Event XX
An Association of Marketing Students®
Quick Serve Restaurant
Management Series
Support Activities
2000 DECA-Ontario Provincials
QSRM – Event 2
- Explain the types of risk.
- Explain routine security precautions.
- Follow safety precautions.
- Explain the role of promotion.
- Explain the concept of competition.
2000 DECA-Ontario Provincials
QSRM – Event 2
1. The event will be presented to you through your reading of these instructions, including Competencies Evaluated and Event Situation. You will have up to 10 minutes to review this information to determine how you will handle the role-play situation and demonstrate the competencies of this event. During the preparation period, you may make notes to use during the role-play situation.
2. You will give an ID label to your adult assistant during the preparation time.
3. You will have up to 10 minutes to role-play your situation with a judge.
4. You will be evaluated on how well you meet the competencies of this event.
5. Turn in all your notes and event materials when you have completed the role-play.
You are to assume the role of assistant manager for a pizza delivery service called The Pizza Guy. The owner (judge) would like you to analyze the promotional efforts of two competitors and present some ideas about how The Pizza Guy should respond to the competition.
The Pizza Guy was the only pizza delivery restaurant in your area for almost 10 years. The surrounding community provided a solid group of regular customers, and business improved slowly but steadily each year. Word of mouth was always the best form of promotion, but The Pizza Guy also gained exposure through its advertisements in the local high school newspaper and its sponsorship of the high school’s football half-time show.
Last year, two new franchise pizza restaurants opened up. Both have eat-in facilities and both deliver. The Pizza Guy offers pizza by delivery or take out only. Each competitor is also aggressive in its marketing, regularly delivering coupons to area homes. Recently both companies mailed out a magnet with their name and phone number. Whatever one business does, the other is sure to follow suit.
You have noticed that your business has slowed since both of these competitors came on the scene. The situation is frustrating for both the owner (judge) and the employees because you all know that your pizza is truly the best of the three.
The owner (judge) is getting nervous about the competition and its affect on the company’s sales and profits. The business does not budget much money for marketing, but the owner (judge) wants to make sure The Pizza Guy is doing all it can to maximize its business. Any promotional ideas will have to be inexpensive, direct and effective. The owner has asked you to analyze the promotional efforts of the competition and present some ideas on how to respond to their challenge.
You will meet with the owner (judge) in his/her office to present your ideas for dealing with the competition. The role-play will begin with the owner (judge) greeting you and asking for your ideas. The role-play will conclude with the owner (judge) thanking you for your input.
In preparation for this event, you should review the following information with your event manager and other judges:
1. Procedures
2. Competencies Evaluated
3. Event Situation
4. Judge Role-Play Characterization
Participants may conduct a slightly different type of meeting and/or discussion with you each time; however, it is important that the information you provide and the questions you ask be uniform for every participant.
5. Judge’s Evaluation Instructions
6. Judge’s Evaluation Form
Please use a critical and consistent eye in rating each participant.
You are to assume the role of manager of a pizza delivery service called The Pizza Guy. You have asked the assistant manager (participant) to analyze the promotional efforts of two competitors and present some ideas about how The Pizza Guy should respond to the competition.
The Pizza Guy was the only pizza delivery restaurant in your area for almost 10 years. The surrounding community provided a solid group of regular customers, and business improved slowly but steadily each year. Word of mouth was always the best form of promotion, but The Pizza Guy also gained exposure through its advertisements in the local high school newspaper and its sponsorship of the high school’s football half-time show.
Last year, two new franchise pizza restaurants opened up. Both have eat-in facilities and both deliver. The Pizza Guy offers pizza by delivery or take out only. Each competitor is also aggressive in its marketing, regularly delivering coupons to area homes. Recently both companies mailed out a magnet with their name and phone number. Whatever one business does, the other is sure to follow suit.
You have noticed that your business has slowed since both of these competitors came on the scene. The situation is frustrating for both you and your employees because you all know that your pizza is truly the best of the three.
You are getting nervous about the competition and its affect on the company’s sales and profit. Your business does not budget much money for marketing, but you want to make sure The Pizza Guy is doing all it can to maximize its business. Any promotional ideas will have to be
2000 DECA-Ontario Provincials
QSRM – Event 2
inexpensive, direct and effective. You have asked your assistant manager (participant) to analyze the promotional efforts of the competition and present some ideas on how to respond to their challenge.
The assistant manager (participant) will present his/her ideas for dealing with the competition to you in your office. You will begin the role-play by greeting the assistant manager (participant) and asking for his/her ideas. During the course of the role-play, you are to ask the following questions of each participant:
- How will this promotion address our direct competition?
- How will this promotion fit our current image?
- How will this promotion accentuate our strengths?
- What are the costs of this promotion?
When the assistant manager (participant) has made the presentation and has answered your questions, you may conclude the role-play by thanking the assistant manager (participant) for his/her input.
You are not to make any comments after the event is over except to thank the participant.
Evaluation Form Information
The participants are to be evaluated on their ability to perform the specific competencies stated on the cover sheet of this event and restated on the Judge’s Evaluation Form. Although you may see other competencies being demonstrated by the participants, those listed in the Competencies Evaluated section are the critical ones you are measuring for this particular event.
Please note that the Judge’s Evaluation Form has a starred number in the ranking for each evaluation item. This starred number represents a minimum competency level that an employee in your industry should attain so that additional formalized training would not be required immediately.
Evaluation Form Interpretation
The evaluation levels listed below and the evaluation rating procedures should be discussed thoroughly with your event chairperson and the other judges to ensure complete and common understanding for judging consistency.
Level of Evaluation / Interpretation LevelExcellent / Participant demonstrated the competency in an extremely professional manner; greatly exceeds business standards; would rank in the top 10% of business personnel performing this competency.
Good / Participant demonstrated the competency in an acceptable and effective manner; meets at least minimal business standards; there would be no need for additional formalized training at this time; would rank in the 70-89th percentile of business personnel performing this competency.
Fair / Participant demonstrated the competency with limited effectiveness; performance generally fell below minimal business standards; additional training would be required to improve knowledge, attitude and/or skills; would rank in the 50-69th percentile of business personnel performing this competency.
Poor / Participant demonstrated the competency with little or no effectiveness; a great deal of formal training would be needed immediately; perhaps this person should seek other employment; would rank in the 0-49th percentile.
2000 DECA-Ontario Provincials
QSRM – Event 2
2000 QSRM
Event 2
1. Explain the types of risk management?POOR / FAIR / GOOD / EXCELLENT
0, 2 / 4, 6, 8 / *10, 12, 14 / 16, 18
Attempts at explaining the types of risk were unclear or inadequate. / Adequately explained the types of risk management. / Effectively explained the types of risk management. / Very effectively and clearly explained the types of risk management.
2. Explain the concept of routine security precautions?
0, 2 / 4, 6, 8 / *10, 12, 14 / 16, 18
Attempts at explaining the concept of routine security precautions were unclear or ineffective. / Adequately explained the concept of routine security precautions. / Effectively explained the concept of routine security precautions. / Very effectively explained the concept of routine security precautions as it applies to
this situation.
3. Follow safety precautions?
0, 2 / 4, 6, 8 / *10, 12, 14 / 16, 18
Attempts at explaining how to follow safety precautions were weak or ineffective. / Adequately explained how to follow safety precautions. / Effectively explained how to follow safety precautions. / Very effectively explained how to follow safety precautions.
4. Explain the role of promotion?
0, 2 / 4, 6, 8 / *10, 12, 14 / 16, 18
Demonstrated limited knowledge of the role of promotion. / Demonstrated adequate knowledge of the role of promotion. / Demonstrated clear and effective knowledge of the role of promotion. / Very clearly and effectively demonstrated detailed knowledge of the role of promotion for
this situation.
5. Explain the concept of competition?
0, 2 / 4, 6, 8 / *10, 12, 14 / 16, 18
Attempts at explaining the concept of competition were incomplete or unclear. / Adequately explained the concept of competition. / Effectively explained the concept of competition. / Very effectively explained the concept of competition.
6. Overall impression of the participant’s skills and performance?
0, 1 / 2, 3, 4 / *5, 6, 7 / 8, 9, 10
Demonstrated few skills with little or no effectiveness. / Demonstrated limited ability to link some skills effectively. / Effectively demonstrated specified skills. / Demonstrated skills in a confident, articulate and integrated manner that meets the highest professional business standards.
Judge’s Initials TOTAL SCORE
*Starred numbers indicate the minimum level that should be considered in keeping an employee without additional formalized training.