
1) „The Power of Fear: The Programmatic Use of Terror in Totalitarian Regimes”. Pană-Grigorescu, Irina and Surdulescu, Radu (eds). University of Bucharest Review. A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. Volume IV, no 3-4. București: Department of English, 2002. 255-267. ISSN 1454-9328.

2) „The Meaning of Nationalism between Politics and Cultural Identity”. Irimia, Mihaela (ed) Cultural Identity Between Anchorage and Embededness. București: Premier, 2003. ISBN 973-8451-23-X.

3) „The One-Eye Monster: Magnifying Political Partiality in Chapter 12 (Cyclops) of James Joyce’s Ulysses”. Irimia, Mihaela (ed) Cultural Identity Between Anchorage and Embededness. București: Premier, 2003. 123-131. ISBN 973-8451-23-X.

4) „Cultures of Fear”. Irimia, Mihaela (ed) Cultural Identity and Modernity’s (Dis)Contents. București: Premier, 2003. 89-100.ISBN 973-8451-93-6.

5) „The Dystopia of Memory. A case study: Doris Lessing”. Conference on British and American Studies. Brașov: Transilvania University Press, 2004.

6) „Fear and the Public Secret”. Pană-Grigorescu, Irina, Surdulescu, Radu si Oltean, Roxana (eds). University of Bucharest Review. A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. The Secret and the Known. Volume VI, no 3. Bucuresti: Department of English, 2004. 142-147. ISSN 1454-9328.

7) „The Postmodern Conundrum. Felicity versus Freedom in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World”. Conference on British and American Studies. Brașov: Transylvania University Press, 2005. 263-269.

8) „Diversity, Difference and the New Cuisine”. Pană-Grigorescu, Irina, Surdulescu, Radu and Oltean, Roxana (eds) University of Bucharest Review. A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, Volume VII, no 4. Bucuresti: Department of English, 2005.81-85. ISSN 1454-9328.

9) „Postmodern Dis/Relocations of Identity in the Fiction of David Lodge”. Pană-Grigorescu, Irina, Surdulescu, Radu and Oltean, Roxana (eds) University of Bucharest Review. A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. Modernity: The Crisis of Value and Judgment. Vol. VIII, no 4. Bucuresti: Department of English, 2006. 131-137. ISSN 1454-9328.

10) „Memory and the Media in Post-1989 Central and East-Europe”. Totosy de Zepetnek, Steven; Andras, Carmen and Marsovsky, Magdalena (eds) The New Central and East European Culture. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2006. 247-257.

11) „In the Looking Glass. Story-telling in Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook”. The Fellowship of Cultural Rings. International Conference. București: Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, 2006. 129-136.

12) „Aspects of Cultural Colonisation in David Lodge’s Paradise News”. Visan, Ruxandra et. al. (eds) Trans- and Inter-Cultural Concepts. Bucuresti: University of Bucharest Press, 2006.

13) „Concepts under Erasure-Love”. Conference on British and American Studies. Brasov, Transilvania University Press, 2006.

14) „Defining Postmodernism – Preliminary Considerations in the Analysis of Dystopia”. Vianu, Lidia et al. (eds). Text in Context. ContBritLit. Essays in Contemporary British Literature. Vol. 1. The Critical Rub: To Read, To Write, Perchance to Dream. Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2007. 153-159. ISBN 978-973-737-322-9.

15) „Images of Erotic Dystopia in the Novels of David Lodge”. Vianu, Lidia (eds). Text in Context. ContBritLit. Essays in Contemporary British Literature. The Critic’s Dilemma. Vol. 2. Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2007. 978-973-737-330-4

16) „Reason, Passion and the Public Sphere: Constructions of Woman in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse”. Vianu, Lidia et al. (eds). Text in Context. ContBritLit. Essays in Contemporary British Literature. The Critic’s Light. Vol. 3. Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2007. 259-285.ISBN 978-973-737-339-7.

17) „Marx, Postmodernism and Spatial Configurations in Jameson and Lefebvre”. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. Purdue University.10.1 (2008). <>

18) „A (New) ‘Community of Private People Come Together’: Women’s Revision of the Enlightenment”. Conference on British and American Studies. Brasov: Editura Universitatii Transilvania, 2009 .189-201. ISSN 1844-7481.

19) „Angela Carter’s The Magic Toyshop Between Magic Realism and Feminist Dystopia”. Vianu, Lidia, Hampson Robert and Stotesbury, John (eds) Literary Criticism, Between Science and Creation? Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2010. 39-47.

20) „Doris Lessing’s Dytopian Novels”. Vianu, Lidia et. al. (eds) Literary Criticism, Between Science and Creation? Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2010. 131-141.

21) „Mapping and Spatial Configurations in Jameson and Lefebvre”. Totosy de Zepetnek, Steven and Wang, I-Chun (eds.) Mapping the World, Culture, and Border-crossing. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University, 2010. 16-30.

22) „Feminism and Faith: Exploring Christian Spaces in the Writing of Sara Maitland and Michèle Roberts”. E-rea: revue d'études Anglophones. Universitè de Provence. 8.2 (2011). 1563