OCLT&CC Younger Players Membership Application Form 2017/18
Please print clearly
First name / SurnameGender / M / F / Date of birth
(see overleaf) / Subscription
(see overleaf)
Payment method(delete as applicable) / Bank transfer / Cheque
Other details
British Tennis numberAddress / Post Code:
Details of any medical condition that the club or coaches should be aware of
Information about the parent / guardian
First name / Surnamee-mail address
Mobile phone / Home phone no.
Alternative phone number (for emergencies)
Show the above e-mail address & phone numbers in Members’ Directory
NB If they are not shown, no other member or coach will be able to contact your child unless you specifically give them the information / YES / NO
(delete as applicable)
I agree to the use of unattributed images of my child for club promotional purposes / YES / NO
(delete as applicable)
I agree for my child’s name to be included on the secure Members’ Directory
I agree that this information may be retained and used for club purposes
I confirm that I have read and accepted theJunior Charter, Club Rulesand Policies. I note that my child will become a member of the company, Old College Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Limited.
Signature / Date
How did you hear about OC?
Subscription rates 2017/18
Month of joining / Junior(aged between 9 and 18
on 31 August 2017) / Mini
(aged at least 6 on 1 April 2017 and under 9 on 31 August 2017)
Between March and August / £46 / £29
Between September and February / £23 / £15
Payment options
(1) Electronic transfer to the following account:
Account Name: Old College Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Ltd
Sort code: 30-92-89
Account No: 36867868
To ensure we can match payments received to specific members, especially where there are multiple members in one family, please make separate payments for each child, using the surname and first name as the payment reference, e.g. “smithjohn” for John Smith. If your bank does not permit you to specify a different payment reference for each payment, please pay by cheque instead.
(2) Payment by cheque: Payee: ‘OCLT & CC’.
Please make your cheque out to ‘OCLT & CC’ and write the member’s surname and first name on the back of the cheque as the payment reference. Please send a separate cheque for each child.
What next?
Please e-mail this form to , post it (along with any cheque) in the Membership box in the clubhouse or else send it (along with any cheque) to
OCLT&CC Director Membership, Old College LT&CC, 10 Gallery Road, London SE21 7AB
Once we receive your payment it will be noted on the membership database and you will receive a standard confirmation email including your log-in ID and password for the Court Booking System and Members’ Directory. If you do not receive it within 10 days of payment please let us know at
There is plenty of other useful information on the members’ website at