issued by the
Training Major. Each Company will
be allocated a programme to run and will be
responsible for training standards, this is found at Annex A
d. Phase Four – Recovery The County will return to Detachments
on Saturday 23th August before lunch, more Accurate Timings will be confirmed prior to deployment.
10. Personnel: All members of the County may attend Annual Camp. However all cadets must have attended one Company weekend.
11. Coordinating Instructions:
a. Timings. (All timings are local). A sequence of events is at Annex C.
b. Nominal Rolls. The Annual Camp Event is now open on Westminster, Company 2ICs are requested to forward draft attendance to the CAA’s by 2nd June 2014. In the remarks column it should state if the cadet has paid a deposit. All County HQ Officers/Adults are to are to inform the AO if attending camp so their details can be updated.
c. Movement. The move to and from camp will be covered in separate instruction, it is critical that Private cars are not to be taken to camp due to the restrictions of British Forces Germany vehicle policy.
d. Safety & Risk Assessments. All Officers and Adults have a personal responsibility for the safety and welfare of Cadets and that responsibility overrides all other considerations.
(1) Any activity which falls outside the “Safe System of Training” (SST) must have a written Risk Assessment submitted to the TSA via County HQ. JSP 535 Cadet Training Safety Precautions must be carried by all Officers and Adults.
(2) The Brigade Training Safety Adviser will be in attendance to advise and authorize training.
e. Discipline. The provisions of County Standing Orders will apply. Companies are to be in possession of Standing Orders at annual camp. All Officers and Adults are to be conversant with them and relevant paragraphs are to be read out to Cadets at Company Commanders opening briefings. The following should be highlighted;
(1) Where County Standing Orders and Sennelager Training Area (STA) Orders are at variance, the provision of STA Standing Orders will apply.
(2) All Officers/Adults are hereby reminded that the term “Cadet” applies to all listed personnel between 12 years and 18 years 9 months. Cadets are forbidden to purchase or consume any form of alcohol or Tobacco during annual camp. Officers and Adults are therefore forbidden at any time from authorizing any such purchases or consumption.
(3) All Cadets are to be warned that under no circumstances should knives, (other than a small pocket knife), be brought to camp. Sheath knives, lock knives and flick knives are strictly forbidden and any such knives found in Cadet’s possession will be confiscated. Company Commanders are to check during First Parade at camp that this instruction has been complied with. All confiscated items should be immediately handed to the County HQ. Only parents or guardians may reclaim these items on return from camp.
(4) Sleeping accommodation areas are strictly out of bounds to all members of the opposite sex. The only exception to this rule is that the Orderly Officer, for reasons of duty only, and Officers during inspections may enter all accommodation blocks. They must however be accompanied by an Adult of the same gender to the block visited. The County HQ is to ensure that at least one female Adult is present in the female accommodation during the period 1900hrs – 0800hrs in order to assist the Orderly Officer as required.
(5) Cadets will only be permitted to leave camp for the purpose of authorized training and visits in accordance with the programme. They are forbidden from leaving camp at any other time.
(6) Any breach of discipline by any Officer, Adult or Cadets must be reported to the CEO and Commandant.
f. Security. All Officers and Adults attending annual camp must be in possession
of an ID Card. The following points are to be noted;
(1) Cadets are confined to camp unless on Supervised Visits.
(2) Officers and Adults may walk out of the Barracks but must first “book out” using the booking out book that is to be provided at the Guardroom. They must exercise the usual security measures as applicable at all times and should “book in” on their return.
(3) The following duties will be provided by the Duty Company and organized by the County HQ.
a. Duty Field Officer (24 Hours)
b. Duty Officer (24 Hours)
c. Duty Adult Male and Female (24 Hours)
d. 2 x NAAFI Adults (1800-2200hrs)
e. Camp Guard. (24 Hours)
(4) The Duty Officer or Duty Adults must be in the Guardroom at all times.
(5) Unfortunately there are no lockers in individual rooms, money should therefore be handed to Detachment commanders on arrival and drawn as required and expensive belongings secured in the designated secured areas when leaving camp.
g. Documentation. All Cadets wishing to attend the Annual Camp must complete the following forms and return them to their Detachment Commander with full payment of £80 by 4 Jul 14, these were issued to individuals along with an information flyer but can also be found at Annex E:
(1) Medical Certificate Consent Form.
(2) Parental/ Guardian consent to undergo training.
(3) Passport. All personnel wishing to travel to Germany must be in possession of a full UK passport. Cadets under the age of 18 (on the date of return from Annual Camp) may travel on a group passport that will be provided by the County. Individuals requiring this must inform their detachments on the consent to undergo training form at sub paragraph 11.g(2) above.
(4) European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). All individuals wishing to travel to Germany must be in possession of an EHIC Card. These are available free of charge (beware of bogus sites where you will be charged an administrative fee), the waiting time is approximately 2-4 weeks so these must be requested early. The free website is:
(5) Checks. Company 2IC’s are to ensure a full documentation check of application forms, Passports and EHIC card is conducted by 4 Jul 14.
(6) Pre Movement Control Check Point (MCCP). At the adult weekend on 19/20 Jul, all companies under the guidance of their CAA are to conduct an MCCP to ensure that all adults attending have the correct documentation and driving licence.
h. Expected Daily Routine
Reveille 0630 – 0645hrs
Breakfast 0700 – 0800hrs
Conservancy Tasks 0730 – 0830hrs
County Muster 0830hrs
Room Inspection 0845hrs
Training Periods 0900 – 1230hrs
Lunch 1230 – 1315hrs
Training Periods 1345 – 1700hrs
Sick Parade 1700hrs
Evening Meal (All Ranks) 1730 – 1830hrs
Sports Periods 1900 – 2030hrs
Free Time 2030 – 2215hrs
Lights Out 2230hrs
12. Medical and Hygiene:
a. Officers and Adults suffering from any medical problem(s) must report the matter to the County Medical Officer on arrival at camp. This is an individual responsibility. A certificate will be issued for completion.
b. The County Medical Centre will be located next to the Headquarters building. There is also a large Military medical facility located in STC that the Medical Officer can refer individuals to if required.
c. All persons reporting sick must do so in first instance to the County Medical Centre. Sick Parade will be at 1700hrs.
d. Any Cadet requiring to be taken to the STC Medical Centre or local hospital must be accompanied by an Adult of the same gender to the cadet together with the Cadet’s Medical Form. The vehicle driver is not to act as the accompanying Adult.
e. When training on STC any emergency requiring emergency services must go direct to telephone 112, then inform County HQ. (Civilian Telephone 0044 7591 575868) All other injuries must be reported to Range Control.
f. All persons are to note that it is their personal responsibility to ensure they have sufficient supplies of any prescribed medication to cover the whole period of annual camp. Cadets are to hand in all prescribed medication to the Medical Officer on arrival in Germany, this includes insulin which will be stored in the fridge in the Medical Centre.
g. Commanders will ensure that all Cadets wash properly, and shave (when necessary), before attending for breakfast each morning.
h. Periods have been set aside in the Training Programme for Commanders to ensure that all Cadets bathe regularly during camp period.
i. Commanders will ensure that they hold regular foot inspections throughout the camp period; this is essential after all Route Marches and exercises. They will also guide Cadets into wearing the correct type of socks in order to minimize foot problems.
j. All personnel wishing to report sick, will first report to their Commander, prior to attending a Sick Parade.
k. The Administrative Officer/ Medical Officer will visit the Medical Centre daily and compile a sick parade state.
l. If an accident or incident occurs, the Officer responsible for the Activity must report the matter to the Cadet Commandant and CEO as soon as possible. After obtaining any required medical support, Range Control must be informed with details of the accident/ incident. Any incident involving a cadet will be reported to the parents/ guardians.