
Ocean County Vocational Technical School

Performing Arts Academy

Senior Interdisciplinary Project (SIP) Manual

Name: ______Revision Date: June 2011

Table of Contents

Senior Project Guidelines / 3
Senior Project Roles / 4
Senior Project Timetable / 5
Presentation/Demonstration Information / 6
Senior Project Topic Suggestion List / 7
Senior Project Topic/Connection Sheets (Sophomore/Performance) / 8
Senior Project Presentation Proposal (Senior Internship Class) / 10
English Guidelines (Junior/English) / 11
Senior Project Grading Rubric / 12
Senior Project Scoring Sheet / 13
Research Paper Writing Rubric (English) / 14
Research Paper Interdisciplinary Writing/Content Portfolio Rubric (Performance) / 16
Presentation Evaluation Rubric (Senior Portfolio Team) / 17
Product/Demonstration Evaluation Rubric (Major Performance Instructor) / 18
Parent/Student Understanding Sheet / 19/20

Senior Project Guidelines


The project is designed to enhance student research skills, enrich their writing abilities, and to attain a deeper appreciation for their topic by creating a multi-media presentation that reflects their research paper. Additionally, students will experience a connection between academic curriculum and performance areas.


This project will begin in student’s sophomore year and will culminate in junior year with a research paper and senior year with a reflective presentation that includes a multi-media presentation. The student will work in conjunction primarily with the English Instructors and their Major Instructors, but all Performing Arts Academy instructors are a valuable resource for assistance. The Performance Instructors will provide final approval of the project topic. The senior project will include the following components:

 Documented MLA Format research paper with a topic related to their major.

 Formal Presentation.

Project Topic:

 Will focus on student’s major (Theatre, Dance, or Vocal)

 Will represent a selection from a minimum of two topics

 Will feature research from at least seven different sources of at least three different types

  • Limit to 2 websites (Except for use after first seven resources; references from additional websites are then optional)

Research Paper Components:

 Annotated Bibliography & Proposal

 Standard Pre-writing Activities (i.e. Note cards, Outline)

 MLA Standards

 Exhibit a minimum of eight-ten pages of relevant text.

Presentation Component:

 Ten to fifteen minute, multi-media presentation/explanation of project.

  • (Projects exceeding 15 minutes will result in loss of points)

 Performance component related to your major.


Senior Project Roles

Role of Student:

 Complete and return Senior Project Parent/Student Contract.

 Maintain electronic copies (on students’ shared drive) of all work in progress, i.e. first draft, final draft, etc.

 Maintain an electronic copy (on students’ shared drive) of final draft for faculty assessment panel.

 Complete a multi-media presentation for the faculty assessment panel.

Role of English Teacher:

 Instruct the student on the proper form and process of composing a research paper.

 Prepare a calendar of due dates for student assignments

 Arrange a trip to the local library for research.

 Review the first draft of the research paper and advise students of appropriate revisions.

 Evaluate the final draft of the research paper to adhere to MLA standards.

  • (Submit copy of graded rubric to Coordinator).

 Participate in Faculty Assessment Panel.

Role of the Performance Instructors:

 Assist student with selection and approval of project topic (Assist English Instructors with students at Library)

 Assist and advise students in technical aspects of the project.

 Monitor student progress in accordance to project guidelines.

 Review the first draft of the research paper and advise student of needed or appropriate revisions.

 Evaluate the final draft of the research paper for technical content.

  • (Submit copy of graded rubric to Coordinator).

 Allocate class time for students to do research and to develop topic.

 Allocate hours and resources as needed to develop presentation.

 Coach the student in preparation for presentation, verifying the accuracy of technical detail.

 Evaluate the presentation prior to the formal presentation.

 Collect presentation evaluation forms from the Senior Portfolio Team and confer with student’s English teacher to finalize assessment.


Senior Project Timetable

Grade 10

 Student will receive an introduction to and an overview of the Senior Project; Performance and English instructors will present an overview with timetable, format and objectives.

 Student will submit a signed Parent/Student Contract

 Student will explore and select two possible topics for Senior Project.

 Student will submit the Senior Project Topic Proposal to the Performance Instructor for approval.

Grade 11

 Student will locate at least three research sources for the approved project topic as a summer research assignment. (only 1 website acceptable)

 Students will produce 3 copies of the first draft of the research paper. Student will deliver one copy on paper and disk to the English Instructor, one to the Performance Instructor, & one for themselves (maintain on students’ shared drive).

 Students will complete the research paper final draft. The student will provide one copy on paper to the English Instructor, and one to the Performance Instructor, & one for themselves (maintain on students’ shared drive).

Grade 12

 Students will identify their method of presentation and its relationship to their major and the paper by submitting the Senior Project Presentation Proposal.

 Students will complete preparation, visual components, note cards, and presentation to be demonstrated for the formal presentation.

 Students will complete a preliminary presentation (run-thru) to their Performance Teacher and Technology Instructor and implement the necessary suggestions.

 Students will make a formal presentation to a faculty assessment panel (Senior Portfolio Team).

The Presentation/Demonstration Information


The presentation is a multi-media demonstration of the students’ research. The presentation must demonstrate the students’ mastery of the knowledge that he/she has researched. A student has no boundaries when it comes to the presentation except that it should show the panel of judges a collaboration and application of research through a creative technique. A PowerPoint presentation cannot be the only component of the presentation; it can only enhance your performance.

Successful presentations possess the following characteristics:

 Relevance to the research topic

 Evidence of significant effort

 Creative and original where appropriate

 Remains within the 10 to 15 minute time period

 Prepared for preliminary performance as scheduled

 Speak clearly, use appropriate word choices, maintain proper body language and eye contact (index cards)


 Make sure the presentation represents application of your researched-based knowledge.

 Make your presentation professional and polished.

 When creating the multi-media presentation, the wording and pictures should be readable and clear for your audience.

 Be prepared to answer questions about your topic with the panel.

 Use peers that are reliable!



 Performances—musical, dance, theatre

 Journals and scrapbooking

 Creative Writings

 Print Publications

 Displays

 Videos

Your product/presentation may include the assistance of others, such as peers and teachers—choose wisely. Please note, these participants will receive no credit towards their individual product/demonstration grade; this is your individual grade. Their help can only provide an enriched/enhanced experience. (If for any reason an assistant is absent, you are not excused…The show must go on!)

You must be respectful of your peers during their presentations!!!




/ Cirque du Soleil / Circus / Opera / Stage Technology
Comedy / Ballet / Orchestra / Costume Design
Script Writing / Jazz / Jazz Era / Theatre Safety
Shakespearean Theatre / Modern / The American Musical / Set Design
London Theatre / Tap / Multicultural / Directing
Time Periods in Theatre History / Time Periods in Dance History / Time Periods in Music History / Producing
Multicultural / Choreographers / Composers / Lighting
Modern Theatre / Cultural Dance / Classical Music / Make-up
Commercials / Dance Therapy / Music Therapy / Stage Management
Film / Dance Techniques / Musicals on Film / Theatre Design
3D Movies / Choreographic Techniques / Composition / Arranging / Concert Hall Design
I-MAX Productions / Anatomy and Kinesiology for Dance / Performance Practice / Live Sound
Voice-overs / Use of Imagery in Dance / Vocal Techniques
Acting Techniques / Nutrition / Vocal Disorders/ Health
Political Theatre / Alternative Medicines / Modern Music - Pop/R&B, Country
Performance Arts Genre / Symbolism in Dance

Senior Project Topic/Connection Sheet (Sophomore/Performance)

Name: ______

Topic 1______

Approval ______


Type of Source / Source

Topic 2______

Approval ______


Type of Source / Source

Topic 3______

Approval ______


Type of Source / Source

Limit to one website per topic for topic/connection sheet and limit two websites for your formal paper.

Senior Project Presentation Proposal Form (Senior/ Senior Internship Class)

Name: ______

Outline of proposed presentation (What I will be doing):

The day of my project I will need the following technology equipment:

This project is a learning stretch for me because:

What factors (peers, resources, time and money) do I need to complete this project?

If my project plan falls through, my back up plan is: (Your performance teacher must approve of this before you switch plans and the project listed here is the ONLY acceptable back up plan).

Please initial the following:

______I understand the need for interview/appropriate attire for the oral presentation section of my Senior Project.

______I realize that I will need to be present after school for at least one hour on the day of my Senior Project oral presentation and that calling out of work or telling my advisor or other party to which I am responsible is my responsibility (If applicable).

______I understand that if I am not prepared for the run thru and/or the presentation I will loose points and possibly fail this part of the project.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Teacher Signature : ______Date: ______

(Needed for Approval)

Proposal accepted ______

If no, what must be changed?

English Guidelines-Junior Year

Working Work-Cited Page

 Students will number their sources and remove their accompanying summaries from their annotated bibliography

 Equivalent to one homework grade

Note Cards

 Students will generate fifty (50) note cards using standard MLA format


 Students will create an MLA formatted outline based on the fifty (50) note cards

Rough Draft

 Use the attached Writing Rubric and Content Rubric as a guide

 Students will maintain standard MLA format including in-text citations, proper margins, header, work cited page, font size and style

 Students will show a strong relationship between their outlines and rough drafts

 Students will proofread their work and are encouraged to seek others’ assistance with proofreading

 Students will meet with English teacher for one-on-one writing conference

 Students will follow standard grammar and punctuation conventions

Final Draft

 Use the attached Writing Rubric and Content Rubric as guide

 Students will turn in rough drafts along with final draft

 Students will incorporate teacher generated suggestions

 Students will proofread their work and are encouraged to seek others’ assistance with proofreading

 Students will maintain standard MLA format including in-text citations, proper margins, header, work cited page, font size and style

 Students will follow standard grammar and punctuation conventions

Please note – 10 points will be deducted for each calendar day the assignment is late


Senior Project Grading Rubric

Date Due / Date Completed and Submitted / Project Component / Evaluators/Rubric / Class Grade/Course Grade / Project Weight
Pre-Proposal Topic Sheet / Performance / 1 Class work/ Homework Grade
Topic Proposal / Performance
(Final Topic choice will be forwarded to English Department) / 1 Academic Grade
Annotated Bibliography / English / 1 Academic Grade
Note Cards (Minimum 50) / English / 1 Academic Grade
Outline (Typed and to include corresponding note cards) / English / 1 Academic Grade
Typed First Draft (One copy to performance teacher/One copy to English Teacher) / English/Writing
Performance/Interdisciplinary / 1 Academic Grade
1 Academic Grade
Typed Final Draft (One copy to performance teacher/One copy to English Teacher) / English/Writing
Performance/Interdisciplinary / 2 Academic Grades
2 Academic Grades / 25%
(50% English grade/50 % Performance)
Senior Project Presentation Proposal Sheet / Senior Internship Class / 1 Academic Grade
Product/Demonstration / Senior Portfolio Team
Product/Demonstration Rubric / 50%
Presentation / Senior Portfolio Team
Presentation Rubric / 25%
Final Grade is ½ of your grade for Senior Internship / Final Project Grade: / Final Project Grade:

 Any junior who fails to complete research paper will fail English III.

 Any senior who fails to complete product/presentation will fail Senior Internship.

 Students who cannot present their Senior Project Presentation because of death in the family, a medical emergency or a snow day will be rescheduled at the discretion of the Senior Project Team, and should be prepared to give their presentation upon return to school.

 Students absent from school with an excused absence will be rescheduled and will be graded without penalty. All others who do not appear for scheduled presentations will be subject to a minimum of 20% penalty on their presentation grade. (Excused: Legal Document from Doctor, Lawyer, etc.)

 A student who wishes to appeal his/her presentation grade must forward the request in writing to the Senior Project Team within 5 school days of the scheduled presentation. If a student is not satisfied with the written response of the team s/he is entitled to a meeting with the Senior Project Team.


Senior Project Scoring Sheet

Date: ______

Student Name: ______

Project: ______

Research Paper:

English Teacher (Writing) ______(50 %) Add scores, divide by 2 ______(25 %) (a)

Performance Teacher (Content) ______(50 %)


Major Performance Instructor: ______(50 %) (b)


Senior Project Team Average Score: ______(25 %) (c)

Senior Project Grade:

Add sections (a) + (b) + (c), and then divide by 3 ______grade

Your final Senior Project Grade counts for ½ of your Senior Internship Grade.


Written Rubric

New Jersey Registered Holistic Scoring Rubric

In scoring consider the grid of written language / Inadequate Command / Limited Command / Partial Command / Adequate Command / Strong Command / Superior Command
Score / 1
( 1-49) / 2
( 50-59) / 3
(66-69) / 4
(70-84) / 5
(85-94) / 6
Content and Organization /  May lack opening and/or closing.
 Minimal Response to topic; uncertain focus.
 No planning evident; disorganized.
 Details random, inappropriate, or barely apparent. /  May lack opening and/or closing.
 Attempts to focus.
 May drift or shift focus.
 Attempts organization.
 Few, if any, transitions between ideas.
 Details lack elaboration, i.e., highlight paper. /  May lack opening and/or closing.
 Usually has single focus.
 Some lapses or flaws in organization.
 May lack some transitions between ideas.
 Repetitious details.
 Several unelaborated details. /  Generally has opening and/or closing.
 Single focus.
 Ideas loosely connected.
 Transitions evident.
 Uneven development of details. /  Opening and closing.
 Single focus.
 Sense of unity and coherence.
 Key ideas developed.
 Logical Progression of ideas.
 Moderately fluent
 Attempts compositional risk.
 Details appropriate and varied. /  Opening and closing.
 Single, distinct focus.
 Unified and coherent
 Well-developed
 Logical progression of ideas.
 Fluent, cohesive.
 Compositional risks successful.
 Details effective, vivid, explicit and/or pertinent.
Usage /  No apparent control.
 Severe/numerous errors. /  Numerous errors. /  Errors/patterns of errors may be evident. /  Some errors that do not interfere with meaning. /  Few errors /  Very few, if any, errors.
Sentence Construction /  Assortment of incomplete and/or incorrect sentences. /  Excessive monotony/same structure.
 Numerous errors. /  Little variety in syntax.
 Some errors. /  Some variety.
 Generally correct. /  Variety in syntax appropriate and effective
 Few errors /  Precision and/or sophistication.
 Very few, if any, errors.
Mechanics /  Errors so severe they detract from meaning. /  Numerous serious errors. /  Patterns of errors evident. /  No consistent pattern of errors.
 Some errors that do not interfere with meaning. /  Few errors /  Very few, if any, errors

TOTAL: ______

Performing Arts Interdisciplinary Portfolio Writing Rubric (CONTENT)

In addition to increasing writing and research skills, the Senior Project is designed for students to form a connection between academic subject areas and performance. While doing in-depth research, students will see how subjects such as math, science, history, language and English have made an impact on their major. Because of the value of this connection, the Senior Portfolio Team has made it mandatory that each student include information pertaining to no less than 3 of these subject areas. Being creative will be a large part of the assignment. We know our students thrive on creativity; therefore, this should be a breeze.

(MUST BE RELATED TO MAJOR) / Inadequate Command
(0) / Limited Command
(1-65) / Partial Command
(66-69) / Adequate Command
(70-79) / Strong Command
(80-89) / Superior Command
Demonstrates mastery to topic / Demonstrates no critical thinking or mastery of subject. / Demonstrates little critical thinking and limited understanding of topic. / Demonstrates some critical thinking and some understanding of topic. / Demonstrates good critical thinking and some understanding of topic. / Demonstrates excellent critical thinking and understanding of topic. / Demonstrated critical thinking and mastery of topic.
Content is valid and accurate. / Content is incorrect and inaccurate. / Most content is incorrect or inaccurate. / Some errors in content and accuracy. / Minor errors in content and accuracy. / Few errors in content and accuracy. / Content is accurate and it is correctly applied in the paper.
Focus goes deep into topic. / Paper has no focus and no evidence of research. / Paper is broad and superficial with little evidence of research. / Paper shows some focus and evidence of research. / Paper shows good focus and evidence of research. / Paper shows excellent focus and evidence of research. / Paper shows mastery of focus and fully investigated research.
Uses a variety of technical resources. / No sources or works-cited page. / Has less than 4 sources and only 1 type. / Has only 5 sources and/or only 1 type. / Has only 6 sources and/or only 1 type. / Has 7 sources and 2 types. / More than 7 sources are used and/or more than 2 types.
Appropriate use of technical terminology. / No correct uses of technical terminology. / Few correct uses of technical terminology / Some technical terminology used correctly. / Most technical terminology used correctly / Technical terminology is used correctly by the author. / Technical terminology is used correctly and clearly defined.
Comes to a supported conclusion / No conclusion. / Attempts conclusion but not supported. / Conclusion is somewhat supported. / Conclusion is mostly supported. / Conclusion is supported with only a few errors. / Conclusion is fully supported.

TOTAL : ______