Consultation Feedback
- Introduction
- Key responses page 3
- Detailed responses page 4
- Who we consulted with page 18
- Information collection sheetspage 19
- Contact details page 24
In May 2015 a consultation on the plans for the new EastLothianCommunityHospital took place with the public in East Lothian.
Public events were held across East Lothian. Other group consultation events were also held with a number of community groups. The community group consultation events were targeted at people in the community who would be less likely to attend the public events.
There were two parts to this consultation:
- We asked your views on the draft design plans forthe new hospital as part of the planning process.A report was written giving details of how your feedback influenced the plans for the hospital. This is the Pre-application Consultation Report (PAC). The PAC report was submitted along with the design plans for the new hospital to East Lothian council planning department in October 2015.The PAC report is available online
2. We also asked for your views on specific aspects of the design and use of the new hospital. These were:reception and public areas, quiet space, hospital grounds, how community groups might use the non clinical space ‘out of hours’ and the grounds.
This report contains details of what people said when asked aboutspecific aspects of the design and use of the new hospital.
The summary of responses are below:
You said / We didOpen plan centre reception on entrance / We have designed the facility with one point of access and immediately on entering there will be a manned reception desk
Reflection/memory space / We have created space of the main entrance for a large Reflection Area and an enclosed court yard.
Points of interest for dementia patients / We will include areas within wards for patients to wander, with different and interesting destination points which meet dementia guidance.
Water cooler/fountains / All patient areas will have access to fresh mains drinking water
Outdoor gym, walking, cycling routes, community gardens / The therapies department have an external garden that will be used for patient exercise and rehabilitation. This area also be used by visitors.
It is proposed that there will be routes for walking/exercising around the boundary of the site and linking with the council pathway at the old railway line. These spaces will be open to the wider community as well as staff & patients.
Road screening / Where appropriate there will be bushes and trees to ensure the rurality of the setting is maintained and roads and parking softened.
Hospital Grounds
We asked you what you would like to see in the Hospital Grounds:
You said We said
Reception and public space
We asked you for your views on the reception and public space
“Public space needs to be welcoming and not like an airport like Musselburgh Primary Care Centre”
East Lothian Community Care Forum event
You said We said
Reception and public space continued
You said We said
Reception and public space continued
You said We said
Quiet Room
We asked what you would like to see within a quiet room
You said We said
You said
‘Out of hours’ use of non- clinical areas
“It would be useful to consider use of non-clinical out of hours spaces for a basis for crisis support in East Lothian”
CAPS(Consultation and Collective Advocacy Service) Event
We asked you for suggestions on how the non clinical areas could be used ‘out of hours’ (evenings and weekends)
You said: We said:
Other comments and concerns :
“Odd that there isn’t the need for a minor injuries as Dunbar has tripled in size and the GPs are overwhelmed. Absence of minor injuries doesn’t make sense”
CAPS event
You said Wesaid
Mobile mental health crisis
Other comments and concernscontinued:
You said We said
Other comments and concerns continued
Inpatient facilities
You said We said
Other comments and concerns continued
You said We said
Support services
You said We said
Other comments and concerns continued
Transport and Parking
“It’s not a good service from Musselburgh to Haddington and the bus only goes to the main street. It’s expensive .. £3.50 for one person, so if it was an adult with two children… “
“Access to out of hours is really difficult using public transport.” “You have to see if a neighbour can take you.’ ‘And after 10 o’clock at night there’s no buses.”
First Step Gran’s group event
You said We said
Transport and parking continued
“ If there are lots of older people visiting the hospital people dropping them off will need to park near the door and have time to assist the person to their appointment, possibly with them and return to car”
“Avoid the very long walk from door to appointment as at Musselburgh health centre”
East Lothian Community Care Forum event
You said We said
Who we consulted
Public events
Public events were held in May 2015 in Haddington,, Musselburgh, North Berwick and Dunbar.
An event was held for Third Sector Organisations in June 2015.
Small Group Events
Other group consultation events and workshops were also held with a number of community groups. Feedback from all events and sessions was recorded on feedback forms and/or by the group facilitator. These comments have also been taken into consideration and recorded in Chapter 6 of the pre planning report.
The community group consultation events were targeted at people in the community who would be less likely to attend the public events as follows:
- ELCAP – formerly the ‘East Lothian Care and Accommodation Project’
- Whitecraig / Wallyford Lunch Club
- East Lothian Community Care Forum (ELCCF)
- Stepping Out
- CAPS – East Lothian Consultation and Collective Advocacy Service
- First Steps Gran’s Group
The exhibition comprised pop-up banners that included plans of the proposed hospital layout; a site map, proposed access routes and more information on the services which the hospital will provide.Feedback forms were provided to record comments on the proposed development. These are discussed in the pre-applcation consultation (PAC) report. The NHS provided a separate feedback form and an ‘ideas’ sheet for comments specific to the community use of the hospital. NHS Lothian sought views from the general public, as well as organisations and community groups on how the hospital could be used as a community resource.
GETTING INVOLVED - we need your views!
We wish to make sure that the new hospital facility and grounds are planned so that they are beneficial to you and the local community. We also want to the hospital to be designed in a way that means it can be used a community resource by local people.
In order to do this we need your ideas and suggestions. We are looking for responses from members of the public as well as organisations and community groups.
1. Outside Space - Hospital Grounds - landscaping
How can the hospital grounds be designed to be of benefit to the local community?
Can you think of ways that this could be maintained by the community?
Are you or your organisation interested in helping with the design of the grounds?
Could your organisation take responsibilityfor some of the grounds* for the benefit of the community? If so, how?
*An example might be a community gardening project, outdoor exercise etc
2. Entrance/Public Areas
What would you like to see within the entrance area?
What would you like to see in the public areas*?
*Public areas include reception, waiting area, toilets, entrance
3. Quiet Room
A room has been set aside as a quiet contemplation or spiritual space
What you like to see in this quiet room?
4. Hospital non – clinical space – out of hours
Have you any ideas about howsome of the non clinical areas* could be used out of hours*?
*Out of hours is evenings and weekends. The non clinical areas are: Meeting Rooms, Therapy Space, Waiting Areas etc
Could your organisation use the facilities for the benefit of the community? If so, how?
5. Your Contact details:
Name ......
Organisation (if appropriate)......
Contact details; (email preferred)......
I want to be see feedback on the consultation yes/no
I want to be see newsletters about the development of the community hospital yes/no
Can you take this form to other people or groups yes/no
My organisationcould use the facilities for the benefit of the community? yes/no
Please return to:-
Miriam Anderson
Business and Capital Manager
East Lothian and Midlothian Community Health Partnerships
The Esk Centre
Ladywell, Musselburgh. EH21 6AB
Tel. 0131 446 4816
Mobile. 07980 701310
Please write any comments
or ideas in the space below
The Hospital story board that was taken to all the events.
For any queries about the content of this report, please contact:
Miriam Anderson
Business and Capital Manager
NHS Lothian
The Esk Centre
Ladywell, Musselburgh. EH21 6AB
Tel. 0131 446 4816
Mobile. 07980 701310
Feedback on consultation about newEast Lothian Community Hospital 2015