Exam Candidate Information
Preparing for your exams
Exam Timetables
- You will be provided with your own timetable and you must check that you have been entered for the correct exams. If you have any exams missing or one that you should not be entered for, please speak to the Exams Officerimmediately and this can be reviewed, alternatively please email
- Your individual timetable will also show the time and date of each of your exams, which room you will be taking your exam in and also where you will be seated.
Exam Attendance
- If you are worried about relying on public transport to get you to school on time, remember that the school opens at 7.00am and the Bistro is open from 7.15am for breakfast.
- In case of traffic incidents or other reasons for lateness, please contact the school office IMMEDIATELY on 01277 286600.
- If unwell, call the school office IMMEDIATELY on 01277 286600 and speak to the Exams Officer.
- Advice will be given on an individual basis depending on the circumstances.
- Full school uniform rules must be adhered to during any exam taken. Details of our uniform policy can be found on our website
- Students can remove their blazer /sweater during exams but must not disturb candidates around them.
- Check the specific equipment required for each subject and each exam.
- Clear see-through pencil cases only
- Use only black ballpoint pens. Simple black biros are best.
- The only drink allowed in the exam room is water. This must be in a clear plastic bottle with any label removed.
- Mobile phones and other communication devices are not allowed in the exam room under any circumstance. There is no right of appeal in a mobile/communication device malpractice decision.
- Equipment not allowed in the exam room: correction fluid such as Tippex, erasable pens, gel pens, blotting paper, notes, calculator cases, instructions or leaflets, bags, coats or food.
- Highlighter pens may be taken into an exam but must not be used in your answers. They can be used to highlight questions, words or phrases within the question paper or questions/answer booklet. You may also use a highlighter pen to highlight extracts in any resource material provided.
- No tattoos, writing or henna is allowed on your hands
- There will be some spare stationery/equipment kept in the exam room but please come prepared to avoid any disruption during your exam
- Where calculators are allowed in an exam, this will be made clear to you in the description of the exam i.e. calc/non-calc. It will also be made clear on the front of the exam paper. If you have any equipment that you should not have (e.g. a calculator in a ‘non-calculator paper’) this must be handed in and secured before entering the exam hall.
Further information
Further exams information is available to you at the end of this information sheet and should be read carefully:
- JCQ Information for Candidates - Privacy notice
- JCQ Information for Candidates - Non-examination assessments
- JCQ Information for Candidates - Written examinations
- JCQ Information for Candidates - On-screen tests
- JCQ Information for Candidates - Controlled assessments
- JCQ Information for Candidates - GCSE coursework assessments
- JCQ Information for Candidates - Social Media
- JCQ Warning to Candidates (this is displayed outside all exam venues)
- No mobile phones poster (this is displayed outside all exam venues)
During your exams
Arriving for your exam
- Please ensure you arrive at the exam roombefore the time your exam is due to start. Being prompt will mean the exam can begin on time.
- Line up in absolute silence when preparing to enter the exam room.
- Obey the exam notices, procedures and rules outside and inside the exam room.
- Exams are overseen by invigilators; they have strict rules and regulations to follow. They may be external or people from within the school that you may recognise. The invigilator for your exam will advise you what to do and when. Please ensure you listen to their instructions about entering the exam room
- You must store your bag in a locker or bag rack before the exam.
- In the unlikely event of a late arrival (public transport problems, car accidents, illness etc.) we will do all we can to help you. Call the school on 01277 286600.
- If we can, we will get you into the exam. However, if you are more than 15 minutes late – we cannot help you. We will stay with you and make the best arrangements we can.
In the exam room
- Absolute silence is required. You will be under exam conditions from the moment you enter the exam room until you are given permission to leave by the invigilator.
- You must listen to and follow the instructions of the invigilator at all times in the exam room.
- You must not communicate with other candidates.
- The exam room will display the following information: centre number, subject title, paper number and the start and finish times of the exam.
- Sit at the designated exam desk with your name label and candidate number. You should already know where you are sitting in the exam room as this information has already been provided with your timetable. If you cannot find your desk, please raise your hand and the invigilator will assist you.
- Be very attentive to the instructions. This is your last chance to sort any issues before the exam starts.
- Check that the correct exam paper is on the desk.
- When instructed to do so by the invigilator, read the instructions carefully and complete the information as requested.
- You are responsible for producing legible handwriting in your exams.
- If you need to get the invigilators attention for any reason, please raise your hand and wait for them to come to you. Do not get up from your desk unless given permission to do so. They can only help with questions about the instructions on the front of the paper, they cannot read any words printed inside the paper to individuals.
- We strongly advise all candidates to use the full amount of time allocated for an exam.
- If there is an emergency during an exam, please follow the invigilator’s instructions.
- Invigilators are trained to spot cheating and if this is found to be occurring during an exam it will lead to instant disqualification from the exam and other sanctions.
Leaving the exam room
- Do not leave the exam room until told to do so.
- Absolute silence is required on exiting and in the vicinity of the exam room
After your exams
Exam results
- Your mock exam results will be given to you on 20th December 2017, before the Christmas holidays.
Exam tips
- Keep an eye on the exams notice board next to the medical room, you will find important exams notices on here and also tips for dealing with exams
- Start your revision earlier rather than later. The best students are already doing 1-2 hours per night and at the weekends.
- Teachers will assist with revision ideas – talk to them!
- Regularly doing past exam questions and papers is the best way to revise.
- Get parents/siblings/relatives to test you on key facts that you need to memorise
- Revise a topic, apply it to some test questions, mark them, revise weak areas. Return to it again another time.
- GCSE Pod is being used successfully for revision by most students.
- Other on-line tools can help, but these are not a substitute for exam question practice.
- Know your exam timetable and get to the venue on time before your exam is due to start.
- Have your exam equipment and uniform prepared in advance of each exam day.
- Get plenty of sleep and eat healthily, especially on the day of your exams.
- If you are struggling to cope with revision, stress and anxiety, please speak to your Exams Officer, teachers or other members of staff.
Dear Lord,
I want to do my best to fulfil the potential you have given me.
Help me:
- to stay calm
- to keep things in perspective and be content with the best I can do on the day
- to look out for my friends who need a bit of encouragement, and
- to always remember that the real test is how closely I can follow in your way.
Keep reminding me of the bigger picture over the next few weeks,
Keep me in your hands when all other hands disappear,
For I am convinced that neither entry requirements nor exam results, neither anticipation nor doubts, neither success nor failure, nor any expectations, neither last minute fears nor anxieties, nor anything else in life, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Please, don’t let me forget it!
Psalm 121
1I look up to the mountains.
Where does my help come from?
2My help comes from theLord.
He is the Maker of heaven and earth.
3He won’t let your foot slip.
He who watches over you won’t get tired.
4In fact, he who watches over Israel
won’t get tired or go to sleep.
5TheLordwatches over you.
TheLordis like a shade tree at your right hand.
6The sun won’t harm you during the day.
The moon won’t harm you during the night.
7TheLordwill keep you from every kind of harm.
He will watch over your life.
8TheLordwill watch over your life no matter where you go,
both now and forever.