/ Hong Kong Institute of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene / / Health, Safety and Environment Office
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology / Health, Safety and Environment Office
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Occupational Hygiene Annual Technical Conference 2017


Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Mak Cheuk Ming

Professor, Department of Building Services Engineering, PolyU

Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Topic: - A study of interunit dispersion in buildings using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Prof. Tse Lap Ah Shelly

MB (Fudan), PhD (CUHK), Dip. Occ. Hyg. (CUHK), ICOH, MHKIOEH

Associate Professor, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care

Topic: - Risk assessment and prediction model for silicosis

Other topics tobe presented in the conference:

Mr Eric So–Exercise Consultation and Prescription Service in Kowloon West Cluster, Hospital

Mr To Mo Tsun Percy –The Need for Occupational Hygiene in Laboratory Safety in China University

Mr Vinay Pathak–Practical Approaches to Selection of Hearing Protection Device (HPD) NRR or SNR or something else??

Ms S.N. Yiu Nicole– Competency Profiles for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Practitioners

Mr Liu Zhiguang - Long-term ambient exposure of PM2.5 and hypertension: Baseline results from PURE-China

Mr Huang Taiyang– Comparison of indices for assessing outdoor thermal comfort in Hong Kong

(The presentations will be in either English or Cantonese. Nosimultaneous interpretation will be provided. The topics are subject to the final submissions from the speakers)

Conference Date:6May2017 (Saturday)

Time:9:00 to 17:15

Venue: N001,Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Conference Fee:

  1. Members of HKIOEH / HKRPS / HKAOHN
/ HK$ 500
  1. Staff of HKUST / PolyU
/ HK$ 500
  1. Others
/ HK$ 650

(The conference fee includes lunch, refreshment and an attendance certificate)

Limited quota would be granted to full-time students studying in occupational and environmental hygiene related programmes in local training institutes/universities. Interested students may apply for the conference at no cost and they are welcome to join all oral sessions as well as the tea receptions (but have to make their own lunch arrangement).

Who Should Attend: Occupational hygienists, occupational physicians, occupational health andsafety practitioners, managers, engineers, safety officers, etc.

Registration:Please complete the attached registration form and mail to HKIOEH with the conference fee.

Deadline:2 May 2017 (Tuesday) (Late submission of application would be charged for a sum of HK$50 per person as administration fee)

Enquiry:Email to the Secretary of HKIOEH ()

or call Karen Yuat2158 5579