John Background Info Session 7: John 13-14

Chapter 13 and 14


  • Jesus is devoting himself more to his disciples at this point
  • Chapters 1-12 focus on the rejection of Jesus by the nation
  • Chapters 13-17 center on the handful of people who did receive Jesus
  • Audience shift from teaching the masses to private ministry before a few faithful followers
  • Farewell words and works of Christ on the same night as his betrayal and arrest
  • Cross is only 1 day away
  • These final acts and words become Jesus’ legacy to his followers
  • Chapter 14 centers on the promise that Christ is the one whp gives believers comfort: future return, in the present by the holy spirit
  • Judas will be dismissed and then Jesus goes into his address to the remaining 11 disciples
  • Jesus anticipates the disciples devastation: speaks comfort to them

Keys to the Text

Footwashing:wore sandals very dusty and dirty conditions in the roads necessitated the need for foot washing. Disciples would have probably humbled themselves to wash Jesus’ feet as his station as teacher gave him status but they would have been hesitant washing each other’s feet. Foot washing was reserved for the lowliest of menial servants. Peers did not wash one another’s feet, except as a mark of great love. Jesus’ actions serve as a symbol of spiritual cleansing and a new model of humility that would come to define Christianity.

Holy Spirit: (in Hebrew Tradition)The Holy Spirit was much less defined but a very real presence in the OT tradition starting in Genesis 1:2, Genesis 6, and Malachi 2: 15. The Holy Spirit often struggles with humanity due to their sin. Much more abstract yet still a powerful force of Creation.

(in Christian thought) The divine agent who creates, sustains, and preserves spiritual life in those who place their trust in Jesus Christ. It is not merely an influence or an impersonal power emanating from God. It is a third member of the trinity, equal in every way to God the Father and God the Son. The Holy Spirit loves the saints, communicates with them, teaches, guides, comforts, and chastises. The HS can be grieved, quenched, lies to, tested, resisted, and blasphemed. Since Pentecost, the HS has indwelt all believers, illuminating their understanding and application of God’s word. The HS fills them, comforts them, fellowships with them, intercedes for them, comforts them, admonished them, sanctifies them, and enables them to resist sin and to serve God.

The Text Chapter13

  • Verse 1: starts with a statement indicating that Christ spent time with those whom he loved before the cross came. This mildly indicates that he aimed at providing comfort to help them through the pain to come.
  • The supper referred to would have been the Passover feast that began that Thursday after sunset. Quickly Passover the meal to the important part which is that the devil and Judas Iscariot had the same desire in mind when he Judas determined to betray Jesus.
  • Jesus then takes on the image of a servant and humility by removing his clothing, dressing as a servant and prepared to wash the feet of his disciples. An act of extreme humility and one of great honor for the disciples who received Christ’s love in this moment.
  • Peter argues with Christ over the foot washing because in the ancient world Christ would have held a higher social standing than those that he taught.

Why did Jesus need to wash the feet of the disciples? What was the purpose and what should we take from this scene?

What is the mood surrounding the last supper?

  • Verses 8-9
  • Jesus replies that only Peter’s feet are dirty enough to need cleansing – The cleansing that Christ performs at salvation needs never to be repeated; however those who have been cleansed by God’s gracious justification need repeated washings in the experiential sense in order maintain the pure fellowship with God.
  • Not all were clean because Christ was referencing the guilt and evil of Judas Iscariot
  • Jesus washed their feet so they should then wash each other’s feet

What does Christ mean by this? How do you think the disciples reacted to this?

  • Christ speaks to the reticence of the disciples to take such lowly roles in society but to be a follower of Christ, means to live as Christ lived especially serving others in need in society and that the stations in society are essentially meaningless when it comes to God.
  • Verse 18 read – lifted heel against Christ – reference to the cultural insult of showing the bottom of the foot
  • Reminds his disciples that to receive God is to receive him, his message, and those to come after him

What does “troubled in spirit” say about Christ? What was he feeling? Who was he referring to?

How did the disciples react to Christ’s spiritual trouble?

Verse 23 – first self reference of the author John

What is the significance of dipping the bread and giving it Judas Iscariot?

Why did the disciples think that Jesus pointed out Judas?

  • Judas was in control of the money
  • Something for the feast needed
  • Something to be given to the poor

(notice how the disciples trusted each other not recognizing the corruption that existed within their own ranks)

In Verse 30 – mentions that is was night

  • Full of theological purpose – forces of evil were to triumph over good for a short while

Christ speaks about the glorification he will receive

  • Looking beyond the cross and to the future at the right hand of God

New Commandment – love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another

  • What does Christ mean by this? Have we lived into this command as Christians, as a society?
  • Not new from OT Leviticus 19. Why was Christ calling it new?
  • New because modeled on Christ sacrificial love

Can’t follow Christ because only Christ as the sinless, and blameless lamb can be sacrificed on the Cross at the time of the sacrificing of the lambs

  • But foreshadows the eventual martyrdom of Peter
  • Before that happens Peter will deny Christ 3 times
  • Jesus is speaking to the abandonment he will experience

Chapter 14

Jesus then turns towards comforting those he is with

  • Trust in Christ can stop an agitation of the heart that can shake the very foundations of faith

Verse 2 – literal reference to the vastness of God’s house where all are welcome

  • Traditionally used in funeral and memorial services
  • Christ will be there to welcome you when the time comes

Verse 6 – What do you think of this verse? It has been used to say that none Christians are doomed to hell.

  • What was Philip’s response? Why?
  • Why does Christ say we should believe in him?

Verse 12 discusses the power of the Holy Spirit in the person who believes

  • The greater things are not in power but in extent or scope; spiritual miracles vs. physical miracles

Verse 16 – prays God to give to them another just like himself to lead them

  • Referencing the Holy Spirit which will dwell inside of them following Pentecost

Verse 19 – In reference to the Resurrection; through the spirit Christ will be back with them in their hearts giving life to their ministries.

Support Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

How do Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians illuminate or shed light on the promise of Christ in 14: 1-3? What more do we learn?