OcetiSakowin – Seven Council FiresViewing Guide

Answer the following questions as you watch the documentary.

  1. What is Oyate? The People
  2. What language does the word Sioux come from? French
  3. How did the Oyate get the name Sioux? A misunderstanding from an interpreter
  4. What are the three tribes of the Oyate? Lakota, Nakota and Dakota
  5. What does OcetiSakowin mean? Seven Council Fires
  6. What is the Lakota tribe? Tetonwan
  7. Summarize the Oyate origin story.
  8. What is kinship? Family, relationships with others
  9. What does the circle/hoop represent for the Oyate?
  10. What plants and animals did the Dakota people rely on? Deer, elk, antelope, fish, fowl, rice, maple
  11. Why was the bison/buffalo important to the Lakota?
  12. What do the Oyate call animals? Living things of the earth or nations
  13. What do tribal people use music and dance for? Connecting with reality, storytelling, not entertainment, keep history alive
  14. What are the most important numbers? 7, 4 and 28
  15. What is the hunkakaga ritual? Making of relatives
  16. Who educated the very young? Grandmothers
  17. How did westward expansion change life for the OcetiSakowin? Farming, put on reservations, change in role of people in families, alcohol
  18. Where were many kids sent for education? Boarding schools
  19. What are some difficulties currently facing the OcetiSakowin? Poverty, alcohol, disease and lost hope
  20. Why is it important to learn about the history of the OcetiSakowin?

OcetiSakowin – Seven Council FiresViewing Guide

Answer the following questions as you watch the documentary.

  1. What is Oyate?
  2. What language does the word Sioux come from?
  3. How did the Oyate get the name Sioux?
  4. What are the three tribes of the Oyate?
  5. What does OcetiSakowin mean?
  6. What is the Lakota tribe?
  7. Summarize the Oyate origin story.
  1. What is kinship?
  2. What does the circle/hoop represent for the Oyate?
  1. What plants and animals did the Dakota people rely on?
  2. Why was the bison/buffalo important to the Lakota?
  1. What do the Oyate call animals?
  2. What do tribal people use music and dance for?
  3. What are the most important numbers?
  4. What is the hunkakaga ritual?
  5. Who educated the very young?
  6. How did westward expansion change life for the OcetiSakowin?
  1. Where were many kids sent for education?
  2. What are some difficulties currently facing the OcetiSakowin?
  3. Why is it important to learn about the history of the OcetiSakowin?