ANL11001BA Vocabulary Building -Distance Learning
Instructor: Cserép Attila
Office hours: Thursday 15:00-16:00 and Friday 15:50-16:50
Office: 1/3
Course aim and material
The course will aim to enhance students’ knowledge of idiomatic expressions including phrasal verbs as well as collocations. Many of the expressions will be presented through different types of text, grouped around everyday concepts and topics, and a broad range of exercises will be used to practise the material. There will be occasional discussions of the origin of some expressions.
Recommended dictionaries
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 2013. 4thedition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus. 2015. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 2014. 6th edition. Harlow: Pearson Longman.
Macmillan Collocations Dictionary: for Learners of English. 2010. Oxford: Macmillan Education.
Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. 2007. 2ndedition. Oxford: Macmillan.
Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Leaner’s English Dictionary. 2008. Springfield: Merriam-Webster Inc.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 2015. 9thedition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. 2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Online dictionaries:
Requirements and procedures
Practice will be done with the help of material that students get electronically from the tutor.The practical exercises must be done and returned to the tutor in email as an attachment. Please always include your name and title of the practice handout in the name of your file, e.g. Week1KissEva. You have 7 days to do the exercises and send your answers back.
A test in the material will be written some time in the last week, on a day to be announced later.
Week 1 / 5 I can describe character9 I can describe my emotions
Week 2 / 33 Personal finance
12 I can talk about wealth and poverty
Week 3 / 37 Health and medicine
14 I can talk about driving and journeys
Week 4 / 15 I can talk about eating
16 I can talk about study
Week 5 / HOLIDAY for full-time students
Week 6 / 13 New employment
18 I can talk about business
Week 7 / 27 I can talk about the media
22 Current affairs
Week 8 / CONSULTATION WEEK for full-time students
Week 9 / 31 I can talk about conflict
38 Criminal justice
Week 10 / 40 I can talk about honesty
41 I can talk about competition
Week 11 / 43 I can express criticism
44 I can understand and give advice
Week 12 / 45 I can talk about problems
46 I can describe different attitudes
Week 13 / 47 I can talk about decision-making
48 I can talk about risk-taking
Week 14 / Test