
The practice of teaching personal profile

Introduction to the Practice of Teaching Handbook

Presentation of the Portfolio

Portfolio Checklist


Lesson Plan

Your Practice of Teaching File is a working document requiring regular attention and up-dating. You must therefore ensure that you have your file with you as follows:

  • At all EM40950 and EM50950 taught sessions and all other taught sessions, as required by your lecturers
  • For all meetings with your Professional Development Tutor
  • For all observations and meetings with your mentor
  • For all observations with your Professional Development Tutor


Page No
The Practice of Teaching Personal Profile / 4
Meeting the Standards and Completing Units of Assessment / 5
Introduction to the Practice of Teaching Workbook – Year 1 / 6
Assessing Learning / 7
Presentation of the Portfolio – Year 1 / 8
Introduction to the Practice of Teaching Workbook – Year 2 / 9
Assessing Learning / 11
Presentation of the Portfolio – Year 2 / 12
Rationale for Observed Sessions / 14
Lesson Plan / 18
How to teach an outstanding lesson / 20
Example of the Observation of Teaching and Learning form / 22
The Role of the Trainee / 24
Post-Observation Summary & Targets / 26
Teacher Self Evaluation Schedule / 28
Standards Guidance / 31
SVUKProfessional Standards for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers in the Lifelong Learning Sector / 32
Sample of Standards Completion Document / 62
Profile of Minimum Core of Language, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT / 63
Minimum Core Sources – Publications and Websites / 82
Appendix 1 – Logsheets for at least 60 hours in Year 1 and 120 hours in Year 2 of Recorded Teaching at the Teaching Placement / 84
Appendix 2 – Attendance Record Sheet / 90
Appendix 3 – Initial Subject Audit / 92
Appendix 4 – Targets for Development / 96
Appendix 5 – End of Placement Report
Appendix 6 –Trainee’s Evaluation of Placement
Appendix 7 – LLUK Unit of Assessment Tasks Level 4
Appendix 8 – LLUK Unit of Assessment Tasks Level 5 / 98
Appendix 9 –Module Feedback Questionnaires / 130

The Practice of Teaching Personal Profile

Specialist teaching subject(s)
Location of teaching practice/ work placement(s)
Mentor name, address, e-mail and telephone number
What do you hope to get out of the Diploma in Professional StudiesinPost-Compulsory Educationand Training course?
Do you have any additional needs to enable us to support you on the course?
Previous educational experience
Previous employment experience

Meeting the Standards and Completing Assessment Units

To ensure that you meet the overarching professional standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector, and so that you provide evidence that you have met the requirements of the units of assessment, you should include lesson plans in your portfolio that demonstrate:

  1. you are able to establish ground rules with a group of students
  2. use of ICT and /or other emerging technologies
  3. pedagogy for teaching your subject specialism
  4. feedback from learners on your teaching
  5. assessment strategies
  6. embedding functional skills into your subject specialism
  7. careful selection of appropriate activities
  8. inclusive planning

A series of evaluation tasks is provided in Appendix 10 (Level 4) and Appendix 11 (Level 5) to help you to demonstrate that you have reflected on and evaluated your teaching with respect to these areas and others.

For more information see the Lifelong Learning UK website at:

Introduction to the Practice of Teaching Workbook – Year 1

The Practice of Teaching Workbook is your opportunity to show how you have met the specific and general SVUK Standards through your three observed lessons and assignment EM40950.

You will need to compile a Teaching Practice Portfolio (ONE lever arch file is sufficient) that includes the following in the following order:

Item 1 - Produce a portfolio of work as outlined in the Practice of Teaching Workbook (66%)

Item 2 - Produce a reflective statement / journal reflecting on your learning journey whilst studying on the course (34%)

Item 1 breakdown:Evidence of Teaching

1a.Fourteaching practice observations that include:

  • your rationale for the lesson
  • the lesson plan
  • the completed observer feedback form and post observation targets
  • the lesson self evaluation form.

b.Scheme(s) of work to cover a minimum of 60 hours teaching practice.

c. 10 lessons of at least one hour’s teaching interpreting the Scheme of Work, including resources and evaluation tasks (see Appendix 10, pp109-120).

d. Examples of assessment methods used with your learners, including ILPs or other initial assessments, peer assessments and self-assessments(see over).

2.Evidence of Professionalism

a.Teaching Log

b.SVUK Standards claim (you should be able to claim between 30% and 50%)

c.Three PDT tutorial records

d.Subject Specialism Audit

e.Completed forms from Target Setting Meetings

f. Mid Placement Review

g. A range of the Minimum Core from all sections ofLanguage, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT

h. Absence Record Form

i. Evidence to show you have participated in 10 discussions with peers on


j. LLUK units of Assessment level 4

3.Other evidence to claim Standards

4.Assignments and the pre-course task

Item 2 breakdown: reflective statement / journal

Write a 1,500 word reflective statement on your experience as a teacher in the Post-Compulsory sector. Your statement should include:

  1. A description of your roles and responsibilities in your teaching and learning context.
  2. An analysis of the pedagogy you have developed for teaching your subject specialism.
  1. An outline of how you plan to develop your teaching skills in the immediate future.

Assessing Learning

I have provided evidence of (please tick):

□An Individual Learning Plan or other initial assessment

□Learners’ work I have assessed

□Records of assessed work, including rationale

□Formative assessment, including rationalefor record keeping

□Summative assessment, including rationale

□Examples of peer evaluation

□Examples of self evaluation

□Review and evaluation of a range of assessment methods for my subject

(EP 1.1; EP 1.2; EP 5.1; EP 5.2)

Presentation of the Portfolio Year 1

  1. Name and Site of Study. e.g. City North Campus

2.Contents page

3.Evidence of Reflection

4.Evidence of Teaching

5.Evidence of Professionalism

6.Other evidence to claim standards

7.Subject audit action plan

8.Copies of completed assignments EM40951 and EM40952.


Introduction to the Practice of Teaching Workbook – Year 2

The Practice of Teaching Workbook is your opportunity to show how you have met the specific and general SVUKStandards through your three observed lessons and assignments EM40950 and EM50950.

You will need to compile a Teaching Practice Portfolio (ONE lever arch file is sufficient) that includes the following:

Item 1 – Portfolio 66%

Item 2– Reflective statement / journal 34%

Item 1 breakdown:

1.Evidence of Teaching

a.Fourteaching practice observations that include:

  • your rationale for the lesson
  • the lesson plan
  • the completed observer feedback form and post observation targets
  • the lesson self evaluation form.

b.Scheme(s) of work to cover a minimum of 120 hours teaching practice.

c. 20 lessons of at least one hour’s teaching interpreting the Scheme of Work, including resources and evaluation tasks (see Appendix 11, pp 121 -132).

d. Review and evaluation of a range of assessment methods used with your learners, including ILPs or other initial assessments, peer assessment and self-assessment (see over).

2.Evidence of Professionalism

a.Teaching Log

b.SVUK Standards claim (you should present evidence to claim all of these)

c.Three PDT tutorial records

d.Subject Specialism Audit

e.Completed Target Setting Meetings

f. Mid Placement Review (if appropriate)

g.End of Placement Review

h. Minimum Core of Language, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT

iPlan for your Continuing Personal & Professional Development (CPPD)

j.Absence Record Form

kEvidence to show you have participated in 10 discussions with peers on


l LLUK Units of Assessment Level 5

3.Other evidence to claim Standards

4.Completed Assignments

Item 2 breakdown:

Reflective statement / journal

Write a 1,500 word reflective statement on your experience of working with the curriculum in your learning and teaching context. Your statement should include:

a.An analysis of the curriculum you deliver in terms of curriculum models, issues of equality and diversity, and the effect it has on the learning of both individuals and groups of students.

b.A definition of what you understand by the term ‘the inclusive curriculum’ and a description of how you have enhanced your curriculum in terms of diversity.

Assessing Learning

I have provided evidence of (please tick):

□An Individual Learning Plan or other initial assessment

□Learners’ work I have assessed

□Records of assessed work, including rationale

□Formative assessment, including rationale

□Summative assessment, including rationale

□Examples of peer evaluation

□Examples of self evaluation

□Review and evaluation of a range of assessment methods for my subject

(EP 1.1; EP 1.2; EP 5.1; EP 5.2)

Presentation of the Portfolio Year 2

  1. Name and Site of Study. e.g. City North Campus
  1. Contents page
  1. Evidence of Reflection
  1. Evidence of Teaching
  1. Evidence of Professionalism
  1. Other evidence to claim standards
  1. Copies of completed assignments EM50951and EM50952



Rationale for Observed Sessions

Also available on Moodle at:

Name: / Time:
Venue: / Full/Part time
Observed Session:
1Describe the context in which you are teaching and the needs of your learners
2List the qualities and constraints of the learning environment in which the session is to take place
3Give reasons for the selection of the learning outcomes
4Explain how you think your teaching methods and strategies will engage and motivate learners
5Which theories of learning are relevant to this lesson?
6Explain how you will use ICT and other resources in your lesson
7 Describe how you will assess your students’ learning
8Which methods will you use to evaluate the success of the session?
9Describe how you will address the targets set in your previous lesson observation

Please give this completed Rationale together with the relevant lesson plan to your Mentor

prior to the lesson.


Lesson Plan

Also available on Moodle at:

Date / Year/Group / SVUK & Minimum Core
Context and Overall Aims of Lesson (Why are you teaching this element? How does it fit into the Scheme of Work? What are your overall intentions for your learners for this lesson?)
Assessment Strategy (How will you know if the learning has been successful? How will you measure this learning?)
Resources (How will you use ICT (create resources/Powerpoint/Smartboard); what other resources will you use?)
Learning Objectives / How will you differentiate?
Shared Time Activities (e.g. groupwork, learner centred activities, individual/pair work, differentiated activities?) / How will you safeguard students and address ‘Every Child Matters’ issues? (As appropriate)
Literacy, Numeracy, ESOL and ICT Support
Plenary (How will you open/begin/conclude/summarise your lesson?
Anticipated Problems/Solutions
Review of targets from previous observation:
List: / Actions taken in this lesson to address these targets:


e: /mb/JH/DPS PCET Practice of Teaching 2010

Stage and Timing / Learning and teaching activities / Learning outcomes / Aids and
Equipment / Assessment of learning outcomes / SVUK & Minimum Core Standards


e: /mb/JH/DPS PCET Practice of Teaching 2010

How to teach an Outstanding Lesson

Promoting learning through effective teaching. Ask yourself…

When planning the lesson have you…

  • Provided a detailed and effective scheme of work and lesson plan appropriate for the learning needs of the group and the demands of the subject?
  • Organised the room layout and resources to maximise learning opportunities?
  • Planned for individual learning needs?
  • Provided an appropriate pack for an observer – scheme, lesson plan, ILPs, group/individual profiles, assignment records, evaluation of previous lessons in this scheme, to enable the observer to understand why you have chosen particular strategies etc. (Select as appropriate; do not overdo as this can be counter-productive)

At the start of the lesson do you…

  • Take the register within the first few minutes and record and challenge lateness appropriately?
  • Start with a re-cap of the previous lesson and involve learners in this to consolidate and reinforce learning?
  • Record clear learning objectives or outcomes of the lesson and share these with learners? (They should know what they are there for)

During the lesson do you…

  • Vary teaching and learning activities to:
  • Hold learners’ interests
  • Meet a range of learning styles and abilities
  • Actively engage learners in the learning process
  • Ensure that learners are given clear information and guidance throughout the lesson. (Tell them if you want them to do something such as take notes)
  • Show interest and enthusiasm for the subject and create a positive and constructive atmosphere for learning? (Your manner and approach will inspire or disengage learners)
  • Ensure that the pace of activities is appropriate for:
  • Subject level
  • Stage of course
  • Individual learning needs
  • Manage different learning needs in the group? (Through extension activities, differentiated resources, structured group work activities, varied levels of support etc)
  • Use appropriate teaching and learning resources – including ILT – effectively and creatively to support and promote learning? (Remember, of all the senses, sight has the most impact on learning)
  • Link learning content to previous learning and experience and use topical and vocationally relevant examples to explain and clarify the lesson content?
  • Use effective questioning skills and appropriate assessment activities to regularly review and check learning throughout the lesson? (All learners not just some)
  • Ensure all learners are actively involved in the learning tasks and are working productively and co-operatively on them?
  • Provide clear feedback on progress – written or verbal (as appropriate) – within the lesson?
  • Demonstrate highly effective communication and group management skills appropriate to the age of the learners and level of the qualification?
  • Ensure that all language, resources and learning approaches used, positively promote an inclusive learning atmosphere based on respect for difference and diversity? (see below)

Do you check…
  • Language and terminology – in course material, in what you say and in what the learners do and say?
  • Stereotypical attitudes – oral and written?
  • Gender or racial bias in the organisation or balance of learner contribution?
  • Breadth and appropriateness of assessment activities to ensure that they reflect a diversity of approach to learning?
  • The physical environment and how this might impact on learning?
  • Access and support for learners available within your institution?

At the end of the lesson do you…

  • Review aims/objectives/activities completed?
  • Ask and check what learners have learnt? (Could use a learning diary for this)
  • Check to see if any elements are still outstanding and need to be carried over to the next lesson?
  • Ensure that any homework set is given out? (With written instructions where appropriate)
  • End with a forward look to the next lesson so that learners can see the links and are motivated to attend?
  • Bring the lesson to a clear close?

The role of the teacher is to promote learning.

An outstanding lesson should provide very clear evidence of highly effective learning for every learner in that class.


e: /mb/JH/DPS PCET Practice of Teaching 2010

Observation of Teaching and Learning: Underpinning Grading Standards

Name of Trainee:……………………………… Date:…………………Mentor…………………………………………PDT……………………………….

Areas selected for observation: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (Circle as appropriate)PGCE PCET/DPS PCET

Stage: 1 2 3 / Outstanding
Stage 1: Exceptional Achievement
Stage 2: Outstanding Achievement
Stage 3: Very Good Professional Achievement / Good
Stage 1: Outstanding Achievement
Stage 2: Good Achievement
Stage 3: Secure Professional Achievement / Satisfactory
Stage 1: Good Achievement
Stage 2: Expected Achievement but needs developing
Stage 3: Minimum Achievement / Inadequate
Stage 1:Beginning to Achieve
Stage 2:Needs Attention
Stage 3: Failing to Achieve
Performance Indicator / Grade (please circle) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1. Scheme of work / Comprehensive scheme includes course aims/objectives and sequenced teaching and learning activities, methods, resources and planned assessment. Detailed information which provides excellent insight into planned learning and progress. / Good scheme, which clearly records sequenced teaching and learning activities, methods, resources and planned assessment. Provides a very clear insight into planned structure of learning and progress. / Brief scheme lacking in some detail, but sufficient information to gauge planned outline of teaching and learning activities, resources and assessment. / Very brief or no scheme of work available. Little more than a list of topics.
2. Lesson Plan / Highly detailed – timing, structure and method. Excellent range of activities planned to meet different learning style/needs. Excellent links to scheme. Detailed & informative rationale. / Good, clear structure – identifies resources, and activities linked to different learning styles/needs. Clear contextual links to scheme.
Strong rationale. / Acceptable outline of teaching method, student activity and achievement. Some links to scheme of work evident. Rationale completed. / Sketchy with minimum detail. Insufficient teaching and learning activities or little relationship to scheme. Incomplete rationale (Sketchy).
3. Learning Environment / Learning environment fully exploited to enhance learning. / Learning environment exploited to some extent to enhance learning. / Some consideration into how best to exploit the environment to enhance learning. / No consideration given to exploit the environment to enhance learning.
4. Introduction, aims and objectives / Comprehensive introduction – aims and objectives explained, shared and displayed. Learners demonstrate very clear understanding about learning purposes. / Clear aims and objectives shared with learners at beginning of the session. Learners clear about learning purpose. / Brief, general introduction. Learning aims/objectives basic but realistic in lesson context. Learners generally know what they will be doing. / Little if any introduction. No clear aims and objectives stated or shared with learners. Learners unsure, confused or do not know what they will be doing.
5. Pace and structure of learning / Pace clearly matches subject and learner level. Activities very well-structured and timed to maintain interest and stimulate learning for all learners (buzz). / Pace matches subject and most learners’ needs and level. Most activities well-timed and structured. / Overall pace promotes some learning and interest. Some activities insufficiently matched to learners/subject level. / Activities lack pace/rigour and do not promote learning. Learners lose interest and concentration at some points. Many learners not stretched or over-challenged or confused or struggling to understand.
6. Identification and support of individual learning needs / Highly effective identification of individual learning needs through use of learning style analysis/ILP or other means/ initial and diagnostic assessment techniques.
Excellent support provided through differentiated resources and activities – extension work, structured group/individual work and in-class customised support (as appropriate). / Good identification of individual learning needs through learning style analysis/ILP or other means/ initial and diagnostic assessment techniques. Good individual support evident through development and use of resources, activities and support in lesson (where appropriate). / Some identification of individual learning needs through learning style analysis/ILP or other means/ initial and diagnostic assessment techniques. Some individual support evident through development and use of resources, activities and support in lesson (where appropriate). / Insufficient or no identification of individual learning needs. Little evidence of learning style analysis/ILP or other means/ initial and diagnostic assessment techniques. Insufficient or no support of individual learning needs in lesson – resources and activities insufficiently developed or amended to meet different learning needs or level and/or insufficient support in class even though clearly needed.
7. Skills for Life – key/basic skills- identified and cross referenced / Highly effective embedding of skills for life in planning, delivery and resources. / Effective embedding of skills for life in planning, delivery and resources. / Some embedding of skills for life in planning, delivery and resources. / Insufficient or no effective embedding of skills for life in planning, delivery and resources.

8. Learning Methods

/ Excellent range/creative approaches used to maximise learning and involve learners; highly appropriate for subject. / Good range of learning methods used to engage learners and promote learning. / Limited range but teacher makes some effort to vary approach and involve learners. / Too much emphasis on “chalk and talk” Insufficient variety and involvement of learners. Learners are passive and disengaged. Teacher makes little (or no) attempt to match teaching methods to subject or learner needs.

Name of Trainee:……………………………… Date:………………… Mentor……………………………… PDT………………………………. Placement …………………………………………… PCET