

1.  Asthma Assessment / 85%
2.  Asthma - Pharmacologic Therapy / 80%
3.  Asthma – Spirometry and/ or PFT Evaluation / 80%
4.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
5.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%
6.  Flu Shot within 12 Months in Pt Age 65+ or Asthmatic / 50%
7.  Pneumovax in Patients Age 65+ or Asthmatic / 50%
8.  Rescue Inhaler Prescribed for Asthma / 75%


1.  INR in A-Fib within 30 Days / 70%
2.  INR in A-Fib in Target Range within 30 Days / 65%
3.  Patients with Hypertension - BP Measured within 12 Months / 90%
4.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
5.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Behavioral Health (prescribers: Mitchell, Ragan, Schack)

1.  Pts on Lithium – Annual Creatinine, Thyroid, Lithium Levels (those who prescribe only) / 90%
2.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
3.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%
4.  Suicidality Assessment / 75%
5.  Alcohol and Substance Use Assessment / 75%
6.  Atypical Antipsychotic Use – BMI and /or Weight Measured Annually (prescribers only) / 75%
7.  Atypical Antipsychotic Use–Glucose, Cholesterol, and A1c Measured Annually (prescribers only) / 75%
8.  Primary Care Provider Notification of Behavioral Health Treatment / 75%
9.  Prior Psychotropic Medication History in Children and Adolescents (those who prescribe only) / 75%

Dr. Laudenbach - Form to be put in place after update

Camelia had a note saying “Changes?”

Breast Health

1.  No Open Breast Biopsy / 90%
2.  Markers Placed During Breast Biopsy / 80%
3.  Image Confirmation of Non Palpable Lesions / 90%
4.  SLN Biopsy in Breast Cancer / 70%
5.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
6.  Weight Mgmt Counseling for BMI Outside Parameters within 6 Months / 20%


1.  CAD LDL Past 12 Months / 65%
2.  HF Ejection Fraction Measured / 93%
3.  HF with LVEF < 40 on ACEi or ARB or CI / 80%
4.  Heart Failure Patient Instructions / 55%
5.  HF with LVEF <40 on Beta Blocker / 80%
6.  CAD Patients on a Statin / 80%
7.  CAD BP <140/90 / 60%
8.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Cardiology – EP (Kilaru)

1.  EP – No Pericardiocentesis Following Supraventricular Tachycardia Catheter Ablation / 98%
2.  EP – No Pericardiocentesis Following VT or PVC Catheter Ablation / 98%
3.  EP – No Pericardiocentesis Following Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter Catheter Ablation / 98%
4.  EP – No Infection within 180 Days of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Implantation, Replacement, or Revision / 95%
5.  EP – No Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Complications / 95%
6.  EP – Drug Safety – TSH, LFT, PFT – Amiodarone / 90%
7.  EP – Drug Safety – Renal Function Test – Pradaxa/Xarelto/Eliquis / 90%


1.  Melanoma Follow-up Aspects of Care / 75%
2.  Melanoma Skin Exam within 12 Months / 75%
3.  Melanoma – Coordination of Care / 75%
4.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
5.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%
6.  Drug Safety – LFT’s in Psoriasis Patients on DMARD Therapy (Henderson only) / 85%
7.  Counseling on Sun Exposure within 12 Months / 80%

Digestive Health

1.  IBD - No Corticosteroid Treatment / 75%
2.  DMARDS - Liver Function Testing Annually / 85%
3.  IBD - Corticosteroid-Sparing Therapy / 95%
4.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
5.  HCV RNA Testing in Hepatitis C Patients on Antiviral Therapy / 95%
6.  Genotype Testing in Hepatitis C Patients on Antiviral Therapy (NPP only) / 90%
7.  Smoking Cessation Advised – Patients with GERD Seen within 365 Days / 70%
8.  Scope Withdrawal Time (MD only) / > 6 min

Digestive Health – Hospitalists (Goff, Niemi, Stumm) – pay as a group

1.  Cirrhosis Diet and Diuretics – self report / 90%
2.  Cirrhosis Diagnostics – self report / 90%
3.  ALD – Labs – self report / 90%
4.  ALD Imaging – self report / 90%
5.  ALD – Maddrey Score – self report / 90%
6.  GI Bleed PPI – self report / 90%

Goff has no hospitalist numbers for himself, so he is to receive totals for Stumm and Niemi


1.  A1c < 9.0 / 89%
2.  Clinical Thyroid Examination within 365 Days / 90%
3.  LDL Past 12 Months / 65%
4.  Diabetic Patients on a Statin – Age 40 to 75 Years / 80%
5.  Osteoporosis Screening/Therapy for Women 65-80 Years Old / 68%
6.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
7.  Weight Mgmt Counseling for BMI Outside Parameters within 6 Months / 75%
8.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Endocrinology (Pediatric)

1.  Peds - A1c Past 6 Months / 83%
2.  Peds – Eye Exam Past 12 Months / 60%
3.  Peds - Microalbumin Past 12 Months / 80%
4.  Peds – LDL Past 12 Months / 80%
5.  Weight Mgmt Age 2-17 Counseling for BMI Outside Parameters within 12 Months / 75%
6.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%


1.  Treatment Options Offered for Sudden Hearing Loss / 50%
2.  Consent Documented for Nasal Endoscopy or Flexible Laryngoscopy / 80%
3.  Auditory Status Assessment Prior to Tube Placement / 90%
4.  Assessment of Bleeding History Prior to Surgery / 80%
5.  Assessment of Anesthesia Risk Prior to Surgery / 80%
6.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
7.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Eye Center

1.  Diabetic Eye Exam: Communication with PCP / 94%
2.  No Infection Following Cataract Surgery within 12 Months (Ophthalmologists only) / 98%
3.  Diabetic Retinopathy: Documentation of Presence or Absence of Macular Edema and Level of Severity of Retinopathy / 70%
4.  AMD – Dilated Macular Exam / 65%
5.  POAG - Optical Nerve Evaluation / 75%
6.  20/40 or Better VA Following Cataract Surgery DOS Before 10/1/xx or Before 4/1/xx (Ophthalmologists only) / 90%

Family Medicine

1.  Mammogram Age 50-74 / 83%
2.  Patients with Hypertension – Microalb Measured Ever / 70%
3.  Pneumococcal Vaccine / 75%
4.  A1c Past 12 Months / 92%
5.  A1c < 9.0 / 89%
6.  CRCS – Patients 50 to 75 Years Old / 74%
7.  LDL Past 12 Months in CAD or DM Patients / 75%
8.  DM or CAD Patients on a Statin / 80%
9.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%


1.  Gyn Cervical Cancer Screening Age 24 – 64 / 90%
2.  Endometrial Sampling Prior to Endometrial Ablation / 50%
3.  Osteoporosis Screening/Therapy for Women 65-80 Years Old / 68%
4.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%

Hematology / Oncology

1.  Ferritin Test in MDS on ESAs Past 6 Months / 60%
2.  Vitamin D Supplementation for Patients on IV Bisphosphonate Therapy / 50%
3.  DEXA Scan within 3 Years for Breast Cancer Patients on Aromatase Inhibitors / 75%
4.  Multiple Myeloma (Dx Date > 90 Days) - Treatment with Bisphosphonate Therapy / 80%
5.  Breast Cancer Hormonal Therapy / 60%
6.  Cytogenetic Testing for MDS and Leukemia Patients / 80%
7.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
8.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Infectious Disease

1.  HIV/AIDS: On HAART / 90%
2.  On Truvada - Serum Creatinine Past 6 Months / 70%
3.  CD4 Past 6 Months / 70%
4.  PCP Prophylaxis in Patients with a Low CD4 within 365 Days / 80%
5.  Glucose Testing Past 12 Months for HIV Patients on HAART / 80%
6.  Hepatitis A & B Vaccines Given to HIV Patients with Hep C / 20%

Dr. B is sending note to Dr. Coulston about having his staff research - Hep vaccines are in paper historical records & they are working on getting data into EHR (if only find info on 2 pts, will then meet threshold)

Internal Medicine - Hospitalists (Core Measure metrics reported from hospital)

1.  HF 2 – Evaluation of LVS Function / 99%
2.  PN 6b – Initial antibiotic selection for CAP in Immunocompetent – Non ICU patient / 95%
3.  STK 6 – Discharged on a Statin Medication / 94%
4.  STK 10 - Ischemic Or Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients Who were Assessed for Rehabilitation / 97%
5.  VTE 1 – Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis / 83%

Internal Medicine

1.  Mammogram Age 50-74 / 83%
2.  Patients with Hypertension – Microalb Measured Ever / 70%
3.  Pneumococcal Vaccine / 75%
4.  A1c Past 12 Months / 92%
5.  A1c < 9.0 / 89%
6.  CRCS - Patients 50-75 Years Old / 74%
7.  LDL Past 12 Months in CAD or DM Patients / 75%
8.  DM or CAD Patients on a Statin / 80%
9.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Nephrology – Transplant (Carson)

1.  Transplant patient survival at 1 year / 95%
2.  Transplant allograft survival at 1 year / 90%
3.  Non-Rejection rate at 1 year post-transplant / 80%
4.  Infection surveillance: BK virus PCR urine and plasma ≥ 4 times 1st year post-transplant / 95%
5.  Allograft surveillance: Screen for proteinuria ≥ 2 times per year / 95%
6.  Allograft surveillance: Screen for donor specific HLA antibodies yearly / 95%
7.  Transplant aftercare (all measures must be done to meet metric):
a.  BP check ≥ 90% of visits
b.  Lipid profile once per year
c.  FBS or HgbA1c annually
d.  Referfor Dermatology skin exam or do comprehensive skin exam annually / 70%

Barb e-mailed Dr. Carson 10/29/14 about results for these measures – not yet heard back?

Nephrology (Benedetti & Desmond)

1.  CKD Lab - Calcium, Phosphorus, iPTH Past 12 Months / 80%
2.  CKD III-V – BP Management / 60%
3.  CKD – Hgb between 9.5 and 12 on ESA's / 60%
4.  CKD Patients with DM or CAD on a Statin / 60%
5.  Ferritin Test in Anemia on ESAs Past 130 days / 60%
6.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
7.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Nephrology – Dialysis Doctors (Christ, Jones, Mielke, Musa, Petersen, Sanchez, Singh, Wickre)

1.  CKD Lab - Calcium, Phosphorus, iPTH Past 12 Months / 80%
2.  CKD III-V – BP Management / 60%
3.  CKD – Hgb between 9.5 and 12 on ESA's / 60%
4.  CKD Patients with DM or CAD on a Statin / 60%
5.  Osteoporosis Screening within 3 years or on Osteoporosis Medication – Transplant Patients on Chronic Steroids / 60%
6.  Ferritin Test in Anemia on ESAs Past 120 days / 60%
7.  eKdrt/V 1.2 Fresenius / 90% of pts
8.  Hemoglobin 10-11 g/dL Fresenius / 50%tile
9.  No Catheter rate Fresenius / 50%tile

Nephrology – Dialysis NPPs get #s from provider they help the most (Comstock, Fiola, Hanson, Hedden, Koncz K, Stout)

1.  eKdrt/V 1.2 / 90% of pts
2.  Hemoglobin 10-11 g/dL / Fresenius 50%tile
3.  Albumin 4.0 g/dL / Fresenius 50%tile
4.  Phosphorus 3.0 – 5.5 mg/dL / Fresenius 50%tile
5.  No Catheter Rate / Fresenius 50%tile


1.  Osteoporosis Screening within 3 Years or on Osteoporosis Medication - Pts on Chronic Steroids / 50%
2.  Fall Risk Assessed / 50%
3.  Plan of Care – Falls / 95%
4.  Dysphagia Assessed / 50%
5.  Plan of Care for High Risk Dysphagia / 95%
6.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
7.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Neurology – MS (Yashma Patel)

1.  MS Patients – Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
2.  MS Patients - Yearly LFT & CBC for Patients on Beta Interferon / 89%
3.  MS Patients - Depression Questionnaire / 80%
4.  MS Patients – Fatigue Questionnaire / 80%
5.  MS Patients - Vision Check / 80%
6.  MS Patients – Ambulation Assessment / 80%
7.  MS Patients – Fall Risk Assessed / 80%
8.  MS Patients – Dysphagia Assessed / 80%

Neurology – Epilepsy (Nievera & Cassels)

1.  Folic Acid Education for Women on Anticonvulsants / 66%
2.  Discussion of WA State Driving Laws with Pt with Epilepsy / 66%
3.  Osteoporosis Screening within 3 Years or on Osteoporosis Medication - Patients with Epilepsy / 50%
4.  Smoking Status Assessed / 89%
5.  Smoking Cessation Advised / 70%

Neuropsychology testing - Baldwin

1.  Neuropsychology Pt – Vitamin D / B12 Assessed / 79%
2.  Neuropsychology Pt – Substance Abuse Assessed / 79%
3.  Neuropsychology Pt – Suicidality Addressed / 79%
4.  Neuropsychology Pt – ADLs Assessed / 79%
5.  Neuropsychology Pt – Balance / Falls Assessed / 79%

Neurology – Stroke (Core Measures from Hospital) (Geraghty, Ween, Worley)

1.  Stk 1 – VTE Prophylaxis / 92%
2.  Stk 2 – Discharge on Antithrombotic Therapy / 99%
3.  Stk 5 - Thrombolytic Therapy by End of Hospital day 2 / 93%
4.  Stk 6 – Discharged on Statin Medication / 94%
5.  Stk 8 – Stroke education / 87%
6.  Stk 10 – Ischemic or Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients who were Assessed for Rehabilitation / 97%

Neurosurgery (SCIP Metrics from Hospital) (Demakas, Heller, McClatchy, White)

1.  SCIP Card 2 – Surgery Patients on Beta Blocker Therapy Prior to Admission Who Received a Beta Blocker During the Perioperative Period / 98%
2.  SCIP Inf 1 (OP 6) - Prophylactic Antibiotic Within 1 Hour Prior to Surgical Incision / 98%
3.  SCIP Inf 2 (OP 7) – Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients – Overall Rate / 98%
4.  SCIP Inf 9 – Urinary Catheter Removed on Postop Day 1 or Postop Day 2 with Day of Surgery Being Day Zero / 97%
5.  SCIP VTE 2 – Surgery patients who received appropriate venous thromboembolism prophylaxis within 24 hours prior to surgery to 24 hours after surgery. / 98%
