Diagnostic Polysomnogram
Patient Name: / Snorty McSleeperson / Study Date: / 12/9/2013
Dear.: / Dr. Smarty Pants
Objective Report Data
The patient Snorty McSleeperson underwent an overnight polysomnogram on 12/9/2013. Sleep efficiency was 98.3%. Sleep architecture included 385.8 minutes total sleep time, 24.0 minutes N3 sleep, and 81.3 minutes of REM sleep. The initial sleep latency time was 0.0 minutes.
During the study the patient had a total of 296 obstructive apneas, 0 central apneas, and 36 obstructive hypopneas. This gives an average apnea-hypopnea index of 51.9 per hour (normal is < 5 per hour) with a Supine Index of 70.2. The AHI is the sum of all apneas and hypopneas divided by the total amount of sleep time. No snoring was noted during the study.
There were 0 Periodic Leg Movements with an index of 0.0 per hour.
The average pulse rate during sleep was 92 bpm.
The patient’s SaO2 at the start of the study was 97%. The average oxygen saturation in Non-REM was 92% and REM was 89% and the lowest oxygen saturation was 73%.
Physician Interpretation:
  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
  2. Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep, Asymptomatic.

  1. The patient should return for a complete-night titration to determine the potential effectiveness of this treatment modality.
  2. The patient follow-up with a sleep dentist to get fitted for an oral corrective device, or an otolaryngologist for possible surgery, to treat snoring if clinically indicated.
  3. The patient should return for a consultation with a sleep specialist to correlate the patient’s history with the clinical findings.
  4. Treatment of PLMD with a dopaminergic agent, such as Pramipexole or Ropinirole, if the patient has symptoms of restless legs syndrome.
  5. The patient should be cautioned about factors that may potentially exacerbate snoring and sleep-related problems, such as CNS depressants, especially at bedtime.
  6. The patient should also be cautioned about driving and operating dangerous machinery until the condition is treated and the daytime symptomatology is eliminated.
  7. Weight loss for the ideal body weight range is recommended.
Clinical Code:
  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (327.23).
  2. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder.
I certify that I have reviewed the raw data in accordance with the AASM guidelines for accreditation.
Thank you for asking AXG Sleep Diagnostics to evaluate this patient. Please feel free to discuss the results of the study with me at any time.


Patient Name: / Snorty McSleeperson / Test Date: / 12/9/2013
Referring Physician: / Smarty Pants M.D. / Age: / 37 years
Interpreting Physician: / MD, FAASM, RPSGT / Birth Date: / 11/2/1976
Scoring Technologist: / RPSGT / Sex: / M
Test Description: / DIAGNOSTIC STUDY / Height: / Click here to enter text.
Indications for Test: / Suspected OSA / Weight: / Click here to enter text.
Polysomnography was conducted on the night of 12/9/2013. The following were monitored: central and occipital EEG, electrooculogram (EOG), submentalis EMG, nasal and oral airflow, thoracic wall motion, anterior tibialis EMG, and electrocardiogram. Arterial oxygen saturation was monitored with a pulse oximeter. The tracing was scored using 30 second epochs. Sleep latency was defined as lights out to the first epoch of any sleep (AASM). Hypopneas were scored per AASM definition VII.4.A (4% desaturation). / Sleep Staging Data: /

Lights Out: / 12:12:40 AM
Lights On: / 6:44:58 AM
Total Recording Time: / 392.3 min
Total Sleep Time (TST) / 385.8 min
Sleep Period Time: / 392.3 min
Total Wake Time: / 6.5
Sleep Onset: / 12:12:40 AM
Sleep Efficiency: / 98.3 %
Sleep Latency (from LOff): / 0.0 min
REM Latency (from Sleep Onset): / 85.5
Wake After Sleep Onset (WASO): / 6.5 min
Wake During Sleep: / 6.5
% Wake: / 1.7 %
Sleep Stage / Duration / % Total Sleep Time / Latencies
(From Lights Out) / Min
N1 / 5.0 min / 1.3 / N1 / 103.5
N2 / 275.5 min / 71.4 / N2 / 0.0
N3 / 24.0 min / 6.2 / N3 / 3.0
REM / 81.3 min / 21.1 / REM / 85.5
Respiratory Data:
CA / OA / MA / Apnea / Hypopnea / A+H / RERA / Total
Number / 0 / 296 / 2 / 298 / 36 / 334 / 15 / 349
Mean Dur (sec) / 0.0 / 17.9 / 27.5 / 18.0 / 19.7 / 18.2 / 21.2 / 18.3
Max Dur (sec) / 0.0 / 43.5 / 28.5 / 43.5 / 36.0 / 43.5 / 31.0 / 43.5
% of TST / 0.0 / 22.9 / 0.2 / 23.2 / 3.1 / 26.2 / 1.4 / 27.6
Index (#/h TST) / 0.0 / 46.0 / 0.3 / 46.3 / 5.6 / 51.9 / 2.3 / 54.3
Respiratory Data:
AHI / 92.3 / 41.2 / 51.9
RDI / 93.0 / 43.9 / 54.3
Index (#/hour) / Total
# of Events / Mean duration (sec) / Max duration (sec) / # of Events by Position
Supine / Non-Supine
Central Apneas / 0.0 / 0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0 / 0.00
Obstructive Apneas / 46.0 / 296 / 17.9 / 43.5 / 278 / 18.00
Mixed Apneas / 0.3 / 2 / 27.5 / 28.5 / 1 / 1.00
Hypopneas / 5.6 / 36 / 19.7 / 36.0 / 24 / 12.00
Apneas + Hypopneas / 51.9 / 334 / 18.2 / 43.5 / 303 / 31.00
RERAs / 2.3 / 15 / 21.2 / 31.0 / 8 / 7.00
All Respiratory / 54.3 / 349 / 18.3 / 43.5 / 311 / 38.00

Respiratory Events by Stage and Body Position:

REM Supine / REM Non-Supine / NREM Supine / NREM Non-Supine
# / Index / # / Index / # / Index / # / Index
100 / 102.0 / 26.00 / 69.33 / 211 / 63.3 / 12.00 / 6.89
Body Position Data
Time In Position (min) / AHI/hour / RDI/hour
Supine / 263.2 / 70.2 / 72.1
Left side
Right Side / 129.1 / 14.6 / 18.0
Heart Rate Summary
Average Heart Rate During Wake / 60.2 bpm
Average Heart Rate During NREM / 7.7 bpm
Average Heart Rate During REM / 4.0 bpm
Periodic Limb Movement Data
Total # Limb Movement / 0 / Limb Movement Index / 0.0
Total # PLMS / PLMS Index
Total # PLMS Arousals / PLMS Arousal Index
Total # / Respiratory / Limb Movement / Snore / Spontaneous
REM / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
NREM / 4 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 3
WAKE / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1
TOTAL / 5 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 4
INDEX / 0.8 / 0.2 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.6
Oximetry Data
Average O2 while awake / 94 % / Average O2 while in Non-REM / 92 %
Average O2 while in REM / 89 % / Approximate minimum O2 value / 73 %
Oximetry Distribution
<60 % (min) / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
<70 % (min) / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
<75 % (min) / 0.0 / 0.3 / 0.0 / 0.3
<80 % (min) / 0.1 / 4.3 / 0.5 / 4.9
<85 % (min) / 0.1 / 16.2 / 5.1 / 21.4
<90 % (min) / 0.5 / 36.6 / 26.6 / 63.7
<95 % (min) / 3.1 / 65.4 / 266.2 / 334.7
<0 % (min)
Average (%) / 94 / 89 / 92 / 92
Desat Index (#/hour) / 91.5 / 39.5 / 50.5
Desat Max (%) / 8 / 23 / 19 / 23
Desat Max Dur (sec) / 26.0 / 70.0 / 50.0 / 70.0
Oximetry Evolution

Oximetry Summary
Average (%) / 94 / 89 / 92 / 92
# of Desaturations* / 2 / 124 / 199 / 323
Desat Index (#/hour) / 91.5 / 39.5 / 50.5
Desat Max Dur (sec.) / 26.0 / 70.0 / 50.0 / 70.0
Minimum SpO2 value during sleep: 73%
Minimum SpO2 value duration during sleep: 7 seconds
Minimum SpO2 value associated with a respiratory event: 73%

Snorty McSleeperson / Date of Test: 12/9/2013

Snorty McSleeperson / Date of Test: 12/9/2013