Ocean County Association of Substance Awareness Coordinators
Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: 9/17/09______
I. Welcome Approval of previous meeting minutes - Introductions - Attendance. New Attendance Sheets from ASAP-NJ – Nora D’Alonzo facilitating meeting. Jeannie Harnett not present.
New school year and membership dues are being collected today. Discussion re: OCSAC members becoming members of ASAP-NJ instead of OCSAC. This would mean that each member would pay $50.00 and receive 10.00 back from ASAPNJ (and cost $5.00 more that OCSAC membership) and the member would be part of ASAP-NJ and OCSAC. Discussion and concerns were centered on the fact that OCSAC would no longer have any refreshments at meetings if money was not coming in. Pat Healy made a motion to “Leave things as they are. Jon Gaspich, President ASAP-NJ replied that the value of becoming a member of ASAP-NJ is that it strengthens all SACs in the State as we start to fight for the 1,000 to 1 Bill. ASAP-NJ has also been partnering with numerous organizations in the State, i.e., Safe and Drug Free Schools, the NJ DOE, Prevention Network and has most recently been communicating with the US DOE and the ONDCP, advocating for using NJ as a model program of prevention in schools and is waiting for a reply for an invite to the 24th Annual Conference which will be held in New Brunswick in Feb. 2010. Pat Healy rescinded her motion and all in agreement that should an individual OCSAC member wish to take back their OCSAC membership check today and then join ASAP-NJ, he/she may do so through Treasurer, Walt Peters.
II. Guest Speakers
Barbara Sherman – Liaison, Dr. Dora Gassier, Site Director and Nicola McMann, SA Coordinator explained that Adolescent SA and Psych IOP services will begin accepting referrals starting September 28 for Oct. 5 opening. This service will bus a student to the IOP 4 days a week from 4-8 pm and parent would pick student up. There is a mandatory family component. Random UDS and 12-step based program. The Partial psych program will run 4 days per week 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. IOP Psych will run 2:30 – 5:30 pm past week – High Focus Centers – 800- 877-FOCUS or www.highfocuscenters.com
Thank you High Focus for providing Breakfast!
III. Reports
a. Acting President Jeannie Hartnett - Secretary asking all to update their email on list being circulated to assure that distribution lists can be updated.
b. Department of Education - Jon Gaspich and/or Barry Ward – Jon Gaspich spoke w/Gary Vermeire at the DOE re: certs from Substance Awareness Coordinator to read Student Assistance Coordinator changes. Mr. Vermeire states that there is no time limit on sending SACs these changes but they are to continue to operate as student assistance coordinators since law has been passed.
c. Strike Force - Terry Farley - Mr. Farley reporting that heroin in inundating OC. Pat Healey announcing that heroin addicts are using medication Seboxin to mask drug testing for heroin.
d. OC Bd Health / Municipal Alliance Coordinator - Joanne Schuh – distribution of programs going on throughout the county in the next several months:
Healthy Choices – 11/18/09
NJPN conference 3/5/10 – Joanne will let us know times/location for their regular meetings.
Tools for Teens and Parents (up on ocsac.com website)
e. ADACO / CAT- A. Petroni – Joann Schuh reporting – Network Breakfast will be held on Oct. 15 at the Holiday in. Send in your RSVP’s!
f. OC Library – Judy Macaluso – Tools for Teens flyers handed out
IV. Reports
a. State/Fed Regulations - None
b. Web Site - None
c. Treatment
þ Chuck Nichols from Pyramid in Quakertown – gave admissions telephone #
þ Bob Dolan – Running Anger Mgmt program through Youth Shelter – 14 sessions and parents must attend 1st 3 sessions. Call Heidi Harman at: 732-929-0660.
þ Leisha Thompson Preferred Beh Health – Riptide and SAIL are running. Call Leisha: 732-367-1710 or email her at
þ Nancy Zorochin from Princeton House – Their Women’s Program is moving to Hamilton – Trauma, Wellness and Addiction.
þ Pat Healy of Healy Counseling has a grant to provide free SA assessments but it is preferred that only Int. Students be referred and early offenders.
d. Treasurer’s Report – Walt Peters announcing that there is $595.20 in account.
V. New Business
Adjournment (General Meeting and SAC Meeting held together).
I. Elections: Ballots to be given out
Verbal nominations were done.
Nora D’Alonzo, Secretary nominating
Andrea Mangini-Harold for President
Jamie Boccia for VP;
Nora D’Alonzo for Secretary
Walt Peters – Treasurer.
All voted and all approved the above names for 2009-2011 terms.
II. Secretary Report – locations for 09-10 meetings Discussion held and possible meeting places were brainstormed. Andrea will work on place of next meeting. The OC Library has been rented for the following dates but if there is a change, Secretary will notify the Library of the change.
November 11
December 17
January 21, 2010
March 18
May 20
Secretary will revise distribution list and distribute to new officers.
II. Committee Reports - None
III. Old Business - None
IV. New Business - None
Meeting Adjourned. Next Meeting – County Breakfast Oct. 15, Holiday INN
Respectfully submitted
Nora D’Alonzo, SAC
Secretary 2005 – present