1 /
Air mass
11 /Occluded front
21Sea breeze
2 / Air pressure
12 / Weather
Land breeze
3 / Climate
13 / Stationary front
Mountain breeze
4 / Run-off
14 / Cloud
5 / Valley breeze
15 / Meteorologist
Water cycle
6 / Condensation
16 / Precipitation
7 / Barometer
17 / Psychrometer
Tropical Zone
8 / Troposphere
18 / Atmosphere
9 / Cumulus
19 / Stratus
10 / Polar Zone
20 / Temperate Zone
The amount of water vapor in the air
1 / A large body of air that has the same temperature and level of humidity throughout
11 / The area in which a warm air mass is caught between two cold air masses 21
The movement of air caused by cool air over the ocean moving toward the land
2 / The weight of the air in an area
12 / The state of the atmosphere at a certain time and place
The movement of air created by cool air over the land moving toward the ocean
3 / The average weather conditions of an area over a very long period of time
13 / The area in which a warm air mass and a cold air mass meet.Neither have the energy to move one another 23
The movement of air caused by cool air sinking and moving down the slope of a mountain
4 / Rain that lands on top of a mountain, travels down to lower ground and joins larger bodies of water 14 / A collection of millions of tiny water droplets or ice crystals
The change of phase from liquid water into a gas
(water vapor)
5 / The movement of air created by the warm air rising and flowing up the slope of a mountain 15 / A scientist who studies weather
The movement of water on Earth that moves between the air, the land, and the oceans
6 / The changing of a substance from a gas to the liquid state
16 / Any form of water that falls from the sky
The measurement of the amount of heat in a substance
7 / Weather instrument used to measure air pressure
17 / Weather instrument used to measure the amount of moisture or humidity in the air
Characterized by a hot climate, and is located near the equator
8 / Layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth, all weather happens here
18 / A blanket of gases that surrounds the Earth
Elevation especially above sea level or above the Earth’s surface
9 / Clouds of middle altitude, large, puffy, and sometimes creative shapes
19 / Clouds of low altitude, they’re thin and stretch out across the sky, and block out sunlight
Ex. Fog 29
Clouds of high altitude, curly, wispy, and made of ice crystals
10 / Characterized by a frigid climate with harsh winter temperatures, located near the poles 20 / Characterized by a seasonal climate, wide range of temperatures, hot and cold