Lecture/tutorial Observation Checklist (Structured comment)

Criteria / Comments
·  Learning Design
·  Structures learning experiences to assist student understanding, e.g.
·  Identifies expected learning outcomes
·  Provides a clear overview of the lecture/tutorial
·  Presents material in a way that it is clear and logical to students
·  Summarizes key points and links to next/future learning experiences / disagree disagree agree agree
strongly somewhat somewhat strongly
·  Arouses learners’ curiosity, e.g.
·  Encourages student involvement/curiosity through problem based questions/activities
·  Varies the presentation of material to maintain interest
·  Uses real world stimuli
·  Challenges assumptions / disagree disagree agree agree
strongly somewhat somewhat strongly
·  Designs learning experiences which cater for diversity among the student group, e.g.
·  Plans a variety of engagement activities / disagree disagree agree agree
strongly somewhat somewhat strongly
·  Builds bridges between teacher understanding and student learning, e.g.
·  Connects with tasks from previous tutorials/lectures
·  Uses examples, case studies and/or additional resources to illustrate concepts
·  Checks student understanding, e.g. uses ‘clickers’ etc. / disagree disagree agree agree
strongly somewhat somewhat strongly
Student Engagement, e.g.
·  Builds active learning experiences into the plan
·  Opportunities are provided for students to engage in the learning experience (e.g. ask questions, discuss with neighbour, etc.)
·  Input and feedback is sought from students / disagree disagree agree agree
strongly somewhat somewhat strongly
Presentation skills, e.g.
·  Voice can be clearly heard, varied, appropriate speed
·  Uses voice/non-verbal cues to convey energy and enthusiasm
·  Non-verbal communication (eye contact with the whole audience, body posture, movement)
·  Media well integrated into the session:
̶  selected media add value to students’ learning
̶  PowerPoint slides (if used) do not dominate
̶  good skills demonstrated with chosen media / disagree disagree agree agree
strongly somewhat somewhat strongly

Adapted from Source: Nash, Barnard, Bolt, Shannon, McEvoy, Rochester & Waters (2013)